The most fundamental seems fickle.

Health is the greatest possession.

Yielding is the manner of the Way.

Conduct your triumph as a funeral.

Be merciful, moderate, and modest.

What can be shown, cannot be said.

Work makes a callus against grief.

Freedom is participation in power.

True nobility is exempt from fear.

Taxes are the sinews of the state.

Money is a poor man's credit card.

All media work us over completely.

In abundance prepare for scarcity.

Judaism is an historical religion.

I am not my own light unto myself.

Forgiving presupposes remembering.

Faith has need of the whole truth.

Ideas are the source of all things

Man was not made for himself alone

Your dog is your only philosopher.

God is truth and light his shadow.

Wine fills the heart with courage.

Science is nothing but perception.

Our need will be the real creator.

God built the universe on numbers.

Anything you can do, I can do meta

No man ever became wise by chance.

The sun shines even on the wicked.

All cruelty springs from weakness.

The Germans, a race eager for war.

To be everywhere is to be nowhere.

To the stars through difficulties.

Unjust rule does not last forever.

Expediency often silences justice.

Fear drives the wretched to prayer

Money has yet to make anyone rich.

Unjust dominion cannot be eternal.

Fire destroys that which feeds it.

The world is God's language to us.

The only great spirit of our time.

To harm another is to harm oneself

All thinking begins with wondering

Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.

The warm love has the coldest end.

My standpoint is armed neutrality.

Nature conserves, prefers novelty.

Thought is the parent of the deed.

Necessity dispenseth with decorum.

A man perfects himself by working.

History, a distillation of rumour.

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