I always believe, as a woman, it's powerful to be able to pull your own body weight and be able to defend yourself.

I love going back and forth from drama to comedy. I love switching it around and showing people that I can do both.

I'm quite loud. When I was in film and TV, people were always saying, 'Oh Kelly, make it smaller, make it smaller.'

All children can do things to help, whether how big or small - by donating toys or lending a hand in the community.

Without travel I would have wound up a little ignorant white Southern female, which was not my idea of a good life.

Time seems to slow down for me when I focus on staying in the moment and that helps me maintain a sense of balance.

When you are healthy you look your best and in modeling when you look and feel your best, you get the best results.

I do enjoy wearing a little heel when I'm at work, but when I'm running around with my son, it's a different story!

Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness.

I always admired Hugh Jackman as an actor in movies but also in theatre because I'm a big fan of Broadway musicals.

I'm lucky with my skin - it doesn't require a lot of attention, so I keep things simple. And I drink a lot of water.

Growing up I didn't have curvy role models, mainly because I didn't see enough curvy women represented in major ads.

When I'm traveling out of the country, a lot of guys give me a high five, and then they're like, 'I love your work!'

I don't have a favourite designer. If I like the piece, I don't really care if it's any particular brand - I'll buy!

I started modelling when I was 13, so I learned a lot of things. I actually love doing make-up on other people, too.

My favorite actress of all times is Bette Davis in Dark Victory. I have seen it six or seven times, and I still cry.

I love babies. I could take care of them for all the days of my life and I'd be happy. It is for sure passion No. 1.

Once I find a bag that I love, I wear it always. I just don't change my bags. I literally find one and stay with it.

The way Germans work is that they are slow to warm up but when they do they are your friend for life and very loyal.

For my last meal, I'd want an Irish breakfast with soda bread and one of my dad's omelettes with three or four eggs.

I think my best memories are when I go home to California and I get play beach volleyball with my friends from home.

Even if I have no other makeup on, I always want a nude lip, and if I'm going to do a bright, I want it to be matte.

You know where the best McDonald's is? Dubai. Because they have regulation on the meat, so it's really, really good.

I still weave dreams, finding inspiration wherever I can and looking for romance in the real, not the digital, world

I was really, really lucky because I have always worked. It hasn't always been consistent, but I have always worked.

Anytime I was challenged and told I couldn't do something, I would absolutely have to prove the opposite. And I did.

This is my favorite area in New York - the West Village is the heart of New York. I could never move somewhere else.

I can't even begin to tell you how many casting couches I was attacked on. Not just by casting people, but by stars.

A healthy love life is not and should not be the preserve of those in their 20s and 30s. It's important at all ages.

When it comes to clothing, I've got one really hard and fast rule: never wear beige. That's such an old-lady colour.

You don't want to wear any styles that are too young... I try to still dress glamorously, but not like my daughters.

I work out almost every day, and I mix it up: I do Thai kickboxing. I have a personal trainer. I work out at my gym.

It's a huge turnoff when men have teeth that look like they haven't been brushed in days. Also, bad breath is awful.

I love going out dancing. There is nothing better than letting your hair down and staying up far too late, is there?

Life is shining a light through a magnifying glass on me, looking for me to stumble. I think that's my biggest fear.

In a hundred years, how do you want the world to be? Everybody should get together to make the world a better place.

For acting, if there's a strong female role and there is that action element, for me that just feels really natural.

I feel nowadays that both women and men are embracing their individuality rather than being defined by gender roles.

As long as you try your best, that is all that matters. You don't have to be the fastest runner or top of the class.

When I was at school, I auditioned for the school play as Queen Gertrude, and I fell in love with it there and then.

I like smudgy black eyes and pale lips for evening. Red lipstick looks great on other girls, but its too much on me.

The minute you feel secure about yourself and own the fact your dreams are honest true, other things fix themselves.

Why the heck do we allow the media to ever tell us someone is gross? It makes me so mad. 99% of the world has flaws.

Every time I come home, it is the same great pleasure to lie down in my bed. That's when I think, 'home sweet home.'

For me, meditation is a practice to get rid of useless junk cluttering my mind and useless ticks inhabiting my body.

I'd love there to be more larger models, but it's just not going to happen. Designers love to design for slim girls.

Fame, I mean, it's like a bubble, in a way. It's like something glittery, and it goes, and it can be forgotten fast.

In the Sixties, fashion was about liberation. It was about setting women free; it wasn't about being unable to walk.

Modeling is a tough job, your co-workers are your rivals, it really puts a damper on your perspective of other girls.

I grew up in a small town in Sudan. There weren't many cars, so we did things in the countryside near where we lived.

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