When I think of 'Instagram models,' I say you have to take baby steps. You cannot just walk straight onto the runway.

I can't believe all this is happening to me, but I am definitely here to stay. And I am happy to be in Indian cinema.

With all that's going on in our lives and the world, reducing stress is important, and it's a factor in heart health.

I have a personal trainer. But I tried boxing; I tried ballet. I tried everything to see what works best for my body.

If you're 19 and you don't look good, it's nature's fault. If you're 35 and you don't look good, it's your own fault.

I'm still the girl that might get up to dance on the table. It's just who I am, and I'm going to be me and that's it.

When somebody gives you a sexy look, you know they're trying. It's terrible! But when you smile, it's so much sexier!

I was essentially paid to perpetuate the myth that we are all, or should at least try to be, 17 and a size 2 forever.

My days are jam-packed with carpools, classroom assistance, tending to chickens, dogs and seven acres of olive trees!

I always take my time when picking out outfits at home, but I will say I can change pretty quick when I'm in a hurry.

I'm very moody when it comes to food. Even before pregnancy I would just get very specific with things that I wanted.

I am not one to adhere to silly clothing rules. I love mixing metals, wearing a brown bag with black shoes, whatever.

When you turn 60, the key is to not stop moving. Once you start to stop moving, you rust. You got to just keep going.

When pressure's on and when the spotlight's on, I feel like it ultimately ends up becoming some of my better moments.

I've always wanted to be a spy, and frankly I'm a little surprised that British intelligence has never approached me.

In the early days of my modelling career, I think the industry was uncomfortable with how strikingly different I was.

Your audience gives you everything you need. They tell you. There is no director who can direct you like an audience.

I kind of got into TV when I went to visit a show my brother was working on. Soon I got the second lead in a TV show.

I love a challenge. And I love defying limitation, gender stereotypes, and people's expectations of me as an actress.

I would like to expand my brand to include destinations in Vegas and also become an entertainment news correspondent.

You know, not even your British Queen is called just Elizabeth - she's Elizabeth the Second. There's only one Imelda.

I started my career as a swimsuit model. My first big break in America was 2007, 'Sports Illustrated' Swimsuit Issue.

A positive attitude goes a long way. Focus your energy on the here and now, and see how a happier you shines through.

I was always very, very insecure about my height. Even as a 15-year-old I was a foot and a half taller than everyone.

I think Jennifer Lawrence is a brilliant role model for young girls, not some of the models that I see on the runway.

I love sailing and water sports; whether it's water skiing, body boarding or surfing or simply swimming in the ocean.

I grew up in Florida riding horses, so for the majority of my life I was either in boots and jeans or a bathing suit.

I think age is neither an asset nor challenge; it all depends on how you present yourself. Age is sort of irrelevant.

As an actress, you're part of what the director is creating, and as a model, you're representing a designer's vision.

I was used to having a job - ballet was my job, and I felt like I needed something artistic to focus on after I quit.

I guess I gravitate towards stories that I like and directors that I want to work with, and I hope that it works out.

History is not a nightmare from which. I am trying to awaken, but rather, a glorious tale which I wish to be cast in.

I like smudgy black eyes and pale lips for evening. Red lipstick looks great on other girls, but it's too much on me.

My beauty secret is really three secrets: get eight hours of sleep, eat natural/organic food, and exercise regularly.

People think I am America's party girl, which is just stupid. I have done 24 movies and I am creating my own TV show.

Always be natural. Putting on airs will make a giggle out of you. Be yourself and if you don't know something say so.

Sometimes I wonder where I am from. I am either way ahead or I come from another world. I don't recognise this world.

I don't know what a supermodel is. If they call me that, I might have to punch them. It's just so vain and so unreal.

I eat everything I want on Christmas day. I really don't watch what I eat. It's not like you have Christmas every day!

Everyday I look forward to bringing a few laughs, giving a little advice and making people feel good about themselves.

I love art and finding different bits and bobs for the apartment; so, I'm adding all my personal touches to the house.

I have become like a rhinoceros - thick-skinned - all the gossip about my numerous affairs does not bother me anymore.

I never 'shunned' L.A., like people say. And I do think you can raise children well there, but it's definitely harder.

I think every time in your life is valuable, and you need to exist in that moment. Because if you don't - you lose it.

From when I was about seven, I thought I wanted to be an architect. I've always loved spaces and dwellings in general.

The sense of pride I take away from doing something I know will be inspire women to feel confident about their bodies.

Frankly my parents didn't like him. They objected to the things he stood for. Besides, daddy and Hef are the same age.

Fashion Week is horrible. I mean, it isn't horrible, really - it's amazing. But having to work that much every day is.

I think the fact that you don't have to go to a class and embarrass yourself if you're not comfortable with your body.

Just because you're a different size doesn't mean you're sitting on the couch eating bonbons all day long watching TV.

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