I suppose I will die never knowing what pumpkin pie tastes like when you have room for it.

As you wait for better days, don't forget to enjoy today, in case they've already started.

See yourself always as cause, and perhaps a better world will be found among your effects.

Each morning I gaze at the eastern horizon, and if the sun keeps its promise, I keep mine.

It is a perversely human perception that animals in their native habitat are running wild.

In the realist, you have the sorry sight of the five senses deprived of their imagination.

A blogger is constantly looking over his shoulder, for fear that he is not being followed.

If a language is corruptible, then a constitution written in that language is corruptible.

In the great artist you see daring bound by discipline and discipline stretched by daring.

The hardest thing about reality is returning to it after an hour inside your child's mind.

Ah, the things we would do if we could — especially in the secure knowledge that we can't.

Happiness is having a dream you cannot let go of and a partner who would never ask you to.

Nowadays you envy a manic-depressive. Half the time he's happy, the other half he's right.

When Elliott Smith came out, it was falling on deaf ears. But artists were reacting to it.

That's a song about reaching deep inside yourself where you can completely be who you are.

We dont offer you any solutions necessarily but we definitely offer you a minute to escape.

It's easy to forget how to appreciate your front door when you're always walking through it

We weren't raised to take, we were raised to give the shirt off our back to anyone in need.

The first time I went to Sturgis, I remember thinking, 'This motorcycle thing, this is me.'

Why do I feel you hear these prayers of mine, when so many ought to be ahead of me in line?

We don't criticize. Criticism is an enemy. You've got to make loving, positive suggestions.

At the end of the day, every decision I make about my music is about creating a collective.

I didn't even realize I was writing songs - I thought I was just being witty and sarcastic.

I named my new son James Joseph Brown II. I think he's going to be a lot better than I was.

I think you have to go and fill your cup and do so diversely; otherwise, then you burn out.

Sometimes as an artist you get wrapped up in what you are doing and you can't be objective.

I may have taken someone through the wringer psychologically, but I've never been sinister.

My mom used to send me articles about how older virgins are considered good luck in Mexico.

As important as shared memories is the silent agreement that certain things never happened.

How do you achieve success? Well, for one thing, you don't define it before you achieve it.

There are times when you seek your solitude, and your solitude just wants to be left alone.

If you don't decide what your life is about, it defaults to what you spend your days doing.

If God had intended me to make excuses for who I am, He would have given me better excuses.

Today, befriend a stranger, or if you feel up to more of a challenge, befriend a loved one.

An old dog, even more than an old spouse, always feels like doing what you feel like doing.

Man is rated the highest animal, at least among all animals who returned the questionnaire.

There is nothing more essential to getting a project off the ground than the underestimate.

No matter what it is, if you aren't happy striving for it, you won't be happy achieving it.

I think the best way is to forget about racing people and just find territory that's fresh.

I couldn't find a group that wanted to do what I wanted to do. No one was really up for it.

Artists who write songs... what they're going through usually comes through in their music.

I really like accompanying. I like working with vocalists, I've worked with a lot of poets.

It's not about knowing the key to success, but knowing how to use it and which doors to open

Who influenced me the most? I'd have to say Lauryn Hill, I think she influenced me the most.

I'm a sneakerhead. I probably have a couple hundred pair of shoes. I got all sorts of shoes.

Pinetop could find the cracks and fill them in and be the glue and mortar of the whole band.

I believe having religion in your life creates the potential for long-lasting relationships.

I've always been the kind of woman who had a man in her life even when he was the wrong man.

I'm not going to present myself one way all the time just because it will make me sell best.

Music, it requires more than brawn. It requires a lot of heart. You gotta put love in there.

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