Whatever you put aside to seek happiness, remember where you put it.

A man sometimes wins an argument, but a woman always wins a silence.

One learns to ignore criticism by first learning to ignore applause.

Beyond our most stubborn misperception lies often our fondest dream.

Sometimes the best way to forgive is to let the other person forget.

You must question a code of ethics that never impedes your progress.

I'd like to do a Christmas album. I've never done a Christmas album.

Just because your aren't perfect, doesn't mean you aren't beautiful.

You are who you are and that's the most beautiful thing in the world.

Music is the soundtrack to every good and bad time we will ever have.

Die Welt der Kunst & Fantasie ist die wahre, the rest is a nightmare.

I feel older than I really am. It's because of the cards I was dealt.

My mom's an angel, bless her heart, for everything I put her through.

I don't worry about running myself ragged. I worry about being bored.

I wrote a song with a guy named Brian McKnight, who's a huge R&B guy.

Christmas makes me happy no matter what time of year it comes around.

There is no such thing as a completely original technique or subject.

Who's got the most heartbreaking voice? I don't know. Tough question.

I actually stopped working out because I don't want to lose my jelly.

To me, the biggest notes and the longest notes are the easiest notes.

It's one thing to lose weight, but it's another thing to eat healthy.

One thing I know for sure - this motherhood thing is not for sissies.

It's so interesting how success hits people and how they react to it.

I don't want to detach. I don't want to go live in a gated community.

If you don't stand for something, how can anyone respect what you do?

I feel like I am one of those artists that, thank god, can sing live.

I like to say what I think, and if it happens to push buttons, sorry.

I wonder if anyone thinks of me when they can’t fall asleep at night.

Taking care of myself is not instinctual for me. It feels very weird.

I don't see any harm in brining an instrument into the church itself.

I'm not Mr. Mom, but there's just certain things I won't say anymore.

The secret to happiness is to put the burden of proof on unhappiness.

Every day is conquerable by its hours, and every hour by its minutes.

You can bear your troubles or shrug them off. They're your shoulders.

For every person who atones, a hundred others find regret sufficient.

If you keep rephrasing the question, it gradually becomes the answer.

Metaphor for the night sky: a trillion asterisks and no explanations.

Everything happens for the purpose of what you decide to do about it.

Of course I doubt. I do not practice a certainty. I practice a faith.

To accept on faith is the basic requirement for getting on with life.

Elvis was a big influence to my music, but Loretta Lynn was, as well.

I wish to you, joy and happiness. But above all this, I wish you love

I broke my heart for every gain, to taste the sweet I faced the pain.

I think over the years, being a mother, I've matured in so many ways.

I love samosas filled with mincemeat. My mum makes really great ones.

I think people I'm close to find it absolutely crazy that I'm famous.

Used to tell me the sky's the limit, now the sky is our point of view.

You meet people in the business and wonder how compassionate they are.

I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a Republican-I'm an American, I'm a human.

Some people meditate, I like doing my makeup. It very much relaxes me.

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