I think it's so archaic that cosmetic companies are still using animal by-products and insects in their products! It's 2016, why is anyone still doing that?

It's really important that people know about it and the issue in schools because it happens every day to people and it really hurts when people get bullied.

In addition, I'll be attending women's health expos and medical conferences with the goal to promote dialogue between women and their health-care providers.

The most fun thing ever is having sex in a really naughty place or something. That would be pretty fun. The location usually makes it quite kinky in itself.

There are many people I admire and seek advice from, but for the most part, I just follow my gut instead of trying to mimic someone else's leadership style.

People do make assumptions about models. That's their issue, not mine. It doesn't bother me because I'm comfortable enough in my own skin - I know who I am.

With acting, if I'm any good at it, my modeling career would never be a hindrance but would rather be a help. And if I'm not, then it doesn't really matter.

I've worn jeans until they're ripped all the way around the crotch and I can't wear them any longer. You get so attached to jeans, they're like old friends.

Love is not materialistic. It's intangible yet somehow an undeniable feeling. You know it when you have it. I have lots of love in my life and I am blessed.

I think that, as a woman, it's much healthier and more positive to focus on your good parts and the things you like about yourself, not pick yourself apart.

I'm really into rooibos tea with goat's milk and a little bit of honey. I also drink dandelion tea, Earl Grey, and sometimes a green tea. I'm very into tea.

Well, when I started modeling in the mid-'80s, the girls who did shows did shows, and the girls who did magazines did magazines. That's what was understood.

I love yoga. I can practice it wherever I am, at home, in my hotel room... I like playing tennis, too, but that's more of a hobby because I'm not very good!

It would be the ultimate dream for me to win an Academy Award, be in love and have kids. Then I would say, 'Life is great! I have done everything I wanted.'

It has not been hard to grow older, because I believe if you have something you believe in, that will keep you alive far more than plastic surgery or Botox.

All the exhausting aspects of my job are made worthwhile because I get to experience so many different cultures. It makes you really appreciate the memories.

From nine years old, I lived with fear. I saw our neighbours disappearing. I was scared that I would come home from school and my parents would not be there.

When you're working a three-hour gig, how do you know when to climax? You just watch the crowd and ride the wave. If they're not feeling a song, you move on.

Juggling work and parental responsibilities is no easy task, but I'm trying my best and just like everything else there are good days and there are bad days.

I was 19 when I made my Bollywood debut with 'Ekk Deewana Tha,' and all alone in Mumbai. I would be easily affected by all that was said or written about me.

In modeling, because you're the center of attention, it builds up people's egos. Sometimes people lose touch with reality. But that happens with acting, too.

I'm strong. I'm outspoken. I feel like I'm equal to men. I can walk in the woods just as much and as far as a man can. Yet I'm still female. I'm very female.

I'm no libber. I like it when a man looks at me and treats me like a woman. I do think though, that women should get equal pay to a man doing the same thing.

Netflix is in every country except China and North Korea. Enough people have seen the show. I mean, I'm in Patagonia and people recognize the show [ Narcos].

If I want mashed potatoes, I make cauliflower mashed potatoes, which taste exactly the same. I basically just take all of my cravings and make them low carb.

You don't always have to get an expensive gym membership. The important thing is to keep moving and to make it fun and have variety - it's the spice of life.

You leak sometimes. My pediatrician said, 'Can't you just wear pads under your clothes?' I said, 'You don't know the kind of clothes I wear on photo shoots.'

I think that Indy is special to me. The greater the distance between the last time I drove an Indy car and the next time, I wouldn't like that to be too big.

Nudity seems to be an issue that America can't get over in general. I wonder when the day will come when we finally become okay with it, with the human form.

When I am with my mum, I am happiest and healthiest. She always taught me how to eat healthily. She always cooked from the garden, and it was always organic.

Everything comes back to the horse, which is why I love it. You put your ego aside, and you concentrate on getting the best performance out of this creature.

I signed with an acting agent first; I wasn't really interested in signing with a modeling agent. But that same day, they said, 'You should go over to Ford.'

It's been something that has always been kind of okay with me - not in the sense that I didn't want to get better, but I always knew that I could get better.

A sense of duty - you only really get this feeling when you have a child. You always only used to be responsible for yourself and then there is also a child.

Information on how to heal autism and how to possibly delay vaccines or prevent autism shouldn't come from me. It should come from the medical establishment.

Growing up in Texas, mum had five girls to feed on a very limited budget, so we'd end up eating the same thing until it was gone - some weeks it was carrots.

I love using Mario Badescu Facial Spray while traveling. Sometimes the air circulation on the plane makes my face dry, so it keeps me refreshed and hydrated.

A woman may be a mother, a sister, a business woman, or she may own a business. Woman do many things, and it is important that we do it with grace and style.

I like a pretty, undone look. So I wash my hair every other day so it doesn't get dried out, and I let it air-dry. If I want soft waves, I'll braid it first.

When you work with the same people for 10 years, they become family. Now when I see them - it might not be for nine months - but when I see them, it's great.

I loved watching so many of the great designers I've worked with do what they do. That's why I'm still loyal to the designers that I've known since I was 16.

I'm a healthy eater. In the morning, I'll have hot water and lemon, then scrambled eggs. I eat spelt or rye bread, not wheat, and have lots of veg and salad.

I handle emotional pain by trying to understand that it's going to be painful and to allow for it instead of fighting it. Doesn't make it any easier, though.

You know it's hard for me to, like, act the way I've been acting. And, like, being, like, nice to everyone. And I think I deserve to be acknowledged for that.

I love my job and I love my children. It's really about figuring out your schedules and getting everything down that you need to do and sticking to your plan.

You could fancy what you'd like, but as a woman, my mother always raised us to believe in ourselves. I am very grateful that my mother brought me up that way.

I lived in Paris when I was 20 and 21, and actually knew people that worked for the government there, that talked about terrorism in the country 20 years ago.

I have been so blessed not only to talk about things that I want to talk about in my industry, but also to have a platform - and people want to hear about it.

One thing I love is that I don't have a lot of people running around Hollywood saying 'I've had her,' because guys love to talk, especially about celebrities.

When you shoot on location, you need the sunrise natural light, so you need to be up and ready. I never get used to waking up so early! I love sleep too much.

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