There's about to be a shift in your life. Get ready for your blessings. You've been through enough and a breakthrough is on the way. Don't doubt it, just claim it!

The test of character is not persistence when you expect a light at the end of the tunnel. The true test is performance and persistence when you see no light coming.

I really have this desire to make it known that the Internet exists and YouTubers are important. And not only are YouTubers important, our followings are incredible.

I've met so many people who have come up to tell me their personal stories, and a lot of them express the same feelings that I have, especially reading things online.

No matter what happened to you in your past, you are not your past, you are the resources and the capabilities you glean from it. And that is the basis for all change.

I reflect back on my mom's journey, someone who was an immigrant to Canada and came not knowing anything and figured it out tremendously. I reflect back on that a lot.

When you choose to perceive love over fear, life begins to flow. You feel peaceful and you see love in all situations. Your hang-ups subside and your life feels guided.

Opportunities will always be there but the level you'd be able to fulfil those opportunities depends on you being fully present and working to the best of your ability.

My original plan was to graduate high school and major in computer engineering at college. That went out the window, and I said, 'I have to do something with speaking.'

Freedom of press and freedom of speech: What a blessing for a country while in the hands of honest, patriotic men; what a curse if in the hands of designing demagogues.

I had to dance topless for two years to make cash to pay my bills and save some money. But it was very enlightening, by the way. I'm talking about light from the gutter.

Don't be confused by what looks like luck to you. Lucky people don't make successful people; people who completely commit themselves to success seem to get lucky in life.

Life is designed to knock you down. It will knock you down time and time again, but it doesn't matter how many times you fall - it matters how many times you get back up.

For the self-development of men and women it is absolutely necessary that they should be alone with themselves at least one hour each day-to get the blessings of solitude.

Some people claim that expectations are the reason for unhappiness. However, I can assure you from personal experience that you’ll suffer greatly by setting subpar targets.

The parent characters that I portray are Indian because I grew up in an Indian household. Having said that, I feel like people of all cultures would relate to those parents.

Back when Myspace was around I couldn't wait to have my own account. My parents told me I could get one as long as I was okay with the fact that with the good comes the bad.

If I could give advice to anyone, it would be that sometimes the best way you can fight a problem - and this is going to be a little bit controversial - is to not address it.

I want my channel to be a place people go even if they don't care about Lilly. I don't want them to have to know about Lilly or care about me as a person to enjoy my content.

A dream becomes a goal the moment you write it down. A goal becomes a plan the moment you break it down into doable steps. A plan becomes a reality only when you take action.

The biggest thing I've learned is that it's not about me. All of the things that I do have to be about bringing service to the world and helping people shift their perception.

Instead of trying to see things my way, I try to see things her [wife's] way, and if it honestly makes sense then I will submit to her instead of being a tyrant and a dictator.

Your skin will get better, you're going to be more attractive, you're more likely to get a job - all the things you want, you will get as a result of being in a more calm place.

Never reduce a target. Instead, increase actions. When you start rethinking your targets, making up excuses, and letting yourself off the hook, you are giving up on your dreams!

In my life I've gone through a lot of really hard times. I went through depression and had so many challenges that I overcame. And I overcame because I just decided to be happy.

We can't be guided - because we're so far from it. We've so destroyed it. We're so far from that that we can't use it. I mean, Jim Bakker heard from God. What a good job he did!

Hate is self-destructive. If you hate somebody, you're not hurting the person you hate. You're hurting yourself. And that's a healing. Actually, it's a real healing, forgiveness.

If you stay in that new flow of positive behavior, it's hard to revert back to old patterns. But if you do fall off, just forgive yourself, recover quickly, and get right back on.

Most people aren't unsuccessful in life because they don't know what to do. They are unsuccessful because they don't DO what they know how to do. Knowledge is power use it.

Every great tradition has told you that you were created in the image and the likeness of the creative source. That means that you have God potential and power to create your world.

A man is judged by the company he keeps, and a company is judged by the men it keeps, and the people of Democratic nations are judged by the type and caliber of officers they elect.

Buried deep within each of us is a spark of greatness, a spark than can be fanned into flames of passion and achievement. That spark is not outside of you it is born deep within you.

If you clear that negative feeling and forgive yourself, then you can see the world from a different lens. You stop attracting that same type of experience. You can set yourself free.

Treating success as an option is one of the major reasons why more people don't create it for themselves-and why most people don't even get close to living up to their full potential.

You'll never be fully engaged in where you are or where you're going by settling for normal. Here's a fact: No one who was normal ever made history. Drop that fantasy like a hot rock!

I could eat absolutely whatever I want, whenever I want and I won't really gain any weight. I'm going to be 25 in March, and I've never weighed over about 64 pounds in my entire life.

You let go of the past, and stop bringing the past into the present and replaying it into the future. You release guilt, shame, and you can create an entirely new pattern for yourself.

Yet a part of you still believes you can fight and survive no matter what your mind knows. It's not so strange. Where there's still life, there's still hope. What happens is up to God.

I normally don't ever talk about my dating life or anything super personal in the press just because I feel like there's this fine line between what to keep to myself and what to share.

Average is a failing plan! Average doesn't work in any area of life. Anything that you give only average amounts of attention to will start to subside and will eventually cease to exist.

After a long day at work, I want someone to come home, turn on my video and think, "Oh my god, how girls get ready? This is hilarious, I love this, I'm forgetting about all my problems."

I think there's so many things happening, whether it's gender inequality or immigration, there's just so many issues happening around the world where not doing anything makes you guilty.

After a long day at work, I want someone to come home, turn on my video and think, 'Oh my God, how girls get ready? This is hilarious. I love this; I'm forgetting about all my problems.'

The sad reality is that girl-on-girl hate is such a big issue in schools, at work, or online, and it never made any sense to me because, as women, we know how awesome other women can be.

Seven national crimes: 1. I don't think. 2. I don't know. 3. I don't care. 4. I am too busy. 5. I leave well enough alone. 6. I have no time to read and find out. 7. I am not interested.

As you look at your fears head-on, you'll begin to see how much of what you fear is just False Evidence Appearing Real. When you act on this false evidence, you create chaos in your life.

I don't believe in having regrets. I believe everything happens for a reason even when we don't want it to happen. Every high and every low moment has a lesson waiting for you to find it.

The more people I meet, the farther out of my own little world I go, the more I see that we are all alike. And there isn't one of us who can afford to pick up the rock in the glass house.

Most men believe that it would benefit them if they could get a little from those who have more. How much more would it benefit them if they would learn a little from those who know more.

To to change misery, disease and failure into joy, health, success and prosperity, I must think, speak and act, in ways which are the exact reverse of how most people think, speak and act.

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