I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow; if I fail, or if I succeed at least I did as I believe.

Don't call a girl a flirt, she's just trying to be nice. Don't call a girl obsessed when she's just in love.

I'm a massive fan of Drake, and we walked right past him. He's too cool to be clapping One Direction though.

My life is like a Harley Ride. When I'm on my bike that's really one of the places I feel completely at home.

My bandmate once pissed his pants when we were playing in Brazil - but we weren't embarrassed, we were proud.

The songs come from a vulnerable place, but expressing that part of yourself can also make you feel fearless.

Anyway, the fetish crowd, compared to some of the people that hung out with the skinheads, was all pussycats.

I think I always have been someone who likes to push at the edges of things, looking for something different.

Songs can be Trojan horses, taking charged ideas and sneaking past the ego's defenses and into the open mind.

I wanted nothing more than to feel something, but I didn't know how to deal with what came after the feeling.

I was starstruck by Michelle Obama. She's an amazing-looking lady, and I'm a massive Barack Obama fan anyway.

The best business plans are straightforward documents that spell out the who, what, where, why, and how much.

On the first two albums, I essentially began with lyrics and placed the music underneath or around the words.

I don't - I don't like that style, myself. I never did like Elvis's singing, but there was millions that did.

How often in life we complete a task that was beyond the capability of the person we were when we started it.

There is no tomorrow. There is only a planet turning on its axis, and a creature given to optimistic fancies.

Sometimes I sit up late with my thoughts, reluctant to fall asleep and leave my thoughts alone by themselves.

For lack of an occasional expression of love, a relationship strong at the seams can wear thin in the middle.

As a gardener, I wonder if flowers really can't speak or just exercise unfailing good judgment in the matter.

There is a language of love, which is to say, a truth that does not tell all and a lie that does not deceive.

I find in old age that it's possible to revisit the past, the one requirement being that you come as you are.

According to science, the universe began as a swirl of gas that, as it cooled, spun off the Ten Commandments.

It is sad when two people turn from the paths they’re traveling, and their paths go on to cross without them.

I'm still working on my career, still trying to learn from other artistes and develop my skills and my style.

You can run for cover, you can run for help. You can run to your lover, but you can't ever run from yourself.

When I was a kid my Dad never let me sing Patsy Cline songs for one simple reason: they've already been done.

I finally faced the fact that it isn't a crime not having friends. Being alone means you have fewer problems.

Love from within, be determined and let your self-confidence take you to heights you never experienced before.

I came into the game showing you that I'm no angel. I'm not perfect and this is why I tell people off the top.

If I have a hit, then I hope the people who like the hit song go out and buy my album so they can hear it all.

And If our God is for us, then who could ever stop us, and if our God is with us, then what can stand against?

I've figured out over the years, you can only hurt me if I love you; if I don't know you, I really don't care.

That's one of the wonderful things about the whole process of photography - eye contact can be very revealing.

I try to write relevant songs about life and whatever I'm going through and whatever people are going through.

I know of musicians who have played together for decades who hate each other. The Modern Jazz Quartet for one.

Please don't erase my race because I'm white-passing. There is literally nothing I can do about my complexion.

In 2016, makeup has become an incredible passion and hobby for men and women, but it hasn't become mainstream.

I try to dress a little casual before my photo-shoots. I can be comfortable before I go into my... transition.

I realize that I'm not going to be everybody's cup of tea, and that's okay. I think that's the point of music.

You have to listen to what resonates within your own gut. You find your direction there. Your voice comes out.

The fun of being in the pop world is you can really play with people's perceptions of what the word pop means.

Honestly, I just wear what makes me feel good. It becomes political when you leave the house without changing.

The average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser - in case you thought optimism was dead.

There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed. If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned ingratitude.

On the sixth day, God created the artist, realizing no doubt that He had far from exhausted the uses of color.

As a man, I've learned that there is nothing easier in married life than pleasing your wife with your cooking.

An art critic is someone who hopes to see his ideas translated to canvas without having to learn how to paint.

Perhaps I have lived my life to excess, but know what — if I had it to do over again, I would overdo it again.

I'm changing my flow up so much on every song that you're not going to be able to compare me to nobody but me.

My legacy is that I will hustle and grind. No one will stop me from hustling. I'll be where God wants me to be.

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