With meditation, you become a sensitized superhero, completely in control, with endless possibilities at your fingertips.

Every work has the bad side, and people will be mean to you, and when you're young, you don't know how to defend yourself.

Not everyone is selfish in fashion. There are people who go to bed feeling good about themselves and then spread the love.

I would just like to be known as my own person. I don't need to ride on any coattails. I just want to make my mark myself.

Often you will end up loving the new things you try and even if you don't love it, you've given yourself a new experience.

We're seeing more inclusivity in fashion when it comes to size, and we have to continue featuring more and more diversity.

It doesn't matter what size your hips are when you measure them. It's about, 'Do you feel good and healthy in those hips?'

After a day in Cannes, I pass out before I even get to my bed. I'll get to my room, order room service, shower, and sleep.

Joining 'Hee Haw' was one of of the best moves I ever made. Until then I had no television exposure except the talk shows.

The thrill of acting is making a character real. Modeling is the opposite of real. It's being fake in front of the camera.

Places like New York are just too intense, too much about money, too much about ambition; it's all too superficial for me.

Exposing any subject that is unpleasant or controversial means risking judgment and making some people feel uncomfortable.

Let me say this: I think men are a full-time job, and I'm young and I already have one job. I'm just focused on my career.

One day you're gonna ask that to the wrong girl who is really struggling and it's gonna be hurtful to them. And I hate it.

I always thought the name of my first book would be 'The Insecure Chef,' because when I started cooking, I was so nervous.

As a mother, I always have something better to be doing. I love work still, but I'm less tolerant of my time being wasted.

I hope somewhere along the way, I've inspired someone to do something. ... And I hope they say that I was nice and polite.

My friends call me 'George,' 'GM,' or 'Georgia.' But most people who know me from when I was little call me 'Georgia May.'

I stretch in the morning a lot and I do a lot of saunas and steam rooms during fashion week just to keep my blood flowing.

I've learned very quickly to fall asleep wherever I can. I sleep in the car from event to event or show to show sometimes.

Most of my friends love going out, but I have to get a lot of sleep. If I don't, it shows up on my skin and under my eyes.

When I have extra time I just go out to the Hamptons. I have a house in Southampton I go out to as much as I possibly can.

If you know how rich you are, you are not rich. But me, I am not aware of the extent of my wealth. That's how rich we are.

I would love to live in India or in the South of France, but Roger Vivier doesn't have offices yet in New Delhi or Jaipur.

The masculine/feminine look fascinates me. It is not only an issue of empowering women, but I think the shapes look great.

My father used to be a fisherman, so it always makes me feel close to him when I am there on the water catching my dinner.

I could never stop eating meat... I'm not a good person to talk about diets. If I had to only eat salads, I'd kill myself!

It does not matter what film you're making. If you're young and there's romance in the movie, it's compared to 'Twilight'.

I started Botox the first year it came out. I was the first one in line, and I have had Botox every six months since then.

My husband is experimental, loves to cook, and is really good at it. If I do the cooking, I lose my appetite. Why is that?

I always had an interest in fashion because my mom is a celebrity fashion stylist. I grew up being on set or in showrooms.

The most important thing in my life is to live my life and enjoy it--to do what I think is right and what I think is good.

I'm single. I'm independent. And I'm dating. I think if you're honest that you're dating, there's nothing wrong with that.

My face and body have been a tool for my career, and I'm very conscious of that aspect and try and keep it the best I can.

Divorce is not the end of the world. It's worse to stay in an unhealthy marriage. That's a worse example for the children.

I have to say I've made many mistakes, and been humbled many, many times. But you know what? It's never too late to learn.

I was lonely as a young teenager and my only companion was an acoustic guitar. I would bring it with me on modeling trips.

I come from a Catholic Republican military family in Georgia - the antithesis of Sean's hippie-artist-peacenik background.

Within two months I made the grand slam: covers of 'American Vogue', 'Italian Vogue', 'British Vogue', and 'French Vogue'.

You can mix and match, depending on your own mood, whether you want your look of the day to be casual, cool, or even punk.

Children with healthy mothers are much more likely to survive childhood, attend school and live healthy, productive lives.

For my wardrobe, I like to invest in classic pieces and pair them with more trendy new pieces and accessories each season.

I get a kick out of it, but it would be stupid to let it go to my head. It's modeling - I didn't find the cure for cancer.

I love life. There's so much to learn and see all the time, and nothing nicer for me than to wake up, and the sky is blue.

I have a lot of energy. Energy's a very huge thing in our family. None of us need caffeine; we're just high-energy people.

Like lots of women who marry young and find themselves mothers by the time they're 25, I felt I no longer had an identity.

I eat pots of honey everywhere I go. I like anything sugary. And baths. I spend five hours in the bath. I eat in the bath.

The practice of being at ease also gives you the strength and stamina to pursue all that you find when you connect inward.

When we allow distractions to wobble us away from ourselves, that's when our intuition starts to fade and our focus dulls.

I had serious psoriasis as a child - it's strange that I make my living off my looks after years of looking like a monster.

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