Who hath not courage to revenge will never find generosity to forgive.

Things of which there is sight, hearing, apprehension, these I prefer.

People ought to fight to keep their law as to defend the city s walls.

The slaves of developed industrial civilization are sublimated slaves.

Probability fractions arise from our knowledge and from our ignorance.

The final arbitrator in philosophy is not how we think but what we do.

If you do good in secret, Allah will shower His good on you in public.

To be happy is not the purpose of our being, but to deserve happiness.

Three things tell a man: his eyes, his friends and his favorite quotes

I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief.

If you want to change society then you must tell an alternative story.

There is no greater distance than that between a man in prayer and God

Every man has a right to risk his own life for the preservation of it.

All of my misfortunes come from having thought too well of my fellows.

If there wasn't a God we would have to invent one to keep people sane.

Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well.

Definitions would be good things if we did not use words to make them.

Accent is the soul of language; it gives to it both feeling and truth.

To try to conceal our own heart is a bad means to read that of others.

Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal.

You must be afraid, my son. That is how one becomes an honest citizen.

Uncalled-for aggression arouses the hatred of the civilian population.

The thirst for vengeance was the beautiful nature which Homer imitated

The result of the educative process is capacity for further education.

Inference is always an invasion of the unknown, a leap from the known.

Education must be understood as growth, or the facilitation of growth.

A society regulated by a public sense of justice is inherently stable.

Pleasure and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends.

Everything must be free to be written and published without restraint.

The pleasure of authenticity exists only against the grain of society.

Money degrades all the gods of man and converts them into commodities.

Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a Socialist tinge.

Science may be described as the art of systematic over-simplification.

Philosophy only seems to offer endless dispute, with no cakes and ale.

Conquering others requires force. Conquering oneself requires strength

If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart.

There was something that finished chaos, born before Heaven and Earth.

He who treasures his body as much as the world can care for the world.

Scientific criticism has no nobler task than to shatter false beliefs.

You might say that certain words are only pegs to hang intonations on.

Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.

What society does to its children, so will its children do to society.

There is no duty more indispensible than that of returning a kindness.

If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it.

There is sufficient reward in the mere consciousness of a good action.

Let us drink for the replenishment of our strength, not for our sorrow

All places are filled with fools. [Lat., Stultorum plenea sunt omnia.]

The greatest incitement to guilt is the hope of sinning with impunity.

What fervent love of herself would Virtue excite if she could be seen!

Justice is the set and constant purpose which gives every man his due.

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