There are days when I'm alone with my thoughts, which is to say, not alone enough.

I have never met anyone who wanted to save the world without my financial support.

It's not that perfection cannot be achieved. It's that it's so hard to stop there.

The trick to getting ahead is to give it the same effort you give to getting even.

Better you don't search for who you are until you know who it is you want to find.

Maybe I just stay in relationships for too long and then they get really dramatic.

We're not godly because we're perfect. We're godly because we're perfectly broken.

I want to keep people engaged and I want them to feel connected to what I'm doing.

If I should die this very day, Don't cry...cause on Earth We wasn't meant to stay.

I've always been interested in finding out more about the properties of acoustics.

Everything is very black and white for me. I don't really like playing mind games.

Live for yourself. Love those around you - but realise they have their own agendas.

Being in the Midwest, you get the best of all worlds and add your own flavor to it.

I'm happy that I'm at a moment where I'm not standing here going what do I do next?

It was shortly before my 18th birthday when I came out and admitted that I was gay.

Jimmy Dickens was the essence of country music and the heart of the Grand Ole Opry.

Shyness is I-ness. Shyness is really wondering if you have other people's approval.

No matter who you meet in life, you take something from them, positive or negative.

Honesty is the door to finding a love that brings an identity found only in Christ.

I've never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, 'We're full.'

Yeah, Under The Table And Dreaming shaped the way that I think about writing songs.

You've got to dance like nobody's watching, and love like it's never going to hurt.

Some say that true love is a mirage; seek it anyway, for all else is surely desert.

Most of us don't need a psychiatric therapist as much as a friend to be silly with.

What if, instead of a parallel universe, there's a perpendicular universe? Discuss.

If I choose abstraction over reality, it is because I consider it the lesser chaos.

Once you find someone to share your ups and downs, downs are almost as good as ups.

Never let your heart take precedence over reason, otherwise you will have problems.

Just one night at a show in New York, I literally passed out and fell off the stage.

I'd be a billionaire if I could get a dollar for all the bullsh*t that I hear a day.

People around me like me the best when I'm depressed because I'm a bit more passive.

I'm a good music provider, and I'm fine with that. I'm a quality music manufacturer.

I don't care. I'll start my own group. Rejection from society is what created X-Men!

Can't one human being not like another human being? Can't we all just not get along?

You didn't realize emotion could be a weapon? Have you not read the poetry of Jewel?

Do you need sex advice? Here's a tip. Sometimes a lady likes to leave her blazer on.

When I was a kid, we always had big gardens, acres of stuff we grew out in the yard.

The toughest test of good judgment is to know when to withhold your better judgment.

Does a rose exist that I might behold it? Or do I exist that a rose might be beheld?

We all have our limitations, but when we listen to our critics, we also have theirs.

The advantage of growing up with siblings is that you become very good at fractions.

There is in every truth a wise saying, and in every contradiction, two wise sayings.

A wise saying is something you keep picking up off the floor in front of your fridge

The perfect family board game is one that can be played each time with fewer pieces.

The more side roads you stop to explore, the less likely that life will pass you by.

I've learned never to be surprised if what must inevitably happen happens right now.

Sometimes, to pursue a new idea, the artist must forfeit his deposit on an old idea.

One can only imagine how effective justice might be if admissible in a court of law.

Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden.

A family is a bunch of people who keep confusing you with someone you were as a kid.

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