Raise the roof, that I might see the stars To gain wisdom, to see things for what they are Please, I need proof

You live and you learn, man. I've learned you can't wait on anybody. You have to raise your awareness yourself.

Eminem was the biggest rapper in the world, but I didn't know Eminem and I didn't know anybody who knew Eminem.

People who tend to listen to my music have come back and said, 'Yo, this is my anthem. This is what I live by.'

She's definitely an angel sent from above. How can that not rub off on a man? What can I say? I'm a mama's boy.

In the first decade of my life, I came to know and love God, as I was raised in a Christian home and community.

The artists in country music who stopped having hits are the ones who were led into something that wasn't them.

It takes a lot of money to make music and get it to people. It takes a lot of time to make a record sound good.

My first album was called 'Badlands,' and it's something that I think I'm most proud of having done in my life.

I used to play one job and have 125 pair of shoes on the floor. What was I doing? I couldn't wear but one pair.

Is an animal less or more intelligent because it lives without clothes, central heating, and well, atom bombs ?

I don't really do acting. I've done a little bit - enough to know I'll stick to what I know. Music is my thing.

Love thy neighbor, and if it requires that you bend your understanding of the truth, the Truth will understand.

Seize every opportunity along the way, for how sad it would be if the road you chose became the road not taken.

You can be happy with someone who likes you despite your faults - until you meet someone who likes your faults.

We have a choice every day — to act on yesterday's good intentions or get an early start on tomorrow's regrets.

Time brings an end to everything. We should not mistake for a tragedy what is no more than the passage of time.

There is an ongoing battle between conscience and self-interest in which, at some point, we have to take sides.

It’s hard to make up your bed while you’re still sleeping in it. Hard to make up your mind for the same reason.

It is the fancy of every mortal that being cradled in the arms of mortality is a safe place for the time being.

There have been days when I sought respite from my life, only to find myself calling every hour to check on it.

All your life you pretend to be someone else, and it turns out that you were someone else pretending to be you.

I'm a big hip-hop fan since being a kid. It was the first music that spoke to me and made me feel like, 'Yeah.'

Love is like a colorful street. Let it blossom into the sky like a rainbow by walking it with the ones you Love.

If I write when I'm low, it will be a dark song, but I don't care. I want to be honest with myself at all times.

I've always been that way where, if something doesn't work out the first time, I won't try to beat a dead horse.

When I started doing music full time, I figured out my job wasn't something I needed to be completely sober for.

The first time I learned how to play, my guitar was out of tune. I didn't know it; I just started writing songs.

I print giclees for artists and photographers for a livelihood. My original idea was to somehow combine the two.

One difference between a conviction and a prejudice is that a conviction can be explained without getting angry.

You should not suffer the past. You should be able to wear it like a loose garment, take it off and let it drop.

It can be a real struggle to accept that sometimes appearance can be more important than talent or intelligence.

Putting myself out there knowing I can be criticized - it's ironic, but to me, that's the most empowering thing.

In my experience, 'let's think about it' usually ends up as me watching Solid Gold in my basement on prom night.

You know what I want, above all things? I want people who are aware of my music right now, to believe in change.

We must be both rational and intellectual, both analytic and imaginative, utilizing both statistics and insight.

I really think that being yourself, being original, being outside the box is starting to be appealing to people.

I think I find new idols every day - someone that says something really inspiring, is successful, has character.

I actually haven't been on many dates, but I like just chilling around at home and watching a movie with a girl.

My dad wasn't the biggest role model, but he was a great musician and I loved him very much. He was a character.

As you seek new opportunity, keep in mind that the sun does not usually reappear on the horizon where last seen.

We labor to make a house a home, then every time we're expecting visitors, we rush to turn it back into a house.

I complain that the years fly past, but then I look in a mirror and see that very few of them actually got past.

It is usually the case that people who know you better than you know yourself think you're a pretty good person.

I sit in my garden, gazing upon a beauty that cannot gaze upon itself. And I find sufficient purpose for my day.

To the student I would say, "Life is principally multiple choice, but at the end there's a tough essay question.

It helps if you don't see it as traffic but rather as thousands of individuals resolved to press on another day.

One of those things that I find hard to dispose of is my attitude to album sequencing, the layout of the pieces.

We like to hunt and golf and drive around lost, and scratch and spit, and a whole lot of other disgusting stuff.

The drinking bone is connected to the party bone, the party bone is connected to the staying out all night long.

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