I was a semi-professional gymnast as a child. I did rhythmic gymnastics, but I sustained an injury and strained all the muscles in my spine.

The hardest thing for me is walking. Can you imagine you've got a metal pole and if you put pressure on it like a strong walk, you can walk.

In my job, people tell you that all the time: 'This shoot was great. You look amazing.' But you never know what they say when you turn away.

Continuous persecution of widows and orphans is a crime. Even the Bible says there is a specific place in hell for those who oppress widows.

I'm Latin, and my family is originally from Italy, so we're a loud group. There's always a lot of food, a lot of talking, a lot of fighting.

I hate to say this, but I'm one of those people with an extremely fast metabolism. I eat, eat, eat, and yet I can't seem to gain any weight.

Those outside of autism need to understand this is an epidemic and we need more government funding, insurance coverage and education reform.

I don't want to be on such a strict diet that I don't have fun. So if I eat sweets, I'll just put in more of an effort when I go to the gym.

I have to say, the other day I was reading some negative comments, and I was thinking they were really funny. So I guess they don't anymore.

We have to be able to grow up. Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be.

I love the fabric of Genetic jeans. There's a softness. I always travel in them. It feels like you're in like your most comfortable pajamas.

I never, ever used my son for publicity. He'll have his say one day if he wants it. He'll have the last word. He has time to defend himself.

First I became U.N. Goodwill Ambassador for WHO, and that was in 2005. And then, about a year or so later, I decided to start my foundation.

The whole point of art school is that you're going to be able to have nudes all day long and a teacher who is there to move you. It's great.

I always lived with guitarists. When they would leave, I would just pick up their acoustic guitars and start doing finger picking and write.

I go to bed early, and normally before I do, I have a tea - it's a special tea that my doula gave me, and it takes about 25 minutes to make!

When I finish a film, I want to feel drained. I want to feel like I couldn't have possibly done any more to service a character and a story.

Life seems to be busy for most people and if you know you are doing the best you can then there really is nothing more you can do then that.

I don't work out as much as I should, but I do believe that it's a healthy mind as well as a healthy body that keeps me fit, sound and calm.

My mentors in life are much older than me and have been through life. They can actually give me some sound advice on what I'm going through.

One of my favourite scents in the world is the 'Brown' candle from Hotel Costes in Paris. It smells like naughty nights in corners of clubs.

For the most part, I definitely don't identify as any gender. I'm not a guy; I don't really feel like a woman, but obviously I was born one.

When we go somewhere, my dad will start shouting my name very loudly. He'll yell, 'Oh, my God, it's Sara Sampaio!' My brother does the same.

I don't like my hair when it's washed - it's fine and limp - but Coca-Cola makes it tousled, like I've gone through the Amazon or something.

I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third would have to be loyalty.

We spend so much time closing ourselves to protect from scary things that we forget that when we do open to the world, inspiration can flow.

Brazilian women are taught to take care of themselves. They start their beauty routine at a young age, which is the key to aging beautifully.

My mother always has embedded in us that you guys rock in different ways, and to be able to celebrate that with each other is just beautiful.

We survived on natural resources, so we should take care of the earth. When I leave home, I do things like switching off the heat and lights.

Professional people make everything look perfect, they make everything that you're wearing look great, if it's in a picture or on the runway.

I want to make the most out of the word 'fame.' I want to do good things with my fame, or whatever it is. I want to help and do charity work.

The best models in the industry are the ones who feel comfortable on the set. If she doesn't feel comfortable, the images won't be beautiful.

Eventually, I joined a church. I didn't go there to find a boyfriend; I truly wasn't looking for anyone other than the person I wanted to be.

Ill paddle board, swim in the ocean, roll in the sand, soak up the sun, eat good food, be with friends and family and go fishing with my dad.

Business fits me best. The only reason I went into modeling originally was to help out my family, because I knew that money gave you freedom.

My normal look is so regular that when I'm going out or doing something, I like to be excessive. I'm very Italian - I don't like to go small.

I love comfort. Comfort is very key to me because I spend most of my time in very uncomfortable things, so it's all about trainers and flats.

It was easy to run around barefoot in oblivion in Costa Rica. But once I gave birth to my child, I didnt want to be oblivious to the obvious.

It's very important to have the right clothing to exercise in. If you throw on an old T-shirt or sweats, it's not inspiring for your workout.

My mother's from Thailand, and they're very strict about girls in bikinis, but I would love to do a shoot in the floating market in Thailand.

I know I have one of the best jobs in the world. These days, models are allowed to have bigger personalities and be celebrities on their own.

I don't believe in proving myself, ever. I'm in the school of thought where if someone is a curious person, they can find whatever they want.

Basically, my hair is very dry from all the backcombing! Hairdressers prefer if your hair is dry and damaged, as it makes it easier to style.

I would like to do all kinds of things: photography and art and designing; I want to help do charity things for animals and things like that.

Just be nice to people and be someone people want to work with because if people don't like working with you it's just not going to work out.

My coaches are always my friends. I've always had a coach a year of my life and they're really important part of being a better human for me.

'The Mortal Instruments' is based on a series of novels by Cassandra Clare; it has been a New York Times bestseller, so it is pretty popular.

If you ask 99.9 percent of parents who have children with autism if we'd rather have the measles versus autism, we'd sign up for the measles.

My mother and my sisters - five girls - were crazy about glamour and Hollywood movies. I styled myself on Veronica Lake and Marlene Dietrich.

I try not to go to sleep with makeup, because I think it clogs your pores. I always wash my face with something that contains salicylic acid.

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