There's no way to be able to tell what it's like to be a country singer until you're walking in the shoes.

I like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear the pants.

Loving you is what I’ve learned so easily but trying to forget you is the last thing I could hardly learn.

I may have aimed too high sometimes, asked too much of myself and demanded too little from those around me.

I still have your pocket watch, my dear father. Like me, it is broken, but stubborn, and still keeps going.

I never want to look back on life and say I wish I did something, and I don't want anybody else to do that.

We got our start doing covers and I think, and hearing other people covering our songs is super flattering.

Papa didn't cuss, he didn't raise a whole lot of fuss. But when we did wrong, Papa beat the hell out of us.

When God took it, he accepted it; when he brought it back, he accepted it. That's what's happening with me.

Hank Cochran was a man of very few words, but certainly the words that he chose were the right ones to use.

There's been a shift: Country music is popular music now. Every other genre wants to come over to our land.

Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, and if you don’t then start because everyone is beautiful.

I'd rather be called a boy and play with paper airplanes than be called a man and play with a girl's heart.

The most valuable lesson man has learned from his dog is to kick a few blades of grass over it and move on.

Looking back, you realize that everything would have explained itself if you had only stopped interrupting.

Occasionally ask, "What is the connection between what I want most in life and anything I plan to do today?

There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch.

You start making progress in life when you realize that you don't always have to resume where you left off.

Love is a condition where the world seems to be standing still, and it's you who are spinning on your axis.

Charisma is not so much getting people to like you as getting people to like themselves when you're around.

Eventually you come to realize that most people aren't looking for a fight but for someone to surrender to.

Sometimes love needs a rest from caring, and so bears for an intolerable few hours the guilt of not caring.

Learn to listen. It's amazing the ideas that pop into your head while people are saying them into your ear.

There are things I have wanted so long that I would only consent to have them if I could keep wanting them.

To the artist, the Book of Genesis is an account of six days in which God suggested some really good ideas.

Guitar comes more out of its limitations for me, like putting it in a weird tuning and then just go places.

I know some very political people who rap, and they say very political things and they'll never get a deal.

My flow follows sometimes what's going on in the hip-hop industry even though I'm speaking Jamaican patois.

Dancehall is just like hip-hop in that it doesn't always talk about bling; it talks about conscious issues.

I've been approached by many different people, but I don't really want to be known as a collaboration dude.

I’m not that interested in what people make of it, or how people consider me. That’s nothing to do with me.

It hurts me when seeing a girl cry...I want to comfort them as long as I can...or I'll end up crying too...

Feeling more comfortable onstage is something I've worked on - it's really about just being the artist I am.

I grew up in a very modest house. We were poor-we lived on the poverty level. We all got jobs as young kids.

I was a fan of One Direction when I was 16, but I was also a fan of Bring Me The Horizon and hardcore bands.

I am big into water sports and just being out on the water. That is second nature to me, being from Florida.

God uses people to help others. I only pray my faith is strong enough to get me through what I have to face.

Whenever they say it can’t be done, remind them that they make a jellybean that tastes exactly like popcorn.

If you never stop when you wave goodbye you just might find, if you give it time, you will wave hello again.

I haven't stopped writing which is good. I'm scared to stop completely otherwise it might lead to stagnancy.

You leave home, you move on and you do the best you can. I got lost in this whole world and forgot who I am.

I don't see how you could get used to people screaming in your face, and anyone who says different is lying.

You always think you could have done more. That's why you need a friend - to tell you you did all you could.

I refuse to be burdened by vague worries. If something wants to worry me, it will have to make itself clear.

In the best of relationships you have two people who cannot think of anything that was not part of the deal.

A paranoid thinks that sinister forces are out to get him, not realizing that they are out to get everybody.

Perchance God will pity a race that sought the better angels of its nature and found only its lesser demons.

The sun's rays don't bother me. No they cast down such a wonderful heat. Masking beauty, by a terrible fate.

I like those guys who brought dub into live band context too, Peaking Lights. Joe Gibbs & The Professionals!

Words are not even within me. They're not in my vocabulary to really express the kind of feeling that I had.

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