Therapy is about every kids nightmare when people are telling you that you need to get help but all you really want is a hug.

In the studio, I always put on National Geographic for inspiration. Looking at lions eating gazelles, all that type of stuff.

Every bit of joy in my heart, you know, every smile on my face is yours. It's awesome to be able to share that with somebody.

I've learned a lot about my voice, and about things I can do with it. Maybe that's why my sound has become a little more pop.

I mean, I would love to see the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, dressing up in a more cosy way, if she feels like doing it.

If people really want to know whether I am a woman or transsexual, I take it as a compliment. It means I'm doing my job well.

I always thought I'd be the one to go first. The world might be mourning an Everly Brother, but I'm mourning my brother Phil.

The Grammy is the highest honor in music that we can receive, outside of having fans come and watch you every night and clap.

I'm interested in living more of a life that's invisible to everybody and more vibrant to a fewer people that are in my life.

My mom was always saying: 'Be whatever you want to be, but stick with it. Don't waver. Don't change who you are for anybody.'

The artist uses the talent he has, wishing he had more talent. The talent uses the artist it has, wishing it had more artist.

Sometimes I wonder — if I were drop-dead handsome, and every woman I met actually dropped dead, would I ever get tired of it?

My quest for cosmic understanding is a book I have picked up and put down many times, always forgetting to insert a bookmark.

I am the most jealous boy in the world, when I'm with my girlfriend. I always kiss her so that the other guys know she's mine

Little Things isn't about anyone in particular, it's about all girls. You're all beautiful and you need to hear it more often

I thought I had a type but I don't really have a type anymore. I just look for a girl who doesn't take herself too seriously.

Some sell their soul for the easy road. The devil's always buying. I can't count the ones I've known who fell right into line.

Looking back, we had the hard time, but the privilege, of actually coming up playing biker bars and little bitty college bars.

Music that is created with the primary aim of impressing other musicians fails to connect with the vast majority of listeners.

Remember: In the end, you're not living to impress your friends or your relatives or your coworkers. All of life is for Jesus.

Being against the military because you are against war is like being against the Fire Department because you are against fire.

I am a sports fanatic and being able to perform at halftime for the fans of the Steelers and the Jets is such a thrill for me.

I've figured out my learning curve. I can look at something and somehow know exactly how long it will take for me to learn it.

Really connecting with someone and maybe opening their mind a little bit, is such a cool thing to be able to do through music.

How life teaches us, breaks us, rewards us, and tears us apart... how it lifts us up and brings us down... the wonder of life.

Usually, like, anyone that would adopt, like, 'masc,' period, to describe them - it's a very phony, stereotypical masculinity.

I started playing in bars when I was about 15 years old, and there are things that I saw early on that really shaped who I am.

As I may or may not say to the Lord on Judgment Day, "You ask a lot of questions for someone who has so much explaining to do"

What we seek in the end is not unconditional love but a love for which we, uniquely in all the world, meet all the conditions.

In childhood, we press our nose to the pane, looking out. In memories of childhood, we press our nose to the pane, looking in.

We all know the part of us that needs to be harnessed. It takes someone else to know the part of us that needs to be set free.

There is always a perfectly good excuse, always a reason not to. The hardest freedom to win is the freedom from one's excuses.

I’ve concluded, after many years, that my mind works by process of elimination. Problem is, it hasn’t eliminated anything yet.

Sometimes I worry I'm not going to be the best parent because if my baby gets a skin fungus I might sell him at a garage sale.

There’s 3 types of fans. There’s the ones that scream, the ones that want to talk to you and the ones that don’t speak at all.

You're not challenging anyone else but yourself. I'd like to have a 300-pound bench, 500-pound deadlift, and a 400-pound squat.

Surrounding yourself with good people makes you feel better about yourself, making them strip tease makes you feel even better.

I'm always so overly transparent that sometimes I'm like, damn, am I saying too much? Should I say this? Should I not say this?

I'm not perfect, I just do what I think is right. So if I can't fulfil people's expectations, I'm sorry, but it's not my fault.

I've never listened to an album once I've finished it. All I hear is what I should've done different. I beat myself up over it.

I'll let her go. I won't let her go. I have to let her go. I can't let her go. I can let her go. I don't... want to let her go.

I was always running off to the city, whether it was Philly or New York, going somewhere where there was something more for me.

Many times we say Jesus is first in our life, and i get that, but Jesus should not be first, He should be center of everything.

A man's got two shots for jewelry: a wedding ring and a watch. The watch is a lot easier to get on and off than a wedding ring.

I didn't want the easy kind of love, I wanted the crazy love, the kind of love that created and destroyed all at the same time.

Music can be such a vulnerable thing, so when you're delivering a vocal or writing a piece of music, it's easy to get sideways.

OK, here's a little bedroom tip: Put a bag of popcorn in the microwave beforehand. That way when you're done, you have a treat.

I feel like if you turn on country radio, you will find something you'll love because it's so diverse.And that's a great thing.

I don't think I've actually ever had cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. I've had the Steak Diane. I don't like cheesecake!

There are times when two people need to step apart from one another, but there is no rule that says they have to turn and fire.

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