Act always from a sense of common humanity, and let God judge if it be charity.

I regret less the road not taken than my all-fired hurry along the road I took.

I do like to dress up. I am shapely, everything about me is real and I can rap.

I always wanted to be in charge of my own career. I like having my own imprint.

I'm older, I'm matured... I'm looking forward to the years to come. Good years.

People will throw stones and hide their hands and then get back and play victim.

It starts with an "I" And ends with a "U" I got a feelin' Are you feelin' it too

I am the type of person that likes to put myself in someone's shoes to 'get' it.

I have a very busy life, and I love meeting people, but I also like to be alone.

There's an Elvis movie on the marquee sign, we've all seen at least three times.

I worry about financial security, and the older I get the more I worry about it.

I think if you just look at life in a positive way, positive things will happen.

You can’t make a life-altering decision for someone else and expect it to stick.

I don't think there's anything wrong with singing a song and having fun with it.

I'm trying everything I can not to be jaded 'cause I don't like jaded musicians.

A musician must lift up the souls of the listeners, and take them towards space.

Good catsuits should have multiple zippers; they'll have a top and a bottom one.

Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie - not perfect but who's complaining?

Usually, when you can't overcome the obstacles in your path, it's not your path.

Charisma is not just saying hello. It's dropping what you're doing to say hello.

We are known to our friends by a look in our eyes that we never see in a mirror.

Two people can have a middling day, but one rounds up and the other rounds down.

Life is a vale of tears in which there are moments you just can't stop giggling.

The best way to dispel negative thoughts is to require that they have a purpose.

As any artist can tell you, it is easier to reach perfection than to stop there.

A nod, a bow, and a tip of the lid to the person who coulda and shoulda and did.

Where you find quality, you will find a craftsman, not a quality-control expert.

Untested faith was rarely strong. Deep, abiding faith was tempered through fire.

When someone has cancer, the whole family and everyone who loves them does, too.

I've never felt like this in any other country. I feel at home, I feel wonderful

I'm very attracted to a girl's eyes. I think you can tell a lot by a girl's eyes

I'm pretty expressive. And when I love something or love someone, I express that.

I want to change the world. I want to be a part of culture. I want to help teach.

It's a real player move to take a girl wine-tasting on a date - she'll like that.

I guess we guess our way through life. How many times do we really know for sure?

Being LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) in Russia is anything but fun.

Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening.

I used to work at a punk venue in Pennsylvania because I wanted to be near music.

I'm a terrible drummer. I can tune 'em pretty good, but I'm a pretty bad drummer.

This is a revolution of the mind, get your mind together and get away from drugs.

I hope that when I'm 80 years old, people will still be talking about my wedding.

I think every artist would love to just please themselves musically all day long.

Most times when you try to be all things to all people, you end up being nothing.

Numb is the new deep, done with the old me, and talk is the same cheap it's been.

I did tennis for a while, and I was actually on the volleyball team for a minute.

If you're ordering me an edible arrangement to say thanks, I'd prefer a meat one.

It's getting darker and darker out there. We need to shine brighter and brighter.

Anything that I want, I must also be ok with not having, otherwise it's idolatry.

For each album, I let the music that I love at that point in my life be my guide.

If I drink coffee, I have to turn the lights off and lay down. I can't handle it.

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