Going to India to do a film is not an everyday affair. I thought I would do that one movie to show my grandchildren when I am 60.

The biggest misconception is that the purpose of going to the gym is to change your body. We should be working out to be healthy.

I like being outdoors. I like to go cavorting in the nude in the forests. It is just another world. To take sunbaths in the nude.

One of the reasons a film about Pablo Escobar has never been made in the two-hour format is because there's too much information.

One of my favorite memories from growing up in Brazil is being in the kitchen with my family and watching everyone bake and cook.

It would be hypocritical of me to use being female in some ways, and diss being female in other ways. It's part of the programme.

I'd rather just be who I am and get the kind of movies that I want or the kind of modeling jobs I want based on who I am, really.

It's a big shame that when you have a platform to write about Save the Children, the media interest lies with my moral alignment.

I read one thing, and 100 people can say good things then you read one bad thing that says you're the worst and you believe them.

The art feeds my mind and soul and the job pays my bills. Finding the balance can be a challenge, but I am very fortunate for it.

You don't have to just shop in the maternity section when you are pregnant - you can shop anywhere, just be shape and size savvy!

Apparently I'm in rehab for intensive partying soooo I'm just going to lay pretty low for a bit and maybe get some frozen yogurt.

Use coconut oil; it is one of the best moisturizers. Use it right after the shower on wet skin and then wipe it off with a towel.

I am very friendly with lots of people in rock'n'roll, because I spent so much time with them over the years through Mick's work.

Modelling, it's being an artist as well. It's just being a silent artist. It takes a lot of self-control and a lot of discipline.

So many young people say, 'I'm just going to see what happens.' It's so much more powerful to make things happen and have a plan.

I stayed away from mirrors when I was younger and I didn't like having my picture taken. I was tall and had braces and felt ugly.

I love everything about fashion. I even love the fittings and watching it evolve from a pattern to a muslin to the final product.

I've become more and more comfortable with occasionally dressing sexier, but I still hope to express a 'cool' type of sensuality.

Maybe I am too traditional, but men feel important when you ask for their help instead of thinking you can do it all on your own.

I tried to be really healthy and eat whole and organic as much as possible. I think that's the key to avoiding crazy weight gain.

I love to read. I don't get enough time to read. I love reading the Internet. I love reading magazines. I love going on the 'net.

God and death kind of resemble each other, because the only time a lot of people will try and talk to God is when someone's died.

I just try to love my body, to embrace who I am and really be the best version of myself. You have to know how much you're worth.

I always condition my ends, and I love Mane and Tail. It's so amazing. It leaves a film of moisture and just gives great texture.

I like my natural lip color a lot. So everything that I do with my lips is just trying to find products that enhance it a little.

One thing people would be surprised to know about me: I have a mean roundhouse kick. And my guilty pleasure? Deep fried pig ears!

I was dating a guy that was a huge wrestling fan and I'm embarrassed to say it now but I used to make fun of him for watching it.

I've always loved life, and I've never known what's ahead. I love not knowing what might be round the corner. I love serendipity.

Can you imagine wot it was like. All the girls gettin' luvly figgers and me stayin' flat as a pancake? It was no fun, I tell you.

I know that there are many things I could do, but I'm not interested. It's more important to be loving and to have a lively mind.

I like presents that a man has spent time on, doing them himself, like a card or anything that is made by hand and from the heart.

I always set myself huge goals each year, and I'm pretty good at manifesting them, which ends up meaning I take a lot on my plate.

I have been alone since my husband died. I stay in my home. I don't date. It's hard to date when you're at home. Nobody knows you.

I am just like any other woman, and I think I am the 'fattest woman alive' - but it is really about how you handle your situation.

I buy unknown, lower-name brand jeans. I don't care about the name brands, if I look good in the jeans I don't care who made them.

There came a time when I had to decide between show business and devoting my full time to medical training. I chose show business.

I just crushed Stranger Things. It's got one of my favorite actors, David Harbour. And obviously Breaking Bad and stuff like that.

If you’re healthy all around, you’ll feel better, and if you feel better, you’ll have a more positive outlook. It’s all connected.

If you don't have a valentine, hang out with your girlfriends, don't go looking for someone. When it's right, they'll come to you.

For me doing Cheaper By The Dozen 2 was great because I did have a lot bigger part in that movie and every situation is different.

I hope that women everywhere will wear this jewelry and feel the passion and love that is, to me, the real spirit of True Harmony.

When I consider the deeper meaning of yoga, I realize it's about a lot more than simply performing a variety of postures on a mat.

I think every woman, maybe every man, looks in the mirror and says, 'Oh my God, there's a wrinkle.' So we're all in the same boat.

You don't have to do the picture, you have to do the autograph, but it's important to take that moment to make a human connection.

I always thought models had to fit a certain mould. I never thought I had what it takes. I'm too small and my look's pretty weird.

I really like to hike. L.A. is a great place for that. And doing yoga a couple of times a week is a really big part of my regimen.

In my work, I'm called to a job at the drop of a hat, so I like a sense of order to my holidays, and holding a map makes me happy.

To make my brothers and my sister laugh was the greatest joy to me in my life. I like people who can make fun of themselves a lot.

You are what you do repeatedly every day. If excellence is something you're striving for, then it's not an accident. It's a habit.

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