Million dollar deals in my email, you mad as hell you ain't CC'ed

Texas Red is about the biggest blues hellraiser you'll ever meet.

I'm living my dream, everything fell into the right place for me.

I think every singer hears songs that make you want to sing them.

A good rule for discussion is to use hard facts and a soft voice.

Everything that I hate about myself goes away when I was onstage.

The two questions I always ask myself are 'What if' and 'Why not?

It's part of what I do at my piano - the hymns. And then I write.

I'm very happy. I was little scared because it's such a big bite.

I think the Lord gives us everything we can handle, nothing more.

I am tempted to keep the car in drive, And leave it all behind...

Does love still exist if you can’t say it? If you can’t admit it?

I'm all about small towns. I think it's a great place to grow up.

Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God Bless the U.S.A.

Our band will never change , we will always be 5 singing idiots .

The worst thing a girl could do on a date is fart louder than me.

Inner beauty, too, needs occasionally to be told it is beautiful.

If I were Opportunity, I wouldn't just knock, you'd have to sign.

In sinners and repenters you have the original division of labor.

Being loved by all is little fun Unless you're also loved by one.

Where hope would otherwise become hopelessness, it becomes faith.

Do not mistake probability for truth, for it is a notorious liar.

Life never tires of testing the proposition that life must go on.

The first step toward telling the truth is to tell the whole lie.

I am spiritual. I believe God loves and is pulling for all of us.

All roads lead to another road for renegades, rebels, and rogues.

There's so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.

All I have is my truth, and all I have is my truth to stand on it.

God made me in my beautiful form so I'm just trying to execute it.

I am deeply stoned on the intoxicating effects of [Country Music.]

I love huge dramatic songs with ridiculously big orchestral parts.

There is no schooling for fame and success. You learn as you walk.

I think you need to do something new to keep reinventing yourself.

All my life, I just felt that I should have finished my education.

I want to say to you: Help yourself, so you can help someone else.

I want to say to you, Help yourself, so you can help someone else.

You're not living if you don't go out and try things for yourself.

I believe that my life's gonna see the love I give returned to me.

I'd like to think the best of me was still hiding up in my sleeve.

Who says I can't be free from all of the things that I used to be?

I smile when I think of the past and get excited about the future.

Thanks, it's my own recipe. I use cheddar cheese instead of water.

When your roots grow out and things go south, go back to the salon

I did surveillance a lot, which sounds exciting, but it never was.

Platinum is a lot of things: it's hair, it's diamonds and platinum

Life is like sailing. You can use any wind to go in any direction.

The world is as many times new as there are children in our lives.

In the time it takes you to understand a 14-year-old, he turns 15.

The road to success is not a path you find, but a trail you blaze.

In every gardener there is a child who believes in The Seed Fairy.

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