I started making my own short films as a way of being able to give myself something to do and to study my craft.

You have to eat good! I eat gorgeous food. I eat sushi, I eat meat, I eat steaks. I eat more than you, I'm sure.

Hardcore fans have a vision in their head, and if they look at your cosplay of it, you may not fit their vision.

I am lucky enough to live in Miami so dinner on the beach with people I love is one of my favorite ways to relax.

I have no problem with whatever the next big look is. Just don't try and tell me that only one look is beautiful.

When I started modeling, it was like, 'Oh, she's too dark,' and I kind of looked at them like, 'You're too daft.'

I started with Tamil film, then Hindi. Now, I am also doing a Telugu film. The journey has been wonderful so far.

I was the first size 14 model to be featured in an ad in the magazine,I was the first size 14 model on the cover!

I really like the Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony collection - all of those kind of laser-cut leather dresses.

I'm raising a child, and it's public. The media creates these dramas, and that's not what's happening in my life.

We feel free. We're independent. People can be openly proud of being Estonian. I have a lot of belief in Estonia.

My parents were both from the East and had moved to San Francisco only so my father could go to law school there.

I was born in 1968, just eighteen months after my sister Chrisse and just one year after Dad passed the bar exam.

Just because people can express themselves through their art doesn't mean they are great communicators in person.

America and Americans always rise to the occasion. If we say we are going to stamp out hunger, I believe we will.

In America uniformed cops eat in coffee shops, diners and restaurants and I always feel safer having them around.

As a child I wanted to be a ballerina, ice-cream van owner, wife of George Michael, a nun, and a music conductor.

It's not about hiding your imperfections on a shoot; it's about embracing them and being unapologetic about them.

You can pull off anything if you have the right attitude. Being cool is whatever you think it is. Own your style.

My biggest fear is the people I love not knowing how much I love them. I just want to remind people all the time.

The first year I lived in New York, I tried a different burger every week to find my favorite burger in New York.

Occasionally I get messages from women saying that I've brought them some joy, and that's unbelievably thrilling.

My personal view is that until there is a disincentive to write lies and abusive comments it's going to continue.

Everyone has a view of what’s pretty and what’s not pretty, and [plastic surgery] just doesn’t look pretty to me.

People imagine I am always in a Bentley with pearls and diamonds and black glasses and Karl Lagerfeld next to me.

Beauty opened all the doors; it got me things I didn't even know I wanted, and things I certainly didn't deserve.

Jealousy is the fear of losing the thing you love most. It's very normal. Suspicion is the thing that's abnormal.

I take my books everywhere. Plane journeys are a good opportunity to study, or also when I'm having my hair done.

Why would I be embarrassed about being Canadian? I'm very proud. We're just the nicest people. Everyone likes us.

I never thought modeling would become my career. I thought it was something I'd do to pay my way through college.

One thing I have learned is that I should trust my 'gut' instincts. Ultimately, only we know what is best for us.

I do modern jazz and contemporary combined. I like to feel strong, flexible, and so there is stretching involved.

I can dance for, like, four or five hours nonstop without even drinking water. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.

Two of my favourite products for a quick-fix are lipstick and mascara. I think with lipstick, brighter is better.

I love horror movies. I mean, who doesn't like a good horror movie every once in a while? It's fun to get scared.

Horror movie is a great date movie. For dates... maybe grab on to the guy. I just think people love a good scare.

Yes, black is slimming, but it's not always youthful. The right tone of red, however, is flattering on all women.

To have this opportunity, in light of my familys struggles, made me want to create something lasting and relevant.

For me, as an actress, you are playing a character, and to play that character, you have to get into that mindset.

I think sometimes I intimidate people. I've been told that. But I feel I'm the least intimidating person possible.

Every woman goes through a lot of agony before she decides in favour of her own happiness or that of her children.

I've been practicing Ayurvedic medicine, and I've read the 'Bhagavad Gita' and Rumi, and these are very important.

'A New Model' is saying that women should be confident in who they are and that they can be their own role models.

I do Pilates. And that's best for me... because I can't really do any other sports any more because of my muscles.

Tom Selleck brings in the babes of all ages, I have to tell you. You can be 60, 80, or 16 and still love that man.

I feel if I'm healthy and happy, I look good. With a good mixture of fitness and healthy food I always feel great!

It's always great to have a great mascara that makes your lashes look thick and full. That's a definite must have.

I think you’re never the same person when you close a book as when you open one; it changes your life very subtly.

I'm weird about fruity desserts like lemony, acidic, zesty... I don't like lemon things and orange things, really.

I shop a lot more for furniture than I do for clothes. I much prefer going to an antique shop full of obscurities.

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