I can't see as well as I used to. Which is actually convenient because everything I see is in extremely soft focus! I think that's God's little gift to me.

I still love finding the soul of the characters I play and defining who they are. This to me is my paint set, and the colors are always exciting to choose.

Basketball has taught me that no matter how unlikely something is, if you set a goal, and follow after that goal with all your heart, anything is possible.

My singing teacher said it would take three years before I could sing well enough to be accepted as a professional. They were wrong. It took me five years.

The challenges surrounding HIV and AIDS are getting more complex and mature, and we just can't stick our heads in the sand and say 'it can't happen to me.'

Having a child keeps you very grounded. So when I decided to have a child, I made it clear to the people I work with that my job was no longer my priority.

Just as young people absorb all kinds of messages from the media, young girls learn what it means to be a woman by watching the older women in their lives.

I find [Donald Trump] to be a vile human being - one that lies so often, so casually, and with such confidence, that fact-checkers actually cannot keep up.

I tried on 250 bathing suits in one afternoon and ended up havinglittle scabs up and down my thighs, probably from some of those withsequins all over them.

Being a girl, my parents could have discouraged me from racing ... but my family has such a passion and so much confidence in me, and that goes a long way.

I think it's about time that we represent all women on the catwalk because that is a part of fashion. The way I see it, there's no wrong way to be a woman.

I remember having to read 'The Old Man and the Sea,' and I didn't want to read it; I didn't want to like Ernest Hemingway. I was being a stubborn teenager.

Having the person that you love by your side and starting a family with them is the best thing that can happen to you in this life. You can't ask for more.

Caution is the key to safe cycling. I'm aware that cars are bigger than me, but I feel quite safe. I'm in control, liberated and free, when I'm on my bike.

Fear is not negative. We should overcome all our fears and this in turn would make us stronger. As soon as we overcome our fears we can face any challenge.

I love being tall. as you literally look at life from a different perspective: it's easier to breeze through life's turmoils; there's more room to breathe.

I always think, look at how people were before they were pregnant. If you were a toned, healthy, energetic person, most likely you will be like that again.

Well, I was already so happy being chosen to do the issue itself, that when I got on the cover, it was even more of a surprise and even more amazing to me.

I don't believe in diets, as I always put whatever I lost right back on again. I think we should all just eat healthily and get as much exercise as we can.

I'm a curious person. I like to ask questions. Well, why? People would say, it's never been done. It's never been done does not mean that it can't be done.

The entire time I was modeling, I was trying and failing at businesses. In fact, we would have started our business much sooner had I been more successful.

Some of the greatest guitarists, historically, have had no chops, they've just had great taste. I know a lot of musical school kids who just have no taste.

I sucked in the smell of her perfume, Viva La Juicy, and was swept away. La Juicy was part of my oxygen supply, even for the year and a half we were apart.

Prenatal care is one of the most effective ways to reduce maternal mortality because it identifies complications or high risks before emergency situations.

I have led an exceptional life in some ways, yes. I mean, I've been very lucky. I seem to have had a gift for landing in the right place at the right time.

We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness.

I am very gender fluid and feel more like I wake up every day sort of gender neutral. I cop a fair bit of flack for going from 'such a babe to such a boy.'

It would be the ultimate dream for me to win an Academy Award, be in love and have kids. Then I would say, 'Life is great! I have done everything I wanted.

There is a big lesson in experiencing uncertainty and calamity with a sober focus - the most chaotic moments are the ones from which we can learn the most.

Fashion is fun, ridiculously fun. But it's base and it's wrong. You're not doing anything good for the world. You're just saying, 'Buy it, buy it, buy it.'

For me, there has never been one definition of beauty. I think we all have something to offer and when beauty shines from within, there can be no denying it

I'm not a DJ, I don't know how to scratch and I don't know how to mix, but I do know how to party. One of my jobs is actually to travel the world and party.

I use this method to bring emotion into my performance. I recite my lines in English first, and then switch back to the original lines when shooting begins.

When you're given an 'SI' cover, and you take advantage of it, you can conquer the world. Look at Chrissy Teigen. Look at Tyra Banks. Look at Kathy Ireland.

With Scary Movie 4 I couldn't say no because I loved being in the first one and even though it is a cameo, it's so worth it because it is so much fun to do.

Am I still interested in a guy's body? Now that I have grown up, I am much more of a 'vibe' kind of person! If a man has a good body, that is an added plus.

The sexiest thing about a women is her health. When you feel good, everyone is attracted to you. But if you look sick, they’ll steer a wild path around you.

I believe that as women, we must commit ourselves to sustaining the progress made by our foremothers who fought so hard for women's equality and liberation.

I wanted to bring something to 'Celebrity Apprentice' to let America know that you don't have to be back-stabbing and mean-spirited in order to a challenge.

I've noticed that maybe my skin isn't as soft as it used to be when I was a younger. It's just not there anymore. I travel so much, and my skin gets so dry.

I don't count that relationship with Ricky. It's just like a blip at this point. I had to fall in love with the devil himself to get this sweet angel, Jack.

I have this helicopter crash, and I fall in love with this man who was in the crash with me. I must have been suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

I am rubbish at the gym. I prefer to exercise by moving around - it doesn't matter whether I am dancing on a Friday night or on my bike getting from A to B.

I can play the flute. Music was my favourite A-level, and I used to love composing my and stylising my voice to sound like 90's singing sensation Tori Amos.

Water - I drink gallons of it! You can use the most luxurious skincare products in the world, but they won't work as well if you do not hydrate from inside.

So many women around the world in so many different career paths and places are expected to be perfect and I know that it sounds cliché, but none of us are.

I was determined to experience the birth, and I am so scared at the thought of having my abdomen cut open. So I was lucky that the birth went very smoothly.

I've never had a specific style philosophy. I wear what I know works on me and I'll play around with accessories or some other fun additions for the outfit.

Modeling has given me the opportunity to travel outside of Brazil and see the world. I have been meeting many interesting and talented people along the way.

I hope one day it won't matter who you're in love with. Gender is just a word. LOVE is beautiful. labels are for assholes. don't ever stop being yourselves.

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