I'll put mousse in my hair if I'm going out and want to look pretty, to build the volume. Otherwise, I just do nothing. I let it breathe.

I had a strong identity in mind but then of course I had to trust Didier Dubot's expertise. They've been doing jewelry for so many years.

I think the fame aspect, there was definitely a period when I had to get used to it. My family had to get used to it, too. It's exciting.

I don't like when things don't match. I love some Eighties fashion, like Grace Jones but primary colours only work in certain situations.

The most valuable thing I can share is the importance of living in truth. Sometimes, facing those truths can actually be your worst fear.

Growing up I always used to shop in Oxfam. I'd find things for 50p and then take them home, cut them up and make them into something new.

I definitely inherited a lot of from both my grandmothers and from my mother. I wear a lot of pieces that used to belong to other people.

I was blessed with good genetics, but my essence is very happy and warm and I don’t take my job too seriously. I’m not saving lives here.

While it's nice to appreciate the fashion world... what makes you happy are real relationships and the moments you share with loved ones.

Both my grandmother and mother used to wear the Red Roses cologne, and when I was 21 or 22, I smelled the same scent on a friend of mine.

My deepest condolences for DJ AM, you were a great artist and will be severely missed. My thoughts and Prayers to his family and friends.

I love living with animals. And my children love animals. I love walking around and being with the horses. But the deer? They're naughty.

Inspiration comes and goes when it pleases. It's independent of our desires, doesn't respond well to force, and refuses to be controlled.

My parents led this double life. They were in the underground movement to bring down the Nazis. My father was hanged for being a traitor.

I didn't know anything about fashion. I couldn't believe it when I got here. I don't know how I'm sitting here right now speaking English.

In Brazil, we don't have Victoria's Secret, and my family are all Victoria's Secret fans, so I usually bring them back some lovely pieces.

Maybe if I have another baby [I will grow my hair], because your hair grows super fast. I'll just grow it out and go natural for a minute.

In this society, if a man is called a woman, that's the biggest insult he could get...Is that because women are considered something less?

My taste in music originates from my culture and heritage, and from traveling the world and listening to all kinds of fun sounds and bits.

I really like getting the person who is terrified of cooking into the kitchen and showing them that cooking can be both indulgent and fun.

I don't want my daughter to think she has to deprive herself to be pretty...It's all about balance and I can teach that best by living it.

Flying is awful, there's nothing to do when you're up in the air. I bloat up, my skin gets dry, and when we hit turbulence, I'm terrified.

I just had to learn to look at it as a job, as opposed to identifying myself as a model and thinking of myself as a part of this industry.

Each piece of jewellery tells a story of my life. Picking one particular piece as a favorite would be like taking a chapter out of a book.

I think that if you start teaching about giving back and helping other people young, that will be a given for your child their whole life.

I saw a lot of haute couture all my childhood, and without knowing it I've learned from when I was a child to recognise beautiful fabrics.

I imagine how hard it might be to walk down the runway. Me in heels is, like, deforesting the forest, knocking trees, completely 'timber!'

I hate cardio; I hate to go for a run. I hate physical things. But Jiu Jitsu is fun because its self-defence and you get some good cardio.

We will all be gone one day. Not as a negative thing - as a positive thing, too, you know, and we should leave something behind ourselves.

I was every other kid in elementary school. I was eating packaged burritos for lunch... and pizzas - it's not the worst, but not the best.

I go for regular facials. But I think the secret of great skin is to keep it as clean as possible, so I go without make-up on my days off.

Everyone has this idea of Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin: the woman being pretty and prancing around while the guy writes all the songs.

In workout keep the balance between health and happiness - and also to choose the exercises that you love most so it doesn't seem so hard.

Every fashion photographer is completely different; the fact that they are so different is what makes it fun. You don't want to get bored.

The last thing we need is yet another makeup company. Even I have a nervous breakdown when I go through the department store makeup floor.

I grew up never thinking about acting as a profession because that was what my mum did, and often, you don't want to be like your parents.

Sometimes I have ice cream for lunch. Gelateria Sempione in Milan is the best in the world, hands down. The chocolate sorbetto is amazing.

Fashion is a real passion in my family. I never even realised it was something glamorous until much later. For me, it was my family's job.

Nothing's ever come easy to me and nothing ever will and that's okay. I'm used to that. I go with the challenges. I roll with the punches.

The big contracts go to the girls who are healthy - they need to have a sparkle in their eyes and you can't fake that if you're unhealthy.

I think I lost my sense of identity when I was married. I know I did. And it took me a very long time to regain it and find out who I was.

I got a phone call saying we are from the News of the World, and we're exposing you and David Beckham. My heart did not beat for a minute.

Being pregnant is a marvellous experience. Before, I was afraid about the idea of giving birth, but now, I'm really looking forward to it.

I shoot swimsuits and lingerie all the time, so I want to make sure I'm in the best shape. It makes me want to work out harder than usual.

I said that I’m a fairy… and I prefer to dance and fly with the butterfly but they made me talk and walk - and I hate walking and talking.

The first coat I ever bought is in a plastic bag in about five pieces. It's by Sonia Rykiel. I can't wear it anymore, but I still like it.

Say you're doing a headstand. The moment you think to yourself, "Wow, I'm doing this pose!" is usually the moment you'll topple out of it.

Unfiltered venting to a friend about difficult situations can be helpful. But it can work against you if your life turns into complaining.

Mix cream concealer with an illuminator so it doesn't sit in your lines but instead throws light on dark circles so your skin looks fresh.

This is so cliche, but my beauty icon would have to be Angelina Jolie. She looks like she wears natural makeup, but she's still beautiful.

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