I played at my church every once in a while, but that's not a good gauge, because everybody loves you at your church.

From our music in general, we've always fought the idea that we had to fit into a box or fit into a certain category.

It is only those who feel disconnected and seperated from the Oneness of All That Is that can ever commit evil deeds.

I feel like, if I'm going to have young, impressionable people listening to my music, then I'm going to respect that.

There's no rule that says attraction warrents trust. If that were the case, then more wedded couple would be happier.

I want to be the first guy from my generation who doesn't just represent one record but the promise of a lot of them.

I would love to go back and travel the road not taken, if I knew at the end of it I'd find the same set of grandkids.

There is in art the notion of less is more, which is to say, you don't torture a painting that has already confessed.

One of life's regrets is that you didn't always tell the truth, and now it's too late, because the truth has changed.

There is a public me and a private me, who, if they were separate people, probably wouldn't exchange Christmas cards.

A painting is what you make of it, besides which, 'Moon, Weeping' has a better ring to it than 'Paintbrush, Dripping.

Sometimes in life you have an appointment with destiny, and sometimes you just have to get destiny to squeeze you in.

Please remember we all come from the same one and we will all return to that one, so there is no reason for fighting.

I am taking my production style more into the world of dub. I mean true dub production techniques but in house music.

You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string

Country Music is great music because it really comes from real life experiences. It is such a great haven for reality.

I'm deeply, deeply passionate about creating peace and well-being in the classroom, and well-being as a global nation.

At first I was a little leery to just post photos of my little girl all the time and kind of exploit her to the world.

You get to a certain age where you prepare yourself for happiness. Sometimes you never remember to actually get happy.

Someday I'll fly Someday I'll soar Someday I'll be so damn much more Cause I'm bigger than my body gives me credit for

Obviously, I dont live and die by it, everything my horoscope says. But I feel like theres definitely something to it.

I hate to see a guy who insults a girl or is bad with her. Immediately I think she would be better if she was with me.

I'm pretty sure I would have managed to over-share no matter what time period I was born in. It's a family thing, too.

If you could eavesdrop on everything said about you, you'd spend most of your time waiting for the subject to come up.

I tell my child, if I seem obsessed to always know where you've been, it is because my DNA will be found at the scene.

Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.

I nod to a passing stranger, and the stranger nods back, and two human beings go off, feeling a little less anonymous.

I believe in a real, physical world. I figure if the world existed only in my mind, it would pay more attention to me.

If you think that someone is out to steal everything you have, you're either paranoid or a member of the middle class.

Sometimes, as practice for trying to convince myself that God exists, I try to convince my shadow that the sun exists.

With videos, I find I'm better off if I'm playing a role inside of it. The more you do it, the more you understand it.

My wife grew up loving country music, so I always run songs by her whether I wrote it or if somebody pitched it to me.

I'm a machine freak. I just love it when you can get a big ol' steel machine to do the most that it's capable of doing.

Reality... includes a perceiver, who has memories, thoughts, desires, emotions - [which] a normal camera tends to omit.

I can honestly say that everything I've ever listened to has influenced me or motivated me in one way, form or fashion.

When stuff gets hard, and you're feeling real down about everything or in a cark space, a song can bring you out of it.

I want to savor the aging process. As you get older, you trade your innocence for wisdom and the wisdom is your reward.

The boys that lose our directioners are so stupid, they will never find such beautiful girls in the whole entire world.

One must look hard through history to find when a clear understanding of the truth moved anyone to fire the first shot.

You do not wake up one morning a bad person. It happens by a thousand tiny surrenders of self-respect to self-interest.

An optimist is someone who figures that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's the bluebird of happiness.

To become a grandparent is to enjoy one of the few pleasures in life for which the consequences have already been paid.

As a means to success, determination has this advantage over talent - that it does not have to be recognized by others.

I've been looking over the list of spring chores I made up last fall, and darned if they aren't fall chores, after all.

It's sad when two people who could never part without a kiss come to the point where they never part and so never kiss.

The trouble with selfish motives is that they harden into principles, and you end up sending your kids to war for them.

At the end of the day, we have to write music that makes us happy and the day that we stop loving what we do…we’ll quit.

When we were writing 'In Our Bones,' everything was bubbly champagne all the time so that's what ended up on the record.

You can expect nothing in being a musician, and you have to be just very thankful every time it goes positively for you.

I've outdone anyone you can name - Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Strauss. Irving Berlin, he wrote 1,001 tunes. I wrote 5,500.

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