I had a big event in my personal life. Then I reevaluated and started going to theology class, and then I found my husband.

I think everyone should be creative in some way, otherwise you have no self-respect. That's why I believe in women working.

I was never the girl that grew up saying I want to get married. I actually told my parents to not expect me to get married.

I would not like to try any high stress job. Honestly, I wouldn't like something like a PR job. I can't diffuse situations.

I actually don't meet very many men because they are, I guess, afraid to approach me or think that I'm from another planet.

I had a whole bag full. And I still felt like I didn't have enough! Definitely more bikinis then you have days of vacation.

I feel like it's always about how this girl stays thin, or what one girl is doing to another, and it shouldn't be that way.

When I find something at a flea market or an antique store, it feels more special and I'm more inclined to want to wear it.

I think success is very hard work, so, you know, if you work hard and you have some success, you have to give up something.

My favorite spot is the Maldives. Since I travel so much for work, I like to go to places that are very secluded and quiet.

The most important thing in my life is to live my life and enjoy it - to do what I think is right and what I think is good.

Seventh grade was the first time I dyed my hair, and I went to school with red and black stripes, so I looked like a zebra.

I am obsessed with the Great Depression and with former showgirls - and the Victorians - the idea of wistful, dark romance.

To me, what's sexy is when you look like you're having a good time. That, and when you look effortless and have messy hair.

I really wanted to go Russia. I'm really interested in Russian history, so I'd like to go and put a face to what I've read.

I really love over-the-knee boots. I think they're super sexy and they're fun. And they're also very strong and empowering.

My mom has really great skin; my dad has really good skin. I don't feel like I have to do a lot of work in regards to that.

I learnt just how little it takes to survive, which is why I don’t waste things – food, money, friendships or opportunities.

It was the most exciting thing to leave secondary school and go to college, to have that freedom to study whatever I wanted.

I am conscious about not getting typecast, but obviously I have to keep picking up great roles so that I don't get typecast.

My favourite author is Leon Trotsky - the political philosophy and the way he writes is beautiful, and really relevant, too.

I've always been a headstrong girl. I had my first child at 17, and it was a mistake, but I got a beautiful child out of it.

I finish, like, one book in a day. That's my problem. That's why Kindle is good for me, because I put, like, 15 books in it.

I love figuring out a stranger, sitting down and learning about their loves and struggles and everything. People are my jam.

I learned a lot about working with children, and about myself, and it reinforced my decision to pursue a career in teaching.

Eating disorders, body dysmorphia and a general dissatisfaction with one's life and body seems to ail too many young people.

Our bodies are temples of the Lord. We should earn respect and admiration for our hearts, not for showing skin to look sexy.

The kitchen is a place I know well. It's my favorite room wherever I am living, and it has to be completely open and social.

It's not that I'm against nudity. I'm German, I'm very open, in Germany they lay in the park naked. It's just the principle.

I've been taught from a young age to want to be the best driver... It was about being the best driver and not the best girl.

I love fashion, so I'm always into new things. I'm not necessarily a trend-driven person. I like to kind of do my own thing.

It's rare to meet somebody who's secure with herself, confident in who they are, and doesn't have anything to apologize for.

Comfort zones are deadly zones because you lose your true potential of what you can be, you start going with the status quo.

I imagine Heaven would have very nice weather - perfect climate where you can wear a leather jacket or shorts and a sweater.

After school, my sister and I helped our mom in the garden. We grew potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes - not for fun, but to eat.

Both should share the same concept of what a relationship means and the same energy to believe in a monogamous relationship.

I was very lucky growing up, and I got all my dad's and aunts' toys from the 1950s and 1960s and loved those old pedal cars.

My mother taught us the man was the head of the family, but the woman was the neck, and you could turn him any way you like.

I am a woman who, you know, I run my own business. I don't need a man financially, for anything, but just to be a companion.

I wanted to prove to people it doesn't matter if you come from a small little island: that you can make it in this industry.

I knew I had more in me than just standing up and having my picture taken... Being in the studio, I have to have an opinion.

I went to community college for graphic design, and I loved it, but I wasn't into the school thing, so that didn't work out.

It's a great feeling to have genuine friends who I have known since high school. It's kind of rare, actually, and I love it.

I have learned to be molded by God into the person He wants. I want to help and encourage others to be the best they can be.

We need to act now. Otherwise the biodiversity that makes Australia so wonderfully unique is going to be lost to us forever.

Lots of girls will work for five years before Mario Testino will use them, and I was not prepared to slog around doing that.

When you're really serious about ballet, it's a job - even if you're 15 years old. You're doing it six to eight hours a day.

I was born in Nizhny Novgorod to a very poor family and unfortunately my father and mother separated when I was very little.

I have worked every day since the age of fifteen, supporting not only myself, but also helping a sizable family when needed.

As parents, it is our responsibility to show by example and educate our children on the importance of caring for our planet.

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