There are couples a matchmaker would match every time - and couples who, for no rhyme or reason, rhyme.

The trouble with having a stubbornness contest with your kids is that they have your stubbornness gene.

My mother taught me that when you stand in the truth and someone tells a lie about you, don't fight it.

As I put out more music, I really want to get to the point where people feel like my show is a must-see.

I just sit down and write the best song for the best moment, and however it comes out, it is what it is.

Their opposition to Christianity is not intellectual. They simply do not want Christ to reign over them!

Could someone look at your life or look at my life and name me a Christian? A humbling thought for sure.

I do love to have pictures taken and to pose and wear fabulous gowns, so red carpets are a comfort zone.

It is wonderful but kind of surreal when people turn to me and say they see some kind of an inspiration.

I really like singing, but coming from a small town like where I grew up, how do you start that journey?

All employees... deserve to be treated as responsible adults, if that is the behavior we expect of them.

I only got a seventh-grade education, but I have a doctorate in funk, and I like to put that to good use

My son don't have to say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud. He don't have to be called those crazy names.

My grandmother always taught me, 'If you don't have a home, family, and church, you don't have anything.

Anybody who's made it will tell you, you can make it. Anyone who hasn't made it will tell you, you can't

I'm a good man with a good heart had a tough time, got a rough start But I finally learned to let it go.

At least we got to see the worst haircut since 1984 try to steal the spotlight from lovely Taylor Swift.

[Regarding President Obama] Yeah, yeah, yeah, I talked to him. I sorta, I guess, helped him get elected.

As long as God lets me live, I want to do things that make a difference in the world besides play music.

There are subjects in which I wish to become knowledgeable, and subjects in which I wish to remain wise.

There is no effect more disproportionate to its cause than the happiness bestowed by a small compliment.

Always carry with you a little reasonable doubt, should you meet someone who needs to be found innocent.

Opportunity is a parade. Even as one chance passes, the next is a fife and drum echoing in the distance.

The problem with putting off things you've always wanted to do is that eventually you run out of always.

Always laugh off a slight insult, so that people will understand what it means when you're not laughing.

The shy and the extroverted have this in common — that they both fancy they are the center of attention.

Road rage is the expression of the amateur sociopath in all of us, cured by running into a professional.

We are, many of us, a planet orbiting somebody's sun, unconscious of a lonely moon, orbiting our planet.

Perception is a clash of mind and eye, the eye believing what it sees, the mind seeing what it believes.

What you discover in a democracy is that it is difficult to build a house when each nail has an opinion.

Corporations no longer try to fit square pegs into round holes; they just fit them into square cubicles.

Dare to turn life on its end, and you may find that topsy-turvy is a truer perspective than turvy-topsy.

Never ask, "What reason do I have to be happy?" Instead ask, "To what purpose can I attach my happiness?

There is no such thing as a list of reasons. There is either one sufficient reason or a list of excuses.

Time Rolls On' is my most political piece so far. It's not on my album because people didn't support it.

I haven't quite wrapped my brain around the sleeping part yet, but I'm definitely working like a maniac.

It's always a live experience - anything that happens around you. It's so easy to just put it to a song.

What I say is from my heart. You must be sincere. So when I sing a song, people are supposed to feel it.

Two years ago, if anyone had told me I'd be doing half the stuff I'm doing, I wouldn't have believed it.

When I was 25, Abba was formed. After Abba I made three solo albums. Maybe I have been productive enough.

I ended up getting a lion chain. I had to make my own mascot - I want to start my own dynasty eventually.

They say sound is vibration and it got my mind shaking/ Can you feel it vibrating? I call it Vibe Ratings

I recruited my dad to be my bass player and fired him on several occasions. He stayed on as a bus driver.

Seriously I just don't get why straight people are so afraid of the fact that gay people can get married.

I always say that my biggest goal is a Grammy, and on the way there I will grab everything that is given.

I learned how quickly I could go from having never met someone to having the world think I'm dating them.

As I always said, if people wanted to know who James Brown is, all they have to do is listen to my music.

I did the thing with bonds, which was about 30 million dollars, and didn't get none of the money on them.

There’s something wonderful about entertaining people on vacation. Everyone is there to have a good time.

If you don't like me, don't turn your television on at the holidays, because you won't be able to escape.

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