I look back on the time I've wasted, and I'm just glad I wasted it while I still had the chance.

What you discover about people you try not to offend is that you can offend them without trying.

Sometimes it is the person closest to us who must travel the furthest distance to be our friend.

The difference between education and know-how is that one you pay for, the other you charge for.

Love may be blind, but if you've ever known a blind person, they still know where everything is.

The world knows how to straighten out a spoiled child but never makes it up to a child deprived.

If God had intended us to be alone, there would be more pleasure in massaging our own shoulders.

When there is hell to pay, it is usually cheaper to pay it than to finance an endless purgatory.

Genius is a plodding intellect, incapable of dreaming up the obstacles that stop the rest of us.

There is nothing in this world you cannot accomplish if you are willing to forfeit your deposit.

People ask how I think up my thoughts. Mostly I think them up while reading Paul Simon's lyrics.

I guess I do prefer a ball cap. I have performed without a cap, mostly at funerals and weddings.

and remember, nobody's feelings are more important than your own, so take time to love yourself.

This idea of trying to repeat a success doesn't interest me. It's only really done to make money.

The best advice I have been given is to live in the moment, as cliché as that sounds. It's crazy.

I don't want to release a CD; I want to release the real deal, so we're just gonna take our time.

We're all big fans of pop music; this is definitely the direction we've always wanted to head in.

How in this world can we put a man on the moon, and still have a need for a place like St. Judes?

I toured in Europe first, before I did any touring in the U.S. It was with Jimmy Nail and others.

It hasn't been hard getting nominated, but winning it is another thing. The competition is tough.

I wear my personality on my sleeve, for sure, and my look is constantly changing because so am I.

Most artists, their 60th show was in front of no one. My first show was in front of 1,200 people.

You cannot just work out and then eat poorly and expect to lose weight. It doesn’t work that way.

When something comes to my brain, I don't ignore it. You never know what it's going to turn into.

Never be discontent with the life you've been dealt, be discontent with the way you're living it.

I am proud to be a normal size girl and I want to encourage everyone to be confident at any size.

At the very beginning of my career I felt very strongly about what type of artist I wanted to be.

My shows are always a mix of songs from all my albums with some rocking covers thrown in for fun.

I like friends who, when you tell them you need a moment alone, know enough not to stray too far.

What greater blessing to give thanks for at a family gathering than the family and the gathering.

I count myself lucky, having long ago won a lottery paid to me in seven sunrises a week for life.

All any child needs is the protection of loving parents and an alternative source of information.

Leash: n, a means by which animals, formerly running wild, are prevented from running tame, also.

An old belief is like an old shoe. We so value its comfort that we fail to notice the hole in it.

As a general guideline, never marry anyone that you can't picture helping you go to the bathroom.

What we need to do from God's perspective is that we need to reach out and understand each other.

Country music is not a formula it's a music with its own soul and I'm all about saving that soul!

I remember being a bathtub singer. You know, the type that sings and everybody's like, 'Shut up.'

I’ve started thinking about pure electronic music again. Something very melodic, very aggressive.

It's important for that to exist in a society that doesn't present you with any genuine problems.

Stereotyping and generating brands around musicians I think contributes to their eventual demise.

I am a bit of a bad boy. I have tattoos and I mess around. That's part of my image, so it's cool.

If you meet a girl, you meet a girl. It's normal, so if you exchange numbers, whatevs, it's cool.

I've got three sisters, five aunties, and my mom. It must have had an influence on me growing up.

A lot of people can be cheerleaders for songs and go, 'Oh, that's great,' and they don't think it.

I've always wanted to be a real universal artist, one that every type of audience could relate to.

You can have 10 nice comments today, and it's that one nasty comment that you're gonna hang on to.

I took to the Eurovision stage as an opportunity to talk to Europe about tolerance and acceptance.

Because of the discrimination during my time as a teenager I decided to live my life as I want it.

It's just unbelievable that nearly every gay human being knows who I am now - that's overwhelming.

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