Quotes of All Topics . Occasions . Authors
The cinema is a place of intrinsic indiscernibility between art and non-art.
The only serious side-effect of # marijuana is that you might get arrested.
We must be careful that the business we build does not become mere busyness.
The religious idea of God cannot do full duty for the metaphysical infinity.
It is not I who have lost the Athenians, but the Athenians who have lost me.
...Fatherland without freedom and merit is a large word with little meaning.
Not to unlearn what you have learned is the most necessary kind of learning.
The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead.
A true disciple shows his appreciation by reaching further than his teacher.
The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.
Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.
It is best to rise from life as from a banquet, neither thirsty nor drunken.
No one will dare maintain that it is better to do injustice than to bear it.
A change in the shape of the body creates a change in the state of the soul.
Quid quid movetur ab alio movetur"(nothing moves without having been moved).
A man can surely do what he wills to do, but cannot determine what he wills.
People of Wealth and the so called upper class suffer the most from boredom.
Anyone can squash a bug but all professors of this world couldn't build one.
Every human perfection is linked to an error which it threatens to turn into
In reading, the mind is, in fact, only the playground of another's thoughts.
As to the mental essence, we find it in infants devoid of every mental form.
Yet nature cannot be contravened, but preserves a fixed and immutable order.
We grow a little every time we do not take advantage of somebody's weakness.
Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact.
Next to worry probably one of the most potent causes of unhappiness is envy.
Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power.
Unrestricted nationalism is, in the long run, incompatible with world peace.
Obscenity is whatever happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate.
The whiter my hair becomes, the more ready people are to believe what I say.
As men begin to grow civilized, they cease to be satisfied with mere taboos.
A world without delight and without affection is a world destitute of value.
Well, there are many religions, but I suppose they all worship the same God.
We believe, first and foremost, what makes us feel that we are fine fellows.
We do not really think, we are barely conscious, until something goes wrong.
Every animal is related to its own constitution and the consciousness of it.
Pleasure and pain are the only springs of action in man, and always will be.
Keep it simple and focus on what matters. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed.
We are so busy doing the urgent that we don't have time to do the important.
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.
It doesn't make a difference how gradually you go so long as you don't stop.
The way out is through the door. Why is it that no one will use this method?
A man without persistence will never make a good shaman or a good physician.
The really faithful lover of learning holds fast to the Good Way till death.
Those who break down the dikes will themselves be drowned in the inundation.
I live in a very small house, but my windows look out on a very large world.
Even four harnessed horses cannot bring imprudent words back into the mouth.
To study and at times practice what one has learned, is this not a pleasure?
The capacity to produce social chaos is the last resort of desperate people.
Marriage is a commitment for life. It is a permanent, lifelong relationship.
There is no problem in human life that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot solve.