To hurt someone you know will forgive you is the unkindiest thing of all.

On a windswept hill by a billowing sea, my destiny sits and waits for me.

I feel like I have things to say. And that's what I'm looking forward to.

I'll alight upon words because I think they suggest any number of things.

Jeff Bodine was saying that when he gets depressed, that he cleans house.

Get on in life because life will get on without you if you don't keep up.

There was a time when the music fell silent. Both within me and around me.

I traveled the world as a DJ, as a singer, as a songwriter, as a producer.

If there are rules and regulations, I can't help it, I want to break them.

I think it's tacky to have chains that go all the way down to your crotch.

There is not many tenors in the male category and that makes me stick out.

They say hard work pays off Well tell the Based God don't quit his day job

The worship leader God is after is the one whose heart is captured by Him.

I have so many incredible fans in Russia, I really badly want to go there.

I love myself and the bearded lady is fun and expresses everything I feel.

I think anytime you get nominated for an award, its a very humbling thing.

Any album that I ever put out I'm going to send it to country radio first.

Ive had about 140 albums released, and Ive done everything I wanted to do.

Takes a man or a woman to say I'm sorry, and it takes a fool to walk away.

My ultimate film role would be to play the queen of soul, Aretha Franklin.

I want to be around for a long time, singing and making albums and movies.

I really enjoy just hanging out at my house since I never get to be there.

I would love to be on 'Glee,' thus furthering the myth that I'm a gay man.

I want to see success right away. And I want to never give up, never stop.

It's better to say too much, than never to say what you need to say again.

Usually, I cut songs by other people that are artists that I already love.

I really feel every word to every song a lot more than I have in the past.

When life takes the wind out of your sails, it is to test you at the oars.

Dare to be imperfect and one day there will tug at your sleeve a soulmate.

Life is a series of family photos in which eventually you stop showing up.

Sometimes an answer not yet blowin' in the wind is stirring in the breeze.

Without faith there is no truth, for that is all the truth is or ever was.

Love may be blind, but this I'll state - it's eagle-eyed compared to hate.

Retirement is having nothing to do and someone always keeping you from it.

The trick to playing second fiddle is to play it like second Stradivarius.

I ask God in spirit and in truth 'what are we?'. It's the questions first.

I'm really into Steve O'Sullivan and Mosaic/Sushitech with that dub sound.

I am glad I am an optimist. The pessimist is half-licked before he starts.

I receive a lot of letters on tour, and read about a lot of people hurting.

Sometimes, you don't realize what you have until you wake up and go 'Damn.'

Man the life of a workaholic... You either on ya work or just workin on it.

It's so important to be genuine. People will see through you if you aren't.

I think anytime you get nominated for an award, it's a very humbling thing.

But once you become successful, everyone has an idea of what you should do.

Every decade has its ABBA; that's the proof that pop will always be around.

Today, if you were to look at my CD collection, it might scare some people.

When you're a teenage girl, a lot of being pretty has to do with your hair.

Every 16-year-old person has a love for pop in them because pop is popular.

Back down a country road the girls are always hot and the beer is ice cold.

I'm prouder of my weight loss than my Oscar! I hope it has inspired people.

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