The energy you give off is the energy you receive. I really think that, so I'm always myself - JUMPING, dancing, singing around, trying to cheer everybody up.

Working with Mario Testino was a joy. He's very young spirited, and it's always lovely and a pleasure to spend time talking to him about all different things.

Being born and raised as a Californian, I somewhat ignorantly had taken for granted the diversity and liberal mindset that shaped my childhood and adult life.

Men and Pilates - it's like the hardest thing on the planet to them! They're not used to getting those muscles. Core and butt and stuff - they're so confused.

Of course, there are days when you're not feeling your best and you still have to stand up there and it can be difficult. But those days pass and you move on.

Just having the whole control over your body is so important when you're modelling - to just be able to know exactly what you look like and what you're doing.

I have the same skin-care routine morning and night, although I'm not one of those people who always uses the same products. My skin changes with the weather.

Every woman, whether or not they're comfortable with the term 'feminist,' probably wants to be equal to men, and that is fundamentally what feminism is about.

I do like shopping high street, but I do consider the long-term value of a specific piece and, also, one day giving it up for somebody else to love and enjoy.

For me, acting is a long-term thing. I'm not in a hurry to make it. I have no desire to explode onto the film industry. I still want to be acting when I'm 60.

There's this whole idea of perfection. What young girls don't realize is that these girls do have problems. It's good for people to realize everyone is human.

I rarely use a stylist, and enjoy choosing my outfit on my own. If you know what suits your body and personality then your individual style emerges naturally.

I just feel kind of out of place on Easter. I feel kind of useless because everybody else has kids and I don't and I'm just standing there with nothing to do.

I moved on from the whole 'Playboy' thing five years ago and really never looked back. I'm not one of those girls who goes back to all the parties and things.

I always had a short bob with bangs, and I hated it. My mum would always say, 'A short hair cut is always the way to go for you.' I had it for fourteen years!

Some photographers shoot hundreds of pictures in a row and you need to be able to move from pose to pose very quickly while trying to make it look effortless.

It can be hard for the cute girl. I was blond, cute, broke. I was beat up. I was thrown inside lockers. I was burned with cigarettes. My hair was lit on fire.

When I say that I love you, I don't say it out of habit or to make conversation. I say it to remind you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

It makes my skin crawl to think about the violent ways snakes, lizards, alligators and other exotic creatures are raised and killed for boots, bags and belts.

I don't think men should think too much about their hair. They shouldn't think. They should just open bottles for women, hammer nails into wall and chop wood.

I don't apologize for my diamonds, Rolls-Royce, Range Rover, or anything. Look, Queen Elizabeth has more diamonds than me. Why don't people attack her for it?

I am a creature of habit with my food and snacks. I make sure to get in all three meals and drink my Eboost every morning, and lots of hot tea keeps me going!

Fashion and style are a language - they helps us communicate with each other in a creative way. Style is one of the most important methods of self-expression.

I'd say I was a tomboy... I took wood shop in high school and I was very into volleyball and football, and was very unaware of anything girly for a long time.

I am passionate about my family, adventure, good wine, nature and the outdoors, sharks, the ocean, and working hard to preserve it all for future generations.

I've always been very shy of doing television. I've always said 'no.' Not to be disrespectful to anyone - I didn't want to say 'yes' and then let people down.

Wear things that make you happy because, I think, that really shines through. If you feel uncomfortable in something, then I don't think it ever really works.

I conquered a fear of heights and water by bungee jumping from a crane over a lake. And if thats not crazy enough, I also wrestled a greased pig in a mud pit.

Photographing friends means that there's a spontaneity to the images. I have a lot of love for my friends and family, and I love taking cool pictures of them.

Modeling is exciting, but I certainly felt frustrated that I couldn't speak out or express myself. I always wanted to express my desires in some other medium.

Fluted sleeves or any sleeve that flares out before coming in again at the wrist are very feminine and a great way to distract from the dreaded 'bingo wings.'

My mother named me after a miracle of nature: Waris means desert flower. The desert flower blooms in a barren environment where few living things can survive.

Do I really need to prove anything to anybody? I don't feel that I have to prove anything. The only thing that I have to prove is to myself, that I have value.

My children without a doubt are my greatest accomplishment. If I did nothing else I would feel just having and raising them would be enough. The rest is icing.

I was 23, and he was 86. I saw a very sick man. I just wanted to just talk with him. There was no physical attraction at all. He was very much attracted to me.

I've lived the torment of the names. I've lived the torment of boyfriends breaking up with me because they were afraid I was going to be too fat later in life.

I'm giving curvy women a seat at a table that we've never been invited to before - a table with high-end fashion people who have never considered us beautiful.

When I first started to sing, people automatically asked what Barbi Benton was doing behind a microphone, and I'm determined to show them there is talent here.

There's a reason why Hasselhoff was in a suit for twelve years, and there's a reason why Donald still has his hair that way. I'm tellin' ya. They're both sexy.

When I had my daughter, my priorities shifted. Being in the world of fashion you have to be very self-absorbed and surrounded by people that are self-absorbed.

I'm really focused when I'm working out, so I don't really listen to music. I like to listen to music after, because it's like, 'Yeah! I finished! Let's party!

I remember really loving the CoverGirl ads when I was younger - there was something very cool about how they always put the girls in white. It looked so clean.

I really believe in the old expression that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It's through adversity that you find the strength you never knew you had.

I think you have to feel comfortable with your car. You have to go into Turn 1, every lap, with confidence. You have to be sure of yourself and your equipment.

People have opinions about everything and especially when you get into that world of animal rights or tree rights or whatever rights, they all have an opinion.

You know, it's always good to have seen a track before, just to kind of know where the little bumps are here and there, and just the general feel for the size.

When I work out, I make healthier choices in all areas of life, and when I don't, I tend to slack on other things, too, so I like to keep a good routine going.

A selfie is a sort of interesting way to reclaim the gaze, right? You're looking at yourself and taking a photo while looking at everyone. But also, who cares?

There were a lot of times where I didn't get any shows and even until recently got a lot of kind of negative commentary from social media about my runway walk.

You find how you feel your best, whether you feel better when you're eating gluten-free or whatever it is. I feel better when I eat a burger every other night.

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