I don't really have any interest in playing the same part again and again. Let's just keep everything crossed that doesn't happen.

I hate morning workout; I'm a night person more. But it's good to work out in the mornings because then you can have all day free.

I have a series of exercises in which I do a lot of core. I enjoy an ab workout. I practice every day and do many different types.

I love wearing black, especially leather or even faux leather! It just adds edge and a sense of class and maturity to your outfit!

I love doing theater so much - being in front of an audience and seeing how a character grows and develops with every performance.

If experience has taught me anything, it's to make every day as good as possible. You learn that with age, as it goes by so quick.

Day to day, I love eating soup and salad; lots of stews, fish, chicken, meat and veg. I eat everything, and I don't have any fads.

Regardless of what you're put through or what is going on in your life, keep a positive spirit. That will help you get through it.

I'm very much known as being the smiley girl, and unfortunately, lightness can be mistaken for stupidity or someone with no depth.

I eat super healthy and I'm super fit. I dabble in every type of fitness. I have a trainer and I go to the gym. I do yoga as well.

Every makeup artist or stylist with whom I work has many special ideas, tips, and creations. I can always learn so much from them.

Acting seems much easier than singing, in fact, because you are putting on a costume - whereas here you are taking everything off.

I like to have curves and feel like a woman. I hope that people see that in my photos and know that healthy is better than skinny.

I love to dance. I can dance for, like, four or five hours nonstop without even drinking water. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.

I got to host a radio show. I got a clothing range. I was the face of fashion week. I got to do a whole television show with kids.

I always had difficulty as a model just being myself. I can be very shy, and I used to have a lot of anxiety about working on set.

Grooming is 10 times more important than makeup. I use a hair gloss with a teeny bit of color in it that makes my hair very shiny.

It is no longer acceptable to ignore the suffering, and designers must take responsibility for the way that their fur is produced.

I don't like it when people say, 'You're 45, so you should be wearing X and never Y.' For me, dressing is about attitude, not age.

When I first got a call for the movie, I couldn't believe that I am doing a film opposite Akshay Kumar. He is such a big superstar.

Hef has always been attracted to younger women. He loves to see the world through the eyes of someone seeing it for the first time.

My favourite area of Milano is by the canons - I go to an authentic Italian restaurant around there on a Sunday for delicious food.

I grew up having all the Dolce & Gabbana campaigns on the walls of my teenage bedroom, and I was dreaming of one day being a model.

I fall asleep everywhere! Someone recently asked if they could publish a book of pictures of me sleeping because there are so many.

Men are very tough, very critical of me. I think they expect you to basically just be a picture. They don't want to hear you speak.

I won't say I didn't like it at the time, the sex, that is, because I wouldn't have let him do it at all if that had been the case.

I'm a mother and I have a daughter. I'm lucky to be in a position where I'm able to teach her things like self love and acceptance.

I sometimes think, would I drink the milk from the breast of a woman I don't know? No. So I think, why would I drink it from a cow?

It was a long time ago: I was 13, and my dad actually sent photos to two different agencies of all of my family, and I had no idea.

Nature has a way of taking care of things. If you have a certain figure you'll go back to it. Breast feed and don't worry about it.

I post pictures that I want to post and say what I want to say. If that's three times a day or three times per month then whatever.

For me, life is about enjoying yourself because you only live once. We should try to make the most of things and follow our dreams.

The Philippines is in a strategic position. It is both East and West, right and left, rich and poor. We are neither here nor there.

When I was growing up in Russia, my grandmothers would cook the best pancakes in the world, the best meatballs, the best dumplings.

I was Versace's muse, I was Valentino's muse, I was Alaia's muse, Lancetti's muse, Calvin Klein's, Halston's. I could go on and on.

People talk about me as if I am the sole inheritor of the Guinness family fortune and worth masses, but I have hundreds of cousins.

My mum always had fun on shoots, but afterwards, she would pick us up from school and make dinner. I had a pretty normal childhood.

I love my brows, but I have to fill them in to look a certain way. And with the eyebrow tint, I don't have to fill them in as much.

Sean was a lot shyer lyrically in his solo career. I think because his father was such a great lyricist it was hard to tackle that.

Everyone has an opinion; the question is which opinions are actually relevant to your journey and which are just static in the air?

People don't see hunger in front of them so they are not directly affected. What I am doing is connecting young people to the issue

I explored the arts in general; I took painting classes and sketching classes and acting classes and all sorts of different things.

I'd love to design my own swim collection for them (VS)... Heidi (Klum) does the lipsticks, I would love to one day do the bikinis.

I value so many people who have to work full time, definitely single mothers. Their work is the hardest work. I applaud it so much.

The best part of work is always working with people and getting to know them and having the sense that you're not actually working.

Women hang onto the romanticism of a relationship. But a man compartmentalises it into the past and then gets on with his new life.

I try and avoid cardio because it makes me lose a lot of weight. Instead, I do resistance training, model fit workouts, and ballet.

Dealing with negative comments is part of this job, and I've had to develop a thick skin, though some days it's easier than others.

I think nerdy stuff is sexy. I like to watch the History Channel and learn about the universe, quantum physics and stuff like that.

Time really has gone by fast. I don’t know if your path is pre-written or what, but it’s crazy how one thing just leads to another.

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