Time really has gone by fast. I don't know if your path is pre-written or what, but it's crazy how one thing just leads to another.

I didn't really know about Marilyn Manson - it's not my sort of music, not exactly the sort of thing I would curl up and listen to!

I love old-fashioned manners, as long as it's not forced. I can tell when it's natural or when someone is just trying to impress me.

For some reason, people think I am this terrible person and it really hurts me to hear that. I am just doing the best I know how to.

My fans are incredible. Don't you dare talk bad about me on my Instagram, because my fans will come out and they will eat you alive.

When he died, he took a big piece of me with him. I'm sure that every time I do something, I'll think about having done it with Hef.

Chanel makes an incredible red lip, and Tarte makes the best nude colors! I also love Giorgio Armani lipsticks - the Rouge d'Armani.

My friends know that I have a silly sense of humour and I can be a little vulgar at times - but just with people that I am close to.

We come in many different shapes and sizes, and we need to support each other and our differences. Our beauty is in our differences.

The doctor asked what my diet was like and I had to sit down and realize it's not normal, and hadn't been normal for about 20 years.

I suppose we acquire most of our feelings about our bodies too early, and in ways too complicated, to make them easy to account for.

When we do 'Sports Illustrated,' it starts the night before. You do a St. Tropez tan that night, then baby oil gel, then body color.

My work makes me a better mom. It gives me a little door to step out of my parenting and bring the excitement from my day back home.

Every morning, I make myself a cappuccino with a drawing in the foam. I post them to Instagram with the hashtag #christiecappuccino.

I'm a complete foodie, but I'm a terrible cook. If a guy can get me in the kitchen and we actually have fun cooking, that's amazing.

I have sisters who act, and I'd always seen it as their thing. I was never in the school plays like them - I wanted to be a painter.

I post pictures that I want to post and say what I want to say. If that's three times a day or three times per month, then whatever.

I can reinvent myself. This is why I've stayed such a long time in the business: because I always change; I'm never the same person.

I love the light-brown shadow I made with Colourpop. It's a nice matte and neutral color that gives a bit of definition on the lids.

Because I'm a little ADD, I would like to incorporate even more facets to my career eventually, such as writing and directing films.

We love creating these fantastical worlds, and that really comes from things like 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'I Am The Walrus.'

You can be rich and not be famous. You can be famous and not be rich. But to be rich and famous is a special category all by itself.

No one's raising children any more. To love a child, you've got to work for it. You have to change its diapers and feed it at night!

I was of the type who gets bullied rather than the one who does the bullying, which I'm glad about. I'd rather be that than a bully.

I have set up several businesses as social businesses, and I am a great believer that the power of business should be used for good.

Half-caf, double-tall, non fat, whole-milk foam, bone-dry, half-pump mocha, half sugar in the raw, double cup, no lid, capp - to go.

I have to hit the gym. I have beauty appointments. I have to work toward my next job and maintaining my image, just like an athlete.

Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person.

The people that live in my hometown do not walk along the street with smiles on their faces. It is a desperate place, but I got out.

I'd like to someday see myself married to my true love and starting a big family, and at the same time still having an artistic job.

I wouldn't like to say that I spend most of my time on holiday, but I have done a lot of traveling and have been to a lot of places.

When I'm in the U.K., I have a personal trainer who is wonderful, and she's hard-core and makes sure I get up in the morning and go.

Traveling for modeling has been great, but I never really have much time to live the tourist life while in all the different cities.

If I want to do a contour, Tom Ford's Shade and Illuminate is great. It also feels really nice on the skin and looks really natural.

When I started modeling, I was young and sort of a bit reckless - I wanted to make money and didn't really care about anything else.

People's view of exotic or Asian women are changing. It's much nicer to hear 'She's pretty' than 'She's pretty - for an Asian woman.

India has introduced me to my ultimate passion - acting. I don't plan to give it up, and I intend to stay here for a long, long time.

The negativity will always be there. I think that's for any actress or actor. But I think you've got to take it with a pinch of salt.

Being prepared helps you feel more confident at the doctor's office. Think about what you want to ask and write those questions down.

My fans are incredible. Don't you dare talk bad about me on my Instagram, because my fans will come out, and they will eat you alive.

I have a little half-Asian butt, and the more I work out, the more I try to get it bigger, it's just going to get flatter and harder.

My favorite dish is brown rice with lentils, roasted red and yellow peppers, and fennel, with a sweet potato and a salad on the side.

I'm not tall enough to be a model, but I wish I was 6-foot, because I love it. It's kind of artsy, and I'm artsy. And I love clothes.

The older I get, the less I need. I wear the same jean shorts for the whole week. I'm not running to the store to get the latest bag.

I like wearing things that are a bit off but not in a ridiculous 'I'm wearing a huge hat' kind of way. More a socks with sandals way.

I don't know much about only children. I was the middle one of three, and if ever I was alone with mum and dad, it was a rare moment.

I'm a carnivore. I really like to eat meat. I crave iron, so I am definitely not the kind of person who you will find eating a salad.

I don't watch a lot of TV. I am madly in love, I'm a big sap, I'm madly in love with Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I cry every week.

I like to be underdressed rather than overdressed. For an event or a premiere, it's fun to dress up more - then I like to experiment.

I don't know why this is, maybe because I am 33 or what, but I didn't think it would be that easy for me to get pregnant. But it was.

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