Everyone can relate to the story of fighting for happiness.

The very best thing you can give someone is what they want.

Failure makes excuses. Success just keeps swinging the bat.

You cannot help the small men, by tearing down the big men.

I love Hot Fudge Sundaes; I could die for Hot Fudge Sundaes.

Being less stressed doesn't mean that you stop doing things.

You must develop a rich inner life to enjoy life altogether.

Quit sharing bad news and gossip you aren't a garbage truck.

Playing it safe and taking no risks is a shortcut to poverty

Everyone finds their voice at different times in their life.

Happiness is the only thing worth fighting for in your life.

What if living your life, naturally created what you wanted?

Finding your life less than perfect is a waste of your time.

I'm not a role model to my kids. They're a role model to me.

The best way to dream is with your eyes open and feet moving

Never loan money, you're not reading or willing to give away.

The universe will always remove what is no longer serving you.

Take action once a day to do something that ignites your life.

When love is the trend, there is no room for violence and war.

You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.

By growing a spiritual practice, we are given all that we need.

One of the most meditative times of my day is when I'm cooking.

Whether you say, 'I can' or 'I can't,' you're right either way.

The doors will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock.

I believe you should seek to understand and then be understood.

You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

The key to serenity is trusting that the universe has your back.

When you choose to perceive Love over fear, life begins to flow.

Have a vision but hold it lightly, wear it like a loose garment.

The average call me obsessed, the successful call me for advice.

When you focus on your greatness you elevate everyone around you.

I make it a point to let myself have bad days on a regular basis.

Every soldier should learn survival on land, sea, and in the air.

How someone is responding to you may have nothing to do with you.

The habits that took years to build, do not take a day to change.

A woman [shouldn't] have to give a man her body to get his heart.

You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.

The economy is not the problem, how people respond is the problem!

Everyone's voice should be heard when it comes to racial barriers.

Everything you want and you don't have, you get from other people.

Your beliefs and perceptions determine the boudaries of your world.

Success is messy. But so is life. Deal with it. Poverty is messier.

Being a 13-year-old girl who is constantly picked on is unbearable.

What you think and do today determines how tomorrow is going to be.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

I think quite often we hold onto trauma because we don't process it.

When you control your thoughts and emotions, you control everything.

Winners win in life because they win the battle in their mind first!

It is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right.

Let go of what you think you need & what you really need will show up.

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