As God as my witness, they said, We're above the law. There's nothing you can do to us. You're just a church secretary.

I really don't go out. I love watching movies, and on a day off, I'll work out, do groceries, do laundry, see a friend.

I’m actually an equestrian, and I showed in the American Paint Horse Association and competed for top 20 in the nation.

I'm actually an equestrian, and I showed in the American Paint Horse Association and competed for top 20 in the nation.

I entered the modeling industry as a business person already. I always knew I belonged on the other side of the camera.

Modeling, for me, isn't about being beautiful but creating something interesting for people to look at and think about.

I look at my first appointment book from 1965 and I get dizzy. I was constantly in a phone booth calling photographers.

I'll always try to follow my heart into things I love, and modelling is not something I'm dreaming of pursuing forever.

I wear a lot of different jewellery. I love to look for it when Im abroad or if I find a great antique or vintage shop.

The first time at Louis Vuitton was Spring 2009 season, and I remember that the colors of the clothes were very dreamy.

I just do my best to react to chaos with love, and hopefully, other people will catch on and do things out of love too.

Blush is really fresh and young, really invigorating. I like it more than bronzer. I think it's just a bit more lively.

I think for any relationship to be successful, there needs to be loving communication, appreciation, and understanding.

I am proud to be a woman. I am sensual, nurturing and compassionate woman. I am a woman of my word and I love who I am.

I have a lot of characteristics that would normally be present in a guy and then less that would be present in a woman.

I watched 'A Chorus Line' over and over when I was growing up, to the point that I was able to recite the entire movie.

I got a coat lined with hampster. You couldn't do that kind of thing in America. All the Boy Scouts would go on strike.

I started to model because I thought I could use it as an excuse to others, like, 'Yeah, I'm tall because I'm a model.'

I know this sounds ridiculous but I like guys with love handles. I hate a washboard stomach - that does not turn me on.

Yoga practice is therapeutic for the body and mind, reminds us of our goodness, energizes our creativity, and inspires.

Ten episodes goes by really quickly, especially when you've got a really tough shooting schedule of seven-day episodes.

I am inspired when I see goodness in other people. I am inspired by hard work and honesty. And I am inspired by nature.

Fashion is about good energy. It's about feelings. That's what I have to give the people, good energy and good feelings.

At times, we take freedom for granted. We really don't know how to cherish the freedom we have until it's taken from us.

Back in England, a girl with thick black hair, dusky skin and big brown eyes will turn heads. It is vice versa in India.

When I was 23, basically I stopped modelling and started going to school, and was able to study with wonderful teachers.

I had so many agents tell me that at size 18, I would never work or work again. I heard, 'Go home and lose some weight.'

People automatically assume that if I get anywhere it's because of my association with X, Y or Z, or because I'm pretty.

I travel so much for work that when I fly, I prefer to travel light and bring a carry-on bag that I don't need to check.

I just don't think that I trust men. That's the problem. I can appreciate a beautiful-looking man, but he's not my type.

I guess I've always been attracted to people who stand out as individuals - people who are adventurous and take chances.

I have great respect and understanding for military commitment due to my own family's involvement with the armed forces.

I'm proud that today, at 43 years old, I've come to value the aging process and focus on inner rather than outer beauty.

You learn to be comfortable in your own skin, and your body changes throughout life, so you can't sweat the small stuff.

At the end of the day, I feel like I have no one to blame but myself if I'm not satisfied with how I look on the runway.

I want my home to look good, feel good, and smell good. I want it to be inclusive, to reflect the people who live there.

I try to extract something positive from every situation, even if it's just learning not to make the same mistake twice.

Sleep is so important. I think more important than we know. When I haven't slept, I'm not myself. I'm not as easy-going.

I used to have really bad skin, and when I was younger, I had a lazy eye. I had to wear a patch and pink-rimmed glasses.

We have a saying in Germany. It is better to have loved and lost than to engage in a land war with Russia in the winter.

You should spend your money on some nice lingerie. Big wool cotton pants, that just doesn't work. You have to feel sexy.

Never dress down for the poor. They won't respect you for it. They want their First Lady to look like a million dollars.

Filipinos want beauty. I have to look beautiful so that the poor Filipinos will have a star to look at from their slums.

You can see designers and fashion people bringing in older girls to do their shows - I'm not even afraid to say 'older.'

I love Botox, I absolutely love it. I get it minimally so I can still move my face. But I really do think it's a savior.

Mick Jagger and I just really liked each other a lot. We talked all night. We had the same views on nuclear disarmament.

I always carry a tinted moisturiser with SPF sunscreen. A good lip balm is a must - I can't go past Lucas's Papaw Cream.

Standing before a camera isn't intimidating. It's more comfortable for me. I enjoy it now. I'm more aware of what to do.

I feel guilty about smoking way too much - and I have a bit of an addiction to chocolate milk shakes, which is not good.

I'm a vegetarian and like to throw together easy, healthy meals like veggie tofu stir-fries or a quinoa or lentil pasta.

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