I'm not there to impose my religious beliefs on anybody, or say 'this is the only way you should think'. It's up to you to decide, and God is a God of free will.

There are some people who don't believe in entertainment if you're a Christian artist. But I think it's a good thing for it to be entertainment at the same time.

I am a conservative type of person, so sometimes when I'm chilling with myself, people always come ask me, 'What's wrong with you? What are you wondering about?'

I've got a good man. He takes care of me. I don't have to be scared of anything because I know he will kick every ass... disrespect him and you've got a problem.

I always felt out of place. I wasn't a cool kid, but I wasn't a nerd, either. I had trouble finding my place. But when I found the music, I had a place of my own.

I just want everybody to be respected. It shouldn't be politics because for me it's not, one of the most natural things in our society should be to be respectful.

Initially I started writing because I felt like I didn't fit in. I just moved to a new school and I felt quite lonely. I think that's where it all started for me.

It's not a diet, it's a way of life that teaches you better skills. For years, I felt like I could never have ice cream, but now I can eat ice cream occasionally!

I used to sing in the church choir. People would say it was unusual for such a small girl to have such a big voice. They would say, 'She sounds like she's grown.'

Embrace it. Especially because of the lives we live, a lot of times other people have to care for [our kids] and you have to have that mommy time, Get your sleep!

You can't un-have an experience. You can deny the experience; you can process it and try to get through it, but you can't change the fact that it happened to you.

Me and my band, we love playing live, and I think it shows. We have one of the better live shows in the state, and I think it's because we just love playing live.

There's room for everyone. There's room for pop country, for 'rock & roll' country, for stone-cold country, and everything in-between. Great music is great music.

I feel like I've figured out the way that I can talk about things that are important to me and have my music and the way of performance be healing and be helpful.

My own perception was that although it kind of sucks to be stuck in a contract you signed a long time ago, when you're having success, it gives you some leverage.

Negro music and culture are intrinsically improvisational, existential. Nothing is sacred. After a decade, a musical idea, no matter how innovative, is threatened.

It just makes you a better artist when you're with people who are great artists themselves. Being around Kanye, soaking up all the knowledge, all the stuff he got.

My biggest thing is banana pudding, but it's the devil! So no one is allowed to bring it into my house. Because I can't control myself. So why put it in my domain?

I'm a perfectionist and I can kill songs because I analyze them too much. For me it takes awhile because I like to do it and then step back and listen and observe.

Sometimes love is so intense that it turns into this gray area that borders on hate. That's what happens when the people you love have that type of power over you.

Look at Loretta Lynn. Look at Jeannie C. Rily singing 'Harper Valley PTA' and Tammy Wynette singing about divorce. They were ahead of their times in a lot of ways.

Damn, I can't wait until it get dark, So I can light these fireworks up at the park, And celebrate my independence, It's the 4th of July, but I ain't got 10 cents.

That's the great paradox of living on this earth, that in the midst of great pain you can have great joy as well. If we didn't have those things we'd just be numb.

We are so much more powerful and important than we realize. In each moment that we connect with another, we have the opportunity to etch a memory into their heart.

No one who has experienced facing a screaming, boiling, hysterical audience can avoid feeling shivers in the spine. It's a thin line between celebration and menace.

I can't see any separation between my music and my life. I play pretty much race music: its about what happened to my father, to me, and what can happen to my kids.

Of course, with showbiz there's a lot of negative things, along with the positive, and it's just what you choose to focus on. And I choose to focus on the positive.

Extreme exercise doesn’t save you from poor food choices. It can be difficult to exercise and erase away that chocolate cake or pizza pie. It doesn’t work that way.

The fun thing about 'Chicago' is that there's so much dance and, very specifically, Roxie. So you might see a little bit of Roxie on the Sugarland stage. Who knows.

I really think that's what music and art is about. It's another way to connect to the divine. It's a real pure way of touching that deeper reality beneath our life.

Like anybody else of my era, I listened to a whole lot of Michael Jackson. I guess I was probably inspired by the way he danced, and the way he sang, and his image.

Any tragic memory I have I also think is really funny. On any given day, I can think about how horrible something is and also how ridiculous and over-the-top it is.

I'm a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and they will buy every CD that I have released, but they don't me just to bring the instruments much into the church.

The only way to find that territory is trying to keep your mind constantly open. That's the only way that you're ever going to see the sort of signs of where to go.

We've got great fans that rock and roll won't have, because you can have a one-hit record and country music used to, not so much anymore and you have a fan forever.

In grammar school some of the girls had problems with me. My face was too light. My hair was too long. It was the black-consciousness period, and I felt really bad.

In the beginning, I was searching for myself in my music. My music was for me. I didn't have the mental room to be conscious of the listener; I wrote to save myself.

Most of my rings are not expensive at all; they're just things that remind me of people that gave 'em to me. And they all have their own stories, their own meanings.

It's real easy in a lot of businesses for your head to swell up, and you become somebody else. So that's one of my main goals in the business - to continue to be me.

If I ever did cross over I would like to do it tactfully. I don't want to offend anyone in country. Can you have the best of both worlds? I sure like the idea of it!

I had to tell about my colonic, which expresses the fact why I'm so neat today as opposed to a few years ago. I never knew that the weight made that much difference.

Ladies, if you want to know the way to my heart... good spelling and good grammar, good punctuation, capitalize only where you are supposed to capitalize, it's done.

One of the biggest lessons is to keep your feet on the floor. Just keeping grounded and not really getting above yourself and always trying your best to be yourself.

You have to write badly to write at all. If it's crappy, I will rewrite it later. But it will be mine. You can hear the resonance of an artist who goes into herself.

He does all research now, but he put me on some medication, Zoloft, and, I tell you what, a lot of people have had pros and cons about it, but it was my wonder drug.

I probably bring four dresses on the road and rotate those. I always wear something light when I go onstage because I move around a whole lot. It's a sweaty business.

I was a big fan of Jim Hall as well. I liked his comping style, his accompanying. And that he played, generally, four note chords, the top four strings of the guitar.

It's what everyone is after, I mean they want success and when they get it it's an incredible pressure but what you have to do is try to keep the big picture in view.

Every song I write is autobiographical and is about people, and that's one of the things that gets complicated. You have to decide where's your place as a songwriter.

A lot of times your best sales rep, that A++ player, kills it on a regular basis...but can never describe how they do it. They look at sales as an art, not a science.

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