Now that we have a bit of money, it is nice to get gifts for people. Before I was getting and not really giving.

I'm really vulnerable onstage because it's just me. I'm not really trying to put up a front or act a certain way.

Sometimes eight chains go together really well, depending on the length - how short they are, how small they are.

If the songs I'm writing can offer anything to somebody, I'd like to give myself the opportunity to deliver that.

Warped Tour is completely in a league of its own. It's this crazy cross between a real, full tour and a festival.

There’s nothing more emotional than looking out at an audience and knowing they’re there because they understand.

I made up 'Badlands'; anything I say, goes. I came to realize I was materializing a metaphor for my mental state.

I'm a ghetto man who made good. I never forgot where I came from and who put me on top - God and Jack The Rapper.

Sometimes you have to listen to other people, and see what the audiences want. That's what entertaining is about.

I've always said I've got the coolest fans, and I brag about you like grandchildren when I talk to other artists.

I've never been the popular kid in school. I've been a loner my whole life. That's why I have a very low profile.

The type of girls that would sleep with you in a heartbeat aren't the type of girls I'd want to take home anyway.

The trick to writing an aphorism is to place a period at the point where you're inclined to say, "in other words.

The artist's talent sits uneasy as an object of public acclaim, having been so long an object of private despair.

If it doesn't work horizontally as prose... it probably won't work any better vertically pretending to be poetry.

You don't realize how little accuracy there is in network TV reporting until they cover a story in your hometown.

I just want you that's it. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm. Everything. I just want you

I'm proud of being a mother, a wife, a daughter, and a sister, and a lover and a friend We're all God's children.

I've got some good saints out there - that's right - that pray for me constantly. You've gotta have that! You do.

Being bisexual, being bipolar, being biracial - it's been used to define me, but I am desperate to be indefinable.

I think politics and personal psychology and interrelationships - these things are interrelated to me and overlap.

I'm from Florida, so any time I get invited to come to Florida and play a show, I'm definitely always up for that.

I hate being the heartbreaker. Hate it. If I date somebody and it doesn't work out, it's another nightmare for me.

Life's a dance you learn as you go, sometimes you lead sometimes you follow, don't worry about what you don't know

For as long as I could push air in and out of my chest, I would remember this moment that could never be measured.

My grandfather is a retired Marine, and I've always had a great deal of respect for anyone who serves our country.

But I believe there is a decay that is eroding America, and as a result, God begins to disappear from our society.

Sometimes we don't find the thing that will make us happy because we can't give up the thing that was supposed to.

Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning.

Either way, things are a lot better - either a lot better than they were or a lot better than they're going to be.

There is a what-the-hell moment in life when you feel you have been pre-punished for every sin you'll ever commit.

Among the things that you, and you alone, are the absolute and final judge of is whether or not you are a success.

The thing about a friendly smile is not just that it makes people like you but that it makes them like themselves.

Eventually, time takes care of everything. The trouble with procrastination is that people give up on it too soon.

I don't lie and cheat, but I don't always avoid actions that would be lying and cheating if someone else did them.

History is man's best guess as to what the past would look like if everything had happened in chronological order.

Rent-a-tile' means when you go to a dance hall, some people take the middle of the dance floor and do their thing.

I'd say that it's important for music to be there that gives you a challenge, that rearranges things in your head.

Everyone happens for a reason, learn it and move on. Don't be bitter about what happened, be happy about what will

I'd call myself the mediator. I kind of just float around and do my own thing. I'm kind of chilled out, laid back.

I don't care about the drinking, I just want to be able to go hang out and not have to worry about being too young.

I put so much of myself out there and make myself so accessible that sometimes I fear I make myself too accessible.

Even if you can't relate to what I'm singing, I hope you can believe in it and see it as something that it is real.

Retire for what? What would I do? I made my name as a person that is helping. I'm like Moses in the music business.

And as long as man has walked on this Earth, there has been God. And man's purpose is for the glorification of God.

I think that one of the greatest connections and attractions you can have with somebody, is understanding somebody.

Hyperdub started in 2001 as a web magazine, but we also did a few events in the early days before becoming a label.

God, three weddings in one day, I'm going to be in Spanx for 12 hours. My elastic line is gonna get infected again.

A lot of people tell me, once they get to know me, that they're surprised that I'm nothing like they think I'll be.

I'm really fortunate because, in my career, I haven't had to deal with anybody trying to make me something I'm not.

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