Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone that works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace.

I loved everything that went with rock n' roll. I loved being at the heart of such creativity and being young in such a stimulating and exciting era.

Rod and I are naturally in love, and that is what binds us together. But to keep the spark alive in your relationship, you really have to work at it.

In New York, I am barely recognised, or people don't really care. When I go to Portugal, I go outside to a public place and am recognised constantly.

Most of the time, I do my own hair. I have good hair, so I don't need much. I don't need a hairdresser to come unless I want something very specific.

Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it's about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong.

I'm taking dance lessons and getting stuck in. It's a great way of keeping fit, and it's obviously a big part of Bollywood movies, so I need to learn.

I don't put any rules to my style; I think fashion is something that you should play with... even if you make a mistake, it's okay, it's only fashion.

I grew up in a farm in South Africa and I was scouted there and they sent me to Europe. It's kind of been blessed, since then it happened all so fast.

I preferred MTV as it used to be when it was about the music - I don't like it that now they just have reality shows. Reality TV rots people's brains.

I built stages and I did stage management - I think I built the sets twice, I happened to be good with a drill, which is a talent I didn't know I had.

If you are talented, you can really do anything. And if your heart is at the right place and you have the passion for it, you can go for it and do it.

Buying a matching blouse and skirt from the same store is a crime. A clever mix of chic and cheap hits the jackpot. Know how to mix styles and labels.

It takes a lot of guts to put on a face full of makeup, being a male in the world where a lot of people still think that cosmetics are only for women.

I want young girls that I mentor and young girls all around the world who want to be a model to be able to see that there's a great deal of sacrifice.

Sometimes, being a single mother, I miss the freedom. I see my other friends with kids, and when they go out for a drink, it is the dad that stays in.

The ancient Greek view of happiness was really defined by leading a productive life: It's not about how much you have, it's about what you do with it.

The most important thing you can do when starting a business is surround yourself with smart people who know a lot more than you do in certain realms.

Acting is something I've done since I was six years old, performing for my mum and my family in the living room, and I do it because my heart's in it.

I try to be extra creative with the colors and textures I wear during fashion week. It's not for street style, though; I just like dressing sometimes.

When I was 17, I entered a modeling contest in my home province in China because my mother wanted me to learn better posture. And the rest is history!

I don't starve myself. Anyone who knows me will tell you I have an appetite. I'd much rather work out and not diet than not work out and have to diet.

I think there's a path cut for us, a destination mapped out. Everyone ends up where they're meant to be, and how they got there doesn't really matter.

I like to do a mix for my workout because I find that when you do the same workout, you get bored of the gym, and also, it's great to shock your body.

In a way, it is I who must do the grunt work. I want to work with kids... I hope we can grow so much that someone else can take care of what I do now.

Loved ones. They are my backbone. They are the people that I turn to when I need the most support and the people who come to me when they are in need.

Stress happens. In different ways, we all hold unnecessary tension in our bodies all day long. Shoulders, neck, wrists, hips, hamstrings, back, oh my!

Sometimes, if you don't have kids yourself, it's assumed you won't understand or know how to play a mom, which is kind of silly if you think about it.

As every teenage girl, I was absolutely obsessed with The Beatles, and the first record I bought was 'Please Please Me.' I'd have been 13 at the time.

I like to dress pretty basic during the day, but with a sophisticated bohemian spin, and sometimes a little rock chic. At night I like to go glamorous.

When I was 17, my sister and I used to drive back from school in her car and sing the Spice Girls' chartbusters from the '90s at the top of our voices.

A man who opens a door for a woman or gives up his seat for her-even offering to carry something! Those are country manners that never go out of style.

I will do simple cleanses and have a day where I'm quiet and don't talk. I need to have this experience, especially after work has been really intense.

I made quite a lot of money in commercials and I decided when I got out of school to take singing lessons so I could get into singing commercials, too.

I was never one who was squeamish about nudity. I don't believe in being promiscuous about it, but several times I thought of going to a nudist colony.

I've tried and failed a lot. But I've also tried to be really clear about my brand. It is who I am. I'm a mum, I'm a wife, I'm 44 and from the Midwest.

The life of a model isn't easy. But I try to keep a good head on my shoulders by staying close to my family and old friends. They're my support system.

To be given the reins of creativity is a beautiful thing when you're used to just showing up to a casting and standing there having clothes put on you.

I like to do a face steam, so, heat up a flannel, press it onto your face and then press a cold one on afterwards to close the pores. It's inexpensive!

So to get back to being intimidated, yes, you get intimidated when you're on the runway with Naomi Campbell, who is the best runway model in the world.

To me, life is about creating memories. The regular days kind of just blend in. You have to create special times so that you will always remember them.

I prefer drama; I think character-driven drama is my favorite kind of stuff to go watch, and I like being challenged by that kind of stuff in that way.

I was born and raised in Huntington Beach, California. I was very athletic, playing volleyball and softball. I did gymnastics for about ten years, too.

I love tie dye, metallic, and anything that stands out in terms of fashion. If it is fun and unique, I am into it... especially if it has aliens on it!

I didn't even know about guys wearing makeup, like David Bowie and Boy George. When I was really young, I wasn't into that - I was into Britney Spears.

I work with wonderful people who support me. And, my beliefs are that the business needs to serve the family rather than the family serve the business.

It was tough for me at school... trying to blend in and get along with other kids. I was an oddity and kids are scared of things they don't understand.

Men don't like me. I haven't been on a date for six months. I've just started a club with a girlfriend called the We Hate Men But We Can't Be Gay Club.

I was one of the first print models to go on the runway because I wanted to do runway. When I started doing the shows, I was the only print girl there.

The best lesson that I've learned from my mother is that she just never accepted no for an answer and I think that's something that has stayed with me.

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