Social media is something I approach organically. It's all me! Sometimes I'll post four things in a few hours, but then I could go dark for a week.

Designers and photographers still want to work with me and I'm grateful for that. I don't know how long I'll carry on - as long as they'll have me.

I will not go a day without coconut oil. I personally take four tablespoons per day, either on my salads, in my cooking or in my cups of green tea.

I feel very responsible for young models of colour. They come to me and tell me they're not getting jobs, and I do what I can to speak up for them.

Having the option to be able to have a career and feel good about yourself as an individual and still be a great mother is definitely a possibility.

College basketball was one of the hardest, most rewarding experiences of my life. Every single day on the court was a mental and physical challenge.

Activism has to remain active. That's the trademark slogan and that's the mantra, because if your foot doesn't stay on the pedal, the car will stop.

Every model aspires to get contracts, so I have been very lucky with Dolce & Gabbana to be able to get that before I even really started as a model.

I like a little bit of a rough look because it's sexy. But when a man has a rough look, and he goes and gets a cleanup, then it's very sexy as well.

It's hard finding people you trust or who aren't going to take your money. Everyone wants to get a piece of whatever you're doing. It's a nightmare.

I grew up on antibiotics. Every ailment - sore throats, earaches, flus - warranted a trip to the doctor and in most cases some kind of prescription.

I don't like to fly. What's it called when the plane shakes? Turbulence, takeoffs... I grab my chair, close my eyes, count to 30, breathe, and pray.

I am very conservative. I don't invest in anything that is risky. If someone comes to me with a project idea, I let them risk their money, not mine.

Emily Procter getting pregnant changed the show for me. I got so much more involved, which was so much fun! Now I feel like an action figure Barbie.

Fragrance is, to me, something very personal; because it is something you wear every day, it should represent you and be an extension of your style.

After I grew some facial hair, I looked a bit older, and I guess that's what the modeling world wanted because I started booking more luxury brands.

Because I was very big and she was very small, my mother had a horrible birth when I was born. So she always said: 'I'm never having any more kids!'

I used to be frightened of the countryside after dark. Now I enjoy it. There is something wonderful about those strange country and wildlife noises.

I'm a total technophobe. What is wrong with paper and pen? I was delighted when I learnt the word 'Luddite,' as I thought it described me perfectly.

Hope is the greatest thing for moms of autism. Hope is what gets us out of bed in the morning. I'm on a mission to tell parents that there is a way.

Melbourne is very sophisticated and edgy - we wear a lot of black. Things are lightening up a little bit, but truly, everything looks good in black.

London is very fashion-forward. Everyone's very stylish, and the designers are great. It's very my style, grungy and feminine - a bit of everything.

A lot of people asked me if it was frustrating not having a clear specific diagnosis, but I didn't mind, I just chose the most optimistic diagnosis.

I remember during my middle and high school days, I would only wear eyeliner, and I had to wear it every day, even if I was just going to the store.

I'm not one of those Hollywood moms where my kid is three weeks old and I'm a size zero. I'm a real woman and I'm a working woman and a working mom.

Modeling is a way for me to continue with my sport, the hours are flexible and you can earn good money through photographic modeling and the catwalk

I never had a proper modeling career. It was not something I succeeded in. Once I started acting, that's when the fashion world kind of embraced me.

The last thing I would want for my future daughter would be to starve herself because she thought a thigh gap was necessary to be deemed attractive.

When I was 14, I couldn't be bothered to tweeze my eyebrows, so I would shave them in between. One time, my hand slipped, and I had half an eyebrow.

Women’s loyalty has to be earned with trust and affection, rather than barbaric rituals. The time has come to leave the old ways of suffering behind

Here in the big city people spend their time thinking about work and about money; they don't give some value to friendships and it can be depressing.

I wouldn't say it's competitive. I think everyone has their time. Gisele is having her time, and Shirley had her time, and maybe I will have my time.

I won Miss Teen World, and then a movie rep saw me on the pageant website and thought that I had the perfect image for the role in 'Madrasapattinam.'

When it comes to the New Year, I make it a point to catch my mum and dad awake before the clock strikes 12. Then, I celebrate the night with friends.

When my mother had four girls, and she could tell her marriage was falling apart, she went back to college and got her degree in music and education.

I eat healthy, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy myself. I eat ice cream and chocolate, as my metabolism is pretty fast because I work out so much.

I'm very traditional, believe it or not. My daughters are not allowed to date until they're at least 16 and I'm going to make it 18 for the next one.

Men don't even ask me out. I can't remember the last time I was asked out on a date, and I'm talking years here. I spend my life more and more alone.

I've always been a girl's girl, and I've always enjoyed my girl friends' relationships, so I want the girls who follow me to feel like we're besties.

The new age disc jockeys and program directors have accepted me as a new age artist, along with Shadowfax and the rest, and they're playing my songs.

I really believe that being flexible and grateful contributes a lot to your happiness, which contributes to your health and contributes to your look.

I like vintage stores - all over the world. I have a little collection of my favorite stores here and there. Other than that, I love online shopping.

I'm utterly androgynous, and I truly love it. It's been part of my identity for so long. I've never been that pretty girl, and I wouldn't want to be.

I knew nothing about my mum's family. Her parents were dead by the time she was 14. She was brought up by two aunts, and she only ever met one uncle.

I kind of dated a woman-ish, but there's just something about a man that's just masculine, and just there's things that women don't have that men do.

I just like a good, honest personality. I like a real person, not somebody who is pretending to be something that they're not. That really annoys me.

I measure the amount of shows I should do by my hair. If my hair isn't good for campaigns and editorials, then obviously I am not going to look good.

I try to not listen to all the girls I admire musically - like Nina Simone - just so I don't find myself imitating them, even if it's subconsciously.

I think I was pretty much hated in France. The French press ignored me. There was a movement when the children of celebrities faced strong animosity.

Leather is always sexy, and you have to wear leather when you ride a bike. It's more for protection, but it also gets you some style points, I think.

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