I always tell people you don't have to work out an hour every day, but I do make sure I sweat - I think that's the biggest key to weight loss.

We all have our own purpose in life and I feel very strongly that I have a bigger purpose than giving to just my immediate family and friends.

Having a Mary Poppins-themed birthday party when I was 5 - all my friends went in dresses, and I went as a chimney sweep. I was a real tomboy.

Having hibernation weekends where I just sleep for hours on end. Working out when you have those spare moments. All of that is very important.

Probably the most important piece of advice that I've ever gotten is to develop your mind. I left school very young and I always regretted it.

I am attracted to intelligence, a witty sense of humor, an adventurous outlook on life and spiritual awareness about one's self and the world.

Before I was cast on The Surreal Life my knowledge of Christopher Knight was pretty much he was on The Brady Bunch and I hated The Brady Bunch.

I could never understand why other kids wanted to truant - my education here gave me everything. It's the place where I really got to flourish.

For my first Bollywood movie, 'Ekk Deewana Tha,' my mum also came over because Mumbai was completely new to me, and I'd heard it's a huge city.

You never know what life can hand you, but YOU have the choice and power to give back love and kindness in all you do and how you treat others.

I never understood when people go, 'Oh my gosh, it's so easy being pregnant.' No, it's hard. It's the most beautiful thing, yes, but it's hard.

I'm quite surprised that nobody has asked me to do my own line of tweezers. I totally would love to do that. Or, like, mascara. Cara's Mascara!

I want more girls' nights, more dinner parties, more date nights, more nights on the couch with zucchini fries watching bad reality television.

I try to eat whatever I want. I don't like putting myself on a diet, but I try to eat organic, healthy, and lean with lots of green vegetables.

I am concerned about ageism and the loss of beauty - the perception that as you grow older, you 'lose your looks,' which I think is diabolical.

When you’re young, whatever you do that makes you stand out is a frightening thing. You learn later that that’s what you want to do, stand out.

When you tell people you are a model, they have a very narrow view of who you are, and it's good to be able to say that it's not all that I am.

My philosophy is that, in life, you have to want something. If you just say "la-la-la" and go through life without a goal, nothing will happen.

I'm someone, the same as my girlfriends, when they say what do you think about this, I don't always say they look fabulous. I say what I think.

People always starve themselves, and then they get hungry, and then they eat the wrong things, like chips or cookies or whatever they can grab.

I'm working on producing my own shows. "Girls Next Door" was a great place to start but it was somebody else's show. I'm just ready to move on.

Contouring makes a huge difference in your bone structure! I don't do it every day, because when I'm not working, I like to keep my skin fresh.

People who love R&B will love my music, people who love rock will love my music. It's soulful, it's pop. It's a sound that relates to everyone.

Luckily, my husband is my business partner as well as my life partner, so I never had to do the heavy lifting alone, literally or figuratively.

Trends come and go, and style evolves. It's important to have pieces of jewelry that are timeless and look chic despite ever-changing fashions.

Listen: I like my bikinis very small, and I also like, uh, nude-colored bikinis because people double-take - they think I'm naked on the beach.

I'm very determined, honest, open and definitely very energetic. I expect a lot as a boss and I'm very demanding, but I ask that of myself too.

When I was the first time for a job in New York, I saw Natalia Vodianova on an oversized billboard in Times Square on a Calvin Klein billboard.

Being a social entrepreneur is a balancing act between growing and sustaining a business while also growing the company's ability to give back.

I'm eating a lot of organic proteins and vegetables! Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is my No. 1 priority because I'm nursing my daughter.

I used to see Estee Lauder's ads everywhere in the subways of Beijing, and I thought how wonderful it would be if the model on them was myself!

I always felt safe and protected. My dad is 6'6" and 280 pounds, so I basically felt protected, and I aspire to have my kids feel the same way.

Everybody's skin is different, so you need to find products that work for your skin type. I use a lot of facial oils, as mine can get very dry.

Why don't we have the chemistry that Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet had in Titanic? I'll tell you one reason: Because we're not in a movie!

Any of the yoga poses could be substituted in this analogy. How you practice is much more meaningful than what yoga moves you can or cannot do.

Ageing doesn't mean giving up on style and individuality; it doesn't mean abandoning fashion and living in comfy slippers and flannel knickers.

Tailored jackets with jeans is a great look for all ages. Dress up with a heel and pretty shirt, or just wear a smart T-shirt under the jacket.

My definition of beauty is happiness. I believe that when you are happy, it shines through and makes you a more attractive and beautiful person!

I just remember Stella Tenant and me dancing in Donatella Versaces bathtub until like four in the morning. It was one of those pinch me moments.

There is something special about unions of husband and wife. Unless we bring men and women together, children will not have mothers and fathers.

Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going.

Four months is a lot of living with that little life in you - thinking about it, eating right for it, nurturing it and all of a sudden, it dies.

If people would treat themselves with the same kind of love they give to their friends, that would be such a great gift we could give ourselves.

I'm not a fan of fillers at all. If you've gone 35 or 40 years without big lips, I don't think it's time to start plumping them up artificially.

I've biked my whole life. We didn't have bus service when I was going to school in Holland, so I biked around 25 kilometers to school every day.

Rejection is, of course, part of any successful model's career, as ironic as that sounds. It's how you pick yourself up and get on with the job.

Starting my career in London was no accident because the city and the industry here are all about theatre and drama, and I respond well to that.

All German women are beautiful. It's not for nothing that we talk of the German "Fräuleinwunder." You don't get this word in any other language.

I think you always need to try your best, but at the same time you can only do what you can do, and you don't need to beat yourself up about it.

If you're beautiful you don't need clothes. If you're ugly like me, you're like a house with no foundations; you need something to build you up.

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