It's difficult to end with bangs if the judge takes away our ammunition.

Hey, I'm just a singer in a fabulous dress, with great hair and a beard!

I'm jealous, I'm moody, I'm really not good to be around as a boyfriend.

We Europeans really have the picture of this very open-minded Australia.

We believe only what we see. So, with television, we believe everything.

Every storm runs out of rain, just like every dark night turns into day.

I like to take my dog on the road. He stays up front; he likes it there.

Avoidance is a great tool to get away from food in my face all day long.

Everybody is just a stranger, but that's the danger in going my own way.

Trying to impress my mother with words was one of my favourite pursuits.

Who I am as a guitarist is defined by my failure to become Jimi Hendrix.

Today I finally overcame tryin’ to fit the world inside a picture frame.

I'm a channel surfer when it comes to radio, a little bit of everything.

I like challenging people. I love pop music that can just throw you off.

I got rid of all my Colin Firth movies in case they consider it erotica.

Someone told me the smile on my face gets bigger when I play the guitar.

If you do something long enough, you uncover life lessons along the way.

I've made music since I was a kid so I've always gotten joy out of that.

How was I gonna get an education, sitting right back of Bobby Ann Mason?

The greatest gift we give to someone who loves us is simply to be happy.

For every person you can trust, there was first a child who was trusted.

The realist sees reality as concrete. The optimist sees reality as clay.

Those who avoid the tough choices of life, live a life they never chose.

Do not call any work menial until you have watched a proud person do it.

You're never too old. Unfortunately, you're always too young to know it.

I don't hate anyone. The only people I know well enough to hate, I love.

Though you lose all hope, there is still hope, and it loves to surprise.

Love should be simple, but it's not. Hate should be hard, but it's easy.

And as long as people want to hear me sing, I don't know why I'd retire.

Fame and fortune and the interstate is great and fun, but it ain't life.

My new year's resolution is definitely to quit smoking. I need to do it.

I would date a model, but I would rather marry a fan or a normal person.

Just because your prince hasn't come doesn't mean you're not a princess.

If I am only sure of one thing in life, it's that it's meant to be lived!

The day Blink-182 announced their hiatus, I felt as if a part of me died.

Bout to inhale like I'm finnin to see Satan. We're Satanic. It's the law.

I always loved cooking, from an early age. I kind of wanted to be a chef.

I'm aware of this bearded lady being something that is not really common.

It's weird. Prior to having my first record, Corey Hart was just my name.

I've realized you can use a fork as a spoon if you use it rapidly enough.

People are really concerned with what other people are saying about them.

My mother left me when I was 2 years old which is devestating to a child.

I also have a different, softer side, and I want for people to hear that.

You can as easily love without trusting as you can hug without embracing.

I hope some day to meet God, because I want to thank Him for the flowers.

Every day ask yourself, "What would I do today if I were a better person?

Alas, by the time Fate caught up with my life, Chance had it all planned.

The willingness to share does not make one charitable; it makes one free.

The painter needs all the talent of the poet, plus hand-eye coordination.

The trick to getting things done is to list things to do in doable order.

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