I definitely don't ever want to burn out at my job.

I love cover songs, but I always mess up the words!

The juices never stop flowing. I still write songs.

It is hard to resist a flatterer who gets it right.

It's getting harder and harder to worry needlessly.

I cultivate my garden, and my garden cultivates me.

When there's fear people act out in desperate ways.

I'm into music for all different sorts of purposes.

Learning to love yourself, is the greatest love all

Fans aren't just fans... they're part of my family.

Give it up for the process that leads to childbirth!

Product 1' was really my introduction into the game.

Girls only say I hate you to the guys that they love

I feel I can really relate to a lot of young people.

If you can't live it down, might as well live it up.

When it came to rock, I was always drawn to guitars.

I had a CrossFit trainer for two weeks. I fired him.

I stand proud, but I never said my pledge allegiance

Money, celebrity and power can be very intoxicating.

To me, redneck is a sense of self and a way of life.

Everything I see, I now see through a mother's eyes.

Love wins. Sleep is a healer. Loved ones are sacred.

The minute hand moves faster than you think it does.

I knew how to die. It was the living that scared me.

Country music has always sort of been country music.

If you're not polarizing, you failed, in my opinion.

My parents are private investigators for God's sake.

My mom always says I cut my teeth on the church pew.

Don't mess with our fans or we'll come and find you.

A rule that cannot be bent will certainly be broken.

God answers first the prayers we should have prayed.

I don't think there's any substitute for experience.

I waste a lot of money buying the same pair of shoes.

My goal is a Grammy so my songs will have to be good.

My idea of a romantic night is to watch action films.

Life aint always beautiful, but its a beautiful ride.

My daughter is a redneck woman, she's a redneck girl.

I've learned how my own perfectionism can cripple me.

Less is more! I don't wear makeup if I don't have to.

Sometimes it feels like my life is just one long day.

We love it where we from, but we kick it where we at.

Don't get me wrong, I love my first two albums a lot.

When I have time off, all I want to do is do nothing.

Where the loser saw barriers, the winner saw hurdles.

So often our greatest triumph is a willing surrender.

Wherever a mom goes, a prayer has been already there.

Never use the passing years as an excuse for old age.

I have a rough idea when I walk into a studio though.

I prefer to date younger girls to be more protective.

Nothing scares me. Nothing actually shocks me anymore.

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