Grandparents...can give the children unity of family life and some knowledge of their own family history.

I believe there's things all around us that make you do good things and some that make you do bad things.

You have to believe that things can be bigger than what you see in front of you in order to move forward.

Anyway, our family went into complete crisis mode. I have two older brothers, and we rallied as a family.

Anyone who ever spoke to me would know I would never say the words 'get hitched' nxt time do ur research.

The fans always tell me im beautiful but I always tell them that no one will ever be as beautiful as them

When i was 12 all of my friends had girlfriends and i didn't, i felt lonely so i asked my mom to date me.

A vacation trip is one-third pleasure, fondly remembered, and two-thirds aggravation, entirely forgotten.

As a gardener, I'm among those who believe that much of the evidence of God's existence has been planted.

Sometimes you believe a thing that isn't true because in the world you wish to live in, it would be true.

The trouble with having a body is that people know it's where you hang out and you don't get any privacy.

You spend the first two-thirds of your life asking to be left alone and the last third not having to ask.

Better to start up a thousand wrong roads than to spend your life going nowhere because you know the way.

Looking back on our lives, we invariably find that the person we pretended to be is the person we became.

'Time Rolls On' is my most political piece so far. It's not on my album because people didn't support it.

My mother was the first singer I had contact with. She sang constantly to us around the house, in church.

The person who will give you unexplained happiness, will also be the reason for your unexplained sadness.

I was born by God's dear grace, in an extraordinary place. Where the stars and stripes, and the eagle fly.

I’ll never second guess the things that I have done. I’ve got too much left to say and too much to become.

I'm a man of many emotions, so I'm a human being, and I think that's what people tend to forget sometimes.

I don't think you should meet the people you most admire. I don't want reality to interfere with my image.

I think it's just a conglomerate of everybody's influences that comes out on the record, and live as well.

I think I'm no different from any artist in music. At least once, you want to see your name up on the top.

Conchita is a symbol of the fact that you just can live a wonderful life when you do what makes you happy.

Brother killing brother, father slaying son. From the looks of this old graveyard, hell nobody really won.

I have learned from Twitter that you get that instant feedback about what people think about what you did.

Improvising musicians are musical travelers, voyagers. There is a freedom to wander the musical landscape.

I felt like I was a teacher. But nowadays, I am as much a student of his. He writes a lot of what we play.

When I run across something that feels like a real eye-opener, it's gonna have an influence on me forever.

Hair is the first thing. And teeth the second. Hair and teeth. A man got those two things he's got it all.

I'm having a good time watching Shooter. He's a good kid. He's been a good son to me. He has never failed.

I'm proud to have so many great friends at country radio who believe in what I do - thanks to all of them.

High School is like a spork: it's a crappy spoon and a crappy fork, so in the end it's just plain useless.

Fame freaks me out. Do you just wake up different? I don't know how to scale it back if it gets too crazy.

There's nothing simpler than avoiding people you don't like. Avoiding one's friends, that's the real test.

I don't like writing in front of a lot of people, it has to be an intimate experience with people I trust.

Once in awhile, I'mma cheat and get dome, But best believe that I'mma always come home. Shorty, I luv you.

We are each the star of our own situation comedy, and, with luck, the screwball friend in somebody else's.

In the end there doesn't have to be anyone who understands you. There just has to be someone who wants to.

Why try to be someone you're not? Life is hard enough without adding impersonation to the skills required.

What a unique treasure are the things we have learned to live without, for no thief can take them from us.

I have never considered it my business to disabuse someone of a belief that makes life tolerable for them.

There are days in retirement that are the waking equivalent of a dreamless sleep, if you know what I mean.

What do we ask of friendship except to be taken for what we pretend to be - and without having to pretend.

What to do with your one life? The same thing you would do if you had two lives, and this were the second.

If indeed the death of a child is part of a larger plan, you wonder if God ever considered a smaller plan.

Grammar is not a set of arbitrary rules; it is a compact between people who wish to understand each other.

I respect more the person who struggles with his faith than the person who is confident in his skepticism.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single happy delusion that it can be done without a stop-over.

I like my stuff 'cause I only ever end up with tracks that I really, really like. It always appeals to me.

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