I wanted this album to sound like a big crocheted blanket - to be warm yet to have a lot of space.

When you're an artist, you're expected to describe yourself in interviews every day in five words.

I love pop music, but at the same time, I'm seeking to write whatever I'm organically inclined to.

No matter how big the glam squad, or how dramatic the dress, sometimes things just don’t work out.

My mom was never afraid to say, 'I'm sorry. I screwed up.' I feel like that's an important lesson.

Instead of going to college, I spent my time out on the road learning how to be a better musician.

I had a friend, who was abused by her dad. I made a vow to myself that I'd never hurt my daughter.

I don't know, it's odd that girls ask if they can hug me. Don't ask, do it. I'm just a regular guy

I believe in animal rights, and high among them is the right to the gentle stroke of a human hand.

My eyesight's gone, my reflexes are shot, and I can't stay awake, but thank God I can still drive.

Is it my imagination, or does shipping and handling settle a box of crackers more than it used to?

I wish to die knowing that I took a fleeting instant of eternity and fashioned from it a lifetime.

People are resilient. After all, every person born has recovered from nine months on life support.

There is no actual law that says that a person of inner beauty cannot also maintain an appearance.

Though we often wonder why God does what he does, we can be sure he does it on better information.

It finally happened - a lawsuit for wrongful doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

It is not necessary to be strong in every place if in the place you are vulnerable, you are loved.

It's about ladies, as usual. I'm telling the ladies I got the right temperature to keep them warm.

My music is the essence of Detroit. At one time, we were the center of the world, man - Motor City.

I once had this massacred afro in third grade. Parts were bigger than others. It was just terrible.

I started out as being a diva in a golden dress and now to a more bearded drag artist guy in boots.

This may sound strange but I had dreams as a kid of doing exactly what I ended up doing in my life.

Some say this country's just out looking for a fight, after 9/11 man, I'd have to say that's right.

People are so afraid to talk about real things, but they're experiences that everyone goes through.

That's one thing the musicians don't remember: you don't choose your demographic - they choose you.

If it’s meant for me, it will be.' Those words are my mantra in life, and it has never let me down.

Nothing feels worse than having to break the stage down before the performance, and I mean nothing.

My personality is that I'm a human being like everybody else, just a citizen and a blue collar guy.

One of my New Year's resolutions is to say 'yes!' Yes to love, yes to life, yes to staying in more!

Learning is a lifetime process, but there comes a time when we must stop adding and start updating.

Just as important as having a list of priorities is every once in a while starting from the bottom.

Somewhere between the honest truth and the deceptive lie is the deceptive truth and the honest lie.

Every day I go forth to seek my identity, feeling greatly blessed by the things I don't find it in.

To trade a childhood wonder for a plausible explanation - is there a worst trade one makes in life?

For some it is love undeniably. For others it is making it work, never actually knowing what it is.

We envy others, for we see their lives in broad outline, while forced to live ours in every detail.

Wealth and wisdom are seldom combined, for the person who achieves one no longer desires the other.

Since the majority is always wrong, might we try one election day where all the losers take office?

Though the barriers of life seem formidable, we find when we challenge them that they have no will.

Learning from the successes and failures of others is key to making quantum leaps toward our goals.

I hate being so emotionally slutty. I need to stop loving everyone I have a long conversation with.

I grew up in a very Christian household. We went to church every Sunday whether I wanted to or not.

I have a mother that's very strong and family that surround me and constantly tell me they love me.

Some girls like to say one thing and mean another. And me being who I am, I'm very straightforward.

Having life taken away from you for a little while forces you to be more open-minded and to go live.

If the overall quality of your film depends on what you shot it on, you aren't ready to make a film.

Paloma you cry out, you beg for connection The dreams you seek are straight ahead in every direction

If you want to be a bearded lady then you are allowed to do that because you're not hurting anybody.

I've made more than 50 records with a wide range of music. I've often veered to check something out.

Niggas can say they pop molly, but do you really? I doubt it. I can't imagine Kanye popping a molly.

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