My mum had 'Cosmopolitan' magazine as a subscription and 'Vogue,' and every month I would be like, 'I wanna be that girl in that ad.'

I sometimes rock crazy shoes or a bright jacket, but my go-to is typically black, head to toe... minus my hair and makeup, of course!

I do believe sadly it's going to take some diseases coming back to realize that we need to change and develop vaccines that are safe.

It's just this huge sense of relief I have with myself right now... It took me to be 31 to go, 'Wow, I'm really happy being a model.'

I never deprive myself. If I'm craving something once a week, then Ill go have it Ice cream or whatever, I just eat the foods I like.

In this country we're just obsessed with making people celebrities before they've even done anything, which I think is just shocking.

You never want to do anything that you don't want your mother to see, because it will haunt you and eventually come back to bite you!

Every time I go to the dentist they say, 'You really need to fix that gap of yours'. I'm like, 'My gap is paying your dentist bills.'

I don't believe there's an afterlife - but I don't believe there's an end to life. Consciousness goes beyond the bounds of your body.

I always used to love couture because it was more theatrical than the runways. The runways always felt more like part of the machine.

The first thing I do every morning is go online to check the surf. If the waves are good, I'll go surf. The beach is 10 minutes away.

Nowadays, influencers do anything to keep up with each other for attention, and it's not always something today's youth should mimic.

I don't really time how long it steeps, but in general I don't plan much when it comes to tea or cooking. I'm more about the feeling.

I want to be a good role model for girls and show them they can do whatever they feel passionate about and still live a healthy life.

The chocolate and crisps come in at times. You have to allow the little things that make you happy. I'm not extreme about what I eat.

And I'm a pretty positive person - I don't put a lot of energy into worrying, and I'm not a person who lives in a great deal of fear.

The Creator has given me the strength to look forward in life, to embrace the beautiful and the positive. Now I truly walk in beauty.

People's view of exotic or Asian women are changing. It's much nicer to hear 'She's pretty' than 'She's pretty - for an Asian woman.'

Showing that you can be sexy, strong and independent is the best thing about being a Diva. It's a great inspiration for other people.

I always think I look better after a yoga class. It's the same as a massage. We look so amazing after a massage because we're relaxed.

You know what may be the oddest thing about being a star? Stars have an effect on people. It's a responsibility, and it's frightening.

Basketball really is a metaphor for life - the intangible skills I have learned on the court, have helped shape the person I am today.

To some, I'm too curvy. To others, I'm too tall, too busty, too loud, and, now, too small - too much, but at the same time not enough.

When we first dated, I would not go home with Hef, so the only way that he could see me was by taking me out. We went out quite a bit.

That decision to use basically all white models, reveals a trait that is unbecoming to modern society. It can no longer be accepted...

My son has two loving parents and an extended family, whether it's cousins or stepmothers or boyfriends. My son is surrounded by love.

My ideal Valentine's Day is spending it with someone you are in love with and for that someone to make you feel loved and appreciated.

I found my prince - he's a hockey player and we met at an NHL event, the last place I'd ever expect to meet someone, but there he was.

But when I would see the surrogate, my first instinct, my first reaction would be jealousy, because she was doing what I wanted to do.

My mom is Asian and loves all of the throwaway parts of the animal, so she actually thanks me for saving her the neck and other parts.

I lick the cheese off Doritos and put them back in the bag. I will eat pretty much anything as long as it's salty. Or sweet. Or spicy.

No matter how good you are, how brave you are or anything, it comes down to that car so many times. Not every time, but so many times.

I grew up in a sailing family. My dad lived for sailing, and when we moved to Canada when I was a child, he really wanted us to learn.

Getting as much sleep as possible and following a healthy diet will stop you from feeling run-down if, like me, you're super-stressed.

I'm really sick of the 'one percent' that is taking all the money from this country, draining the middle class, making it nonexistent.

We won't get economic growth if we don't look after our mothers and the potential of the next generation. They need to be prioritised.

I love to have massages, I think it's really important to relax. In New York, I usually go to Massage Williamsburg or Great Jones Spa.

I personally think my sister is so stunning without makeup. And she doesn't wear that much makeup because she has the best skin color.

The audition process is always grueling. You always hope to just get offered things, and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt.

Let me see if I can put this in scientific terms: Think of autism like a fart, and vaccines are the finger you pull to make it happen.

Moisturizer is the base for my makeup, because I like a glowy, dewy, shiny look - I'd never use powder - so I always start with cream.

I think that the people who are the loudest about wanting to change you are the people with the least amount of vision and creativity.

Life is a series of adjustments; You can make changes along the way, but if you dodn't start moving forward you'll never get anywhere!

I was making $50 a week as a house model at Christian Dior for nine months before I learned that photographic models made $50 an hour!

I got to wear pancake makeup because you know I'm a show biz professional and they all wear pancake makeup. I got to drink free cokes!

Modelling, fashion and film have all encouraged me to learn more about issues and to feel empowered enough to do something about them.

If I'm in America... I will track down the nearest Soul Cycle, wherever that is, and I'll just power through on a bike for 45 minutes.

I never do anything that doesn't feel natural to me. I wake up in the morning and I know what to put on - it's my sixth sense, really.

You won't often find me in a pair of killer heels: my heel height doesn't rise above two and a half inches, as I would just fall over!

I'm very simple when it comes to gifts, so the best ones that I've received have love as their main intention. I appreciate everything.

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