I go out of my way to try not to be too annoying... my biggest goal in life is to not be annoying about being a bride.

Being a nice girl from the Mid-West, my inclination is always to give in and say yes because I want people to like me.

No one wants to hear my perspective on politics, but I think honestly as you get older, you get more interested in it.

'Finnegans Wake,' 'Alice and Wonderland' and 'Through the Looking Glass' live on my bedside table back home in London.

I really love Celine. Obviously. Alexander Wang. Givenchy. Those are probably my main favorites. Dolce & Gabbana, too.

Female empowerment is always something that I've felt. It's not about just being a model; it's about women in general.

I actually really love British and European cinema, but you have to go where the work is, and for me, it's in America.

I do have bad hair days. If I fall asleep with it slightly damp, I wake up and it'll all be piled up on top in a mess.

I've never hung around with any models. I've always hung around with my friends from school and kept myself to myself.

People are becoming more environmentally aware and caring more for animals and really wanting to improve their health.

I get my fingers in all our pies. Before you know it, your little fingers including all your toes are in all the pies.

At 14, I'd have given my left arm to be a boy: I thought I was horrible and that no-one would ever find me attractive.

Mutual respect is very important in a relationship, and since my work is part of my life, he would have to respect it.

I do as little cardio as possible. I prefer to eat clean as often as possible instead of doing huge amounts of cardio.

I'll date whoever is attractive, as long as it's a man. But I'll be like Katy Perry from time to time and kiss a girl.

They did is sent me down Clearwater, Florida, and they said to me, Jessica, I need you to make Jim Bakker feel better.

I think Jim got screwed. I think Jim Bakker would have been a great preacher. Jim Bakker was very good at what he did.

My career has always thrived on hard work and good relationships with people I work with and just continuing grinding.

It's been an incredible odyssey to make the journey from a vibrantly healthy person to someone with a chronic illness.

I'm surrounded by freaks. Am I weirder than the rest of them? Ultimately I've learned to pride myself on being quirky.

The body you're given, the mind you're given, the morality and the hang ups you're given, they're yours. Deal with it.

If I could wave a magic wand, I would love for all children around the world to have good, nutritious meals every day.

I always thought I was going to be a soccer player, get a scholarship to college, and then join the U.S. women's team.

I wear a lot of different jewelry. I love to look for it when I'm abroad or if I find a great antique or vintage shop.

I have a strong appreciation for oversize sweatshirts, loose mohair sweaters, and jeans that are frayed at the ankles.

I know how much parents love buying clothes for their kids and how they want to give them something new in the closet.

When I pray, I always thank Mother Nature for all the beauty in the world. It's about having an attitude of gratitude.

Any guy I date has to have manners - you know, get the door. And he has to have confidence and be secure in who he is.

I like staying home at night and just watching TV and playing with my two puppies. I really do love the simple things.

I'm one of these people who couldn't imagine the future. The future never occurred to me. I just loved life every day.

I've learned a couple of things. And one of the things I have learned is that every experience has pluses and minuses.

I shampoo and condition with Kerastase products but rarely brush it because I'm all about the Kate Moss bed-head look.

If you feel like you're not where you want to be in your life, rather than step on someone else's, raise your stature.

When we interact with others from a place of compassion without expectations, things are set up to go pretty smoothly.

I love Kate Moss. I've worked with her a couple of times, and she is a great girl, really funny and easy to work with.

When I became successful as a model in the United States, I knew that my chance to be heard had come and so I took it.

I have seven different jewels for my piercing. Every day I wear a different one, according to the clothes I am wearing.

My life in Montana is so diverse from my Hollywood life that it even feels odd for me to go from one life to the other.

Anybody that was famous found their way to the Playboy Mansion. It was exciting for me. But I didn't know half of them!

You're constantly working and missing meals. You're away from your family, and you're doing it for, like, eight months.

Whenever you feel down, you can check on Twitter and feel better about yourself, because it's only people who like you.

We are human. Some days are harder than others. One day something will upset me more than it would have the day before.

Every time I get into a Nationwide car after being in a Cup car, I feel so much more comfortable than I did previously.

I think one of the secrets to modelling is the less you care and the more you're yourself, the more successful you are.

It puts things into perspective when we realize that people can live without the luxuries we grow accustomed to having.

It's important to think about the bigger picture, especially if we are given these platforms. We can make a difference.

I love to eat cucumber sticks with yogurt. It's a great snack to have at home, especially when I'm having house guests.

When I first went to visit different agencies in New York, a lot of them were like, 'You have to lose a lot of weight.'

I'm just not wearing any makeup. People thinking I'm wearing prosthetics of all sorts, I just don't have any makeup on.

I was flying with my brother, and he challenged me to work out on the airplane. He thought it was funny - and I did it!

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