If you have issues with family, friends, and people at work, try and solve these issues head on so you can move on and concentrate on having the life you want.

When I was young, I'd fight everyone who insisted I'd be an actress. I'd say, 'No way. I'm going to be a veterinarian. I'm going to work at Wetzel's Pretzels.'

Sometimes people can only imagine that I live a glamorous life 24/7, which I don't. I just like the most natural and simple things. That's what makes me happy.

Be kind, don't judge, and have respect for others. If we can all do this, the world would be a better place. The point is to teach this to the next generation.

I did a shoot for 'Sports Illustrated,' and my grandpa called me and asked when my issue of 'Playboy' was coming out. It was hilarious as well as embarrassing.

The one thing I like about 'Playboy' is they don't have the anorexic look. The women are voluptuous. So I didn't really want to diet. I just wanted to tone up.

There's a part in a woman's soul, God has given it to every woman, and it's the part where you know whether he's telling the truth or not. Women see red flags.

Sometimes you leave the house for school, and you realize you're wearing the same thing as your toddler, which is embarrassing! I try to avoid it at all costs.

It's important to look your best because it reflects how you feel about yourself. I really believe that what goes on the outside reflects what's on the inside.

I've been waiting for techno to die. I was in Germany once and this guy was telling me that techno was dead, and then he proceeded to play me techno for hours.

I mean, I would never want to do anything to hurt my family, but then again I would never want to do anything to hurt myself. And I think they go hand in hand.

If I had not become an actress, I would be a journalist or a psychologist: I like to analyze the mind and be involved in political moments that change history.

Becoming a mother has made me even more aware and more passionate about nutrition and wellness. So much so that I am now a certified health coach practitioner.

My secret weapon is baking soda. It's a great natural exfoliator; you can put it in the shower and scrub down your body, and you can even use it on your teeth.

Australia's a place I've always wanted to visit because of the beautiful beaches. I am surprised by how cosmopolitan the cities are; it wasn't what I expected.

What fun is life if it's taken so seriously, and what fun is yoga and the search for enlightenment if we are tight, tense, and clenched up from the inside out?

No, it has not been hard to grow older, because I believe if you have something you believe in that will keep you alive far more than plastic surgery or Botox.

I know what I am fighting for. I am fighting for the most basic rights of innocent children. And that is why I never take the criticism too deep under my skin.

My little girl, Anja, is really excited. We had a baby shower yesterday and she took the presents from everyone for me and was telling them, 'No, it's my baby.'

I think because I can be sad, and I can be lonely, my gift would be trying to help other people feel less lonely and less sad. Because that's what I understand.

For 10 years, I'd been told I was always going to be a catalogue girl, never a cover girl. Well, I got with IMG and did five covers in a year, boom, boom, boom.

It makes me feel wonderful that people still care for me... that I have so many fans among young people, who write to me and tell me I have been an inspiration.

I really love doing simple things. I'm surrounded by people all the time at work, so I want to have a normal life when I'm off duty: motherhood, food, and love!

I think Ray Liotta in 'Goodfellas' is the best ever. Given that it was two hours, it was a little bit more theatrical, and I mean that in the most positive way.

I'm really focused when I'm working out, so I don't really listen to music. I like to listen to music after, because it's like, 'Yeah! I finished! Let's party!'

It's a huge change for your body. You don't even want to look in the mirror after you've had a baby, because your stomach is just hanging there like a Shar-Pei.

You start out happy that you have no hips or boobs.All of a sudden you get them, and it feels sloppy. Then just when you start liking them, they start drooping.

I have so many indulgences - way too many. But I think also you work out to be able to eat what you want. You can be healthy, but you have to let yourself live.

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?

I get out of bed, brush my teeth, wash my face, put on moisturiser, put on clothes, and leave. Four minutes. I like to shower at night so I can roll out of bed.

I actually really love the Kate Moss Rimmel lipsticks. Sometimes I get afraid of different colours. I want to try a bright pink, but I don't want to look tacky!

You always get one or two people that aren't going to be saying nice things. It doesn't really bother me, but you're always going to get a few people like that.

You're on set for 15 hours, and then you go home and make sure you're posting the right stuff on social media, and then you answer your e-mails. It never stops.

When you're two, three, four years old, it's not really modelling. You run around, and they give you toys in a fun place, and they take pictures of you playing.

I love men's company, but I don't feel I have to be married. Men are a wonderful part of life, like chocolate. But my life goes on whether they're there or not.

You tell me the truth, and I am hooked for life, because the one thing that you can't find nowadays is the person who is going to be absolutely honest with you.

I was always performing as a child, and then I was determined to act and sing and dance, so I travelled for miles every day to go from home in Kent into London.

Miriam Were has made outstanding contributions to public health in the developing world. She brings basic medical services to women and children in East Africa.

I’d say I was a tomboy... I took wood chop in high school and I was very into volleyball and football, and [was] very unaware of anything girly for a long time.

I find the practice of yoga very spiritual and taking the time to just be and to reflect through meditation and chanting helps me to connect to a higher energy.

Models are some of the most insecure people I've ever met. They're constantly being told they're not good enough. You've really got to practice loving yourself.

I think that the biggest challenge for me making films is how much of your life you give to something. Shooting the film requires 14-hour days, six days a week.

It comes down to balance when consuming food - I'll eat burgers, pizza, candy, and then I'll balance it out with fruit, salad, fish... and of course I work out.

Despite my mother saying I have been destined to be an actress my whole life, I remember being the kid who grew up not knowing what I wanted to do with my life.

People think, 'She's a model. She must have such an attitude. She must be so stuck up.' But I'm normal. I cry. I'm not rich. I drive a 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity.

When we have built up armor against all the bad things we think might happen in the world, we have a false sense of protection and have only built up isolation.

Every time someone buys a cat or a dog from a breeder or a pet shop, a cat on the streets or in an animal shelter loses his or her chance at finding a good home.

Wonderful things happen when you turn 50: you change perspective. You ask, 'Who am I? What do I want to do with my life? What have I not done that I want to do?'

I wasn't put on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated' as a plus-size model; I was put on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated' as a model, as a rookie, as Ashley Graham.

I'm a mother of three. I don't really have the time to put very elaborate outfits together, so I keep it casual but dress it up with shoes, a bag, and jewellery.

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