I'm more comfortable inside the car than I am anywhere else.

Winning takes you to that next level of being a bigger star.

What is golden is miles under your belt, miles, miles, miles.

Money and fame? I never had it, don't really know if I want it.

I like the challenges we face in the future. That motivates me.

The only thing that happens if you wait, is that you get older.

People like things that change. They don't like stagnant things.

If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.

I closed my eyes, held my breath and then everything went black.

I've been on the side of it where you have bad luck and slow cars.

The crashes people remember, but drivers remember the near misses.

If things don't seem out of control, you're not going fast enough.

Once you've raced, you never forget it...and you never get over it.

If you ain't trying to cheat a little, you ain't likely to win much.

If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.

I wish we could be 100% shielded from danger, but nothing is in life.

I don't know if it was much of an interview. We just shot the breeze.

You do the best you can with what's thrown at you, then you try again.

Anybody who can drive and doesn't come out of it a rich man is a fool.

I wanted to have a career that would last a hundred years if possible.

If there are 10 people there, two or three are going to recognize you.

What I have to do from here is I have to do the best I can to carry on.

Truth is multi-dimensional; it depends on the perspective you view from.

I let people draw their own conclusions about my similarities to Dale Sr.

If you think you're always in control, then you're not going fast enough.

Young drivers are supposed to be hard on equipment. That's how you learn.

When you start thinking you may get hurt, it's time to get out of racing.

The best way to make a small fortune in racing is to start with a big one.

I never personally name anyone. I am not comfortable rating other drivers.

Perseverance: Try and try again until the goal is achieved. Never give up.

I sometimes need to be smarter, but that's not going to change how I drive.

Unfortunately, we don't educate drivers enough to be respectful on the road.

You're safer in the race car than you are in cars going to and from the track.

Racing is dangerous, but I've been in a lot worse situations as a pipe fitter.

God experiences Life through each of us, and we experience Life thanks to God.

I didn't miss out on a family life because of racing. I had one because of it.

When I first started racing, my father said, "Win the race as slow as you can.

In every aspect of life, have a game plan, and then do your best to achieve it.

Every NASCAR driver watches Formula One in the morning; they are well informed.

I will always enter a race car from the left side. Always. Why? I have no idea.

If you're so afraid of failure, you will never succeed. You have to take chances.

If a neighbor is killed in a car accident, do you sell your car and stop driving?

It makes great conversation to discuss what's wrong with open-wheel racing today.

No one wants to quit when he's losing and no one wants to quit when he's winning.

It's not supposed to be easy. It's not supposed to be driving down the interstate.

I've qualified second I don't know how many times. Qualifying isn't my strong suit.

I count my blessings every day, quite honestly, because I take nothing for granted.

Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal.

If you weren't on Chris Economaki's radar screen, you probably weren't on anybody's.

I'm going to quit when I feel like I'm not having fun anymore or I'm not competitive.

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