I hope I'm one of many to come in the Dubai World Cup, and hope I see more women making it at this level. There are a lot of great female jockeys.

I love dress shopping, and I love talking about the wedding food. That's what makes me happy. If you tell me to do a guest list, I cry. I hate it.

I love sashimi, mainly tuna sashimi. I will buy six pieces or so a day and just snack on them. Sometimes I wrap them up in my mini seaweed sheets.

I can't sleep without the TV on, so we leave it on during the night, and that's what wakes me up - Joe Scarborough and 'Morning Joe' at 7:30 or 8.

The only constant that I have in my life is that I start whatever I do with my Total Gym, because I believe it helps keep me from getting injured.

My boyfriend loves golf and he is good at it but I am not that great at it. It drives me nuts, but I'm super competitive and I always want to win.

I lived in London for eight years and I like to say that I am two parts American and one part British because I lived there for a third of my life

In any job, you have to give up certain things, and I believe that having a good quality of life means enjoying certain things only in moderation.

As a small child, me and my pals fantasised about one day owning an ice-cream van. To have ice creams on demand would have been a dream come true.

Life is a perspective and for me, if a human being has access to school, clean water, food, proper health care, that is the basis of human rights.

Rag & Bone is a big part of my closet. I just really like how their jeans fit; I wear them a lot, and I think they make really cool staple pieces.

My career never suffered from my not being skinny. I never did catwalk work because I was always too big. I couldn't get the clothes over my hips.

I think you'd have to literally live in a cave to not know anything about 'Twilight'. I've seen a few of the movies, but I haven't read the books.

The reason I haven't got an agent is so that no one can contact me to offer me a film part. In case I'm tempted to do something I'll regret later.

My Helmut Lang leather pants are my most treasured possession - I've worn them almost every day for two years, and they look good with everything.

I don't want my daughters to grow up the way that I grew up. I want them to actually see Mommy in a fulfilled relationship that's amazing for her.

A lot of people fall in love because you're sharing your body with someone. And sometimes you get it twisted, and you think that that's real love.

I collect jewelry for a story - so something I got on a trip or something I got from my family. You know it always needs to have a meaning for me.

I really don't like conference calls to be honest. It's always something that bloody happens with a conference call - universally never works out.

Many girls prepare their whole lives for this one moment. For me, I see Miss USA as an opportunity to reach new and greater heights in the future.

Nobody automatically believes in your dream. Nobody! You have to turn it into reality through your own sheer grit, bullheadedness and persistence.

Taking chances on opportunities, even if they aren't right for you, gives you a clearer picture of where you want to go with your life and career.

My father ran a famous L.A. nightclub complete with roller-rink - Flippers - in the early Eighties which was the West Coast's answer to Studio 54.

It's hard to appreciate the importance of the rainforest because it seems so far away, but it's vital to the survival of the planet as we know it.

I love 'Guitar Hero' because I love music, but I have no musical ability whatsoever. So I love a game that makes you feel like you're a rock star.

I love rock and roll. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong decade because I love Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix and... those are my bands.

I do love fish, and I thought it was healthy without understanding the high mercury levels that fish like tuna, swordfish and halibut can contain.

The smell of cigars reminds me of someone I used to know, and it just always brings me back. I love it; I find something very comforting about it.

When I was younger, I had an older brother a year and a half older than me, so we always had each other, and I felt very fortunate in that regard.

I grew up with a Mediterranean diet, so I like clean, simple food. But if there's pizza on a menu, I always end up ordering it. I can't resist it.

I would (have sex with another woman). Sometimes I feel attracted to other women. It's almost more exciting to watch women getting it on than men.

Hugh Jackman is just the nicest person in the world. I know everybody says that, and it's almost boring to hear, but he is really, really perfect.

Everybody perceives me because of my career that I'm a movie star, or I'm this model, but I'm still the same person I was when I was a little girl.

Honestly, at the end of the day, what I want women to know is that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. And that it should not define who you are.

Social media has truly helped my career because it has given models a voice. And a voice is something that we want to see a change in the industry.

My perfect day would start with a kiss from my daughter. I would drive her to school listening to our favourite punk rock music on loud in the car.

It was a really big deal to become an American citizen the right way. You have to work really hard, and it is such an honor to be able to say that.

My dad will get a kick out of [Scary Movie 4]. I don't know if he'll love it but by now my family know what to expect from me. So it's no surprise.

I went to the Performing Arts School and studied classical ballet. That attitude is something that's put into your head. You are never thin enough.

I just remember Stella Tenant and me dancing in Donatella Versace's bathtub until like four in the morning. It was one of those 'pinch me' moments.

I have always worked out, and I've gone through different phases of yoga, but the combination of Pilates three days a week with yoga is incredible.

I lived in London for eight years and I like to say that I am two parts American and one part British because I lived there for a third of my life.

If I really don't feel like it, I'll change my plans and choose to be with my baby. If that moment makes me happier, I think that's more important.

Genuine and true love is so rare that when you encounter it in any form, it's a wonderful thing, to be utterly cherished in whatever form it takes.

I would chance saying globally there is a feeling that female empowerment has, at last, become a topic that is fashionable, and more power to that.

I was actually discovered while at a showroom appointment and was immediately sent over to an agency in L.A. I was about 15 years old at that time.

At school I got harassed so badly for being too tall, too thin, too pale - too everything that has gotten me where I am now, which is quite ironic.

I'm dedicating my time to going on tour and basically juggling music, modeling, and being a mother. Being a mother is obviously the most important.

A girl who is interested in becoming a model must first accept the fact that she is the product. She must be ready to deal with a lot of rejection.

Some tell me I'll break my ankle on my high heels - but I live in them. I'm known for doing speed dashes and leaps and bounds in heels. No problem.

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