That's the mistake women make - you shouldn't see your makeup. We don't want to look like we've made an effort.

No life is perfect, we all have our problems and issues and I believe that it's good to be true to who you are.

I was like most teenagers. I wanted to look more conventional - you know, to just be the pretty girl in school.

I would love to be a sleeper, but I'm not. I'm usually up pretty early, even if I've been out the night before.

I can contribute, be valuable and grow in many ways, since my interests are so varied. That is very satisfying.

I think a lot of times, people don't want to do what their parents do because they want to be their own person.

I like to run. I think it's good, you can do it anywhere, you don't a gym, I just think it's really easy to do.

I wanted to be consistent with my exercise, so I committed to working out for 30 days in a row, no matter what.

I don't have a lot of curves, and I'm very skinny, so I always feel like I have to fake my curves a little bit.

If you look at a magazine and something catches your eye, are you not going to open it up to see what's inside?

I just want to be challenged. I want to be proud of what I do, and I want to learn new things and keep growing.

I like to get on with people. I don't go around being nasty, but if someone crosses me, I can be horrible back.

My dad did a radio show. I was on it when I was seven. So now you know that the showbiz bug bit me really early.

I am a Christian, and since the age of five I have been singing... chanting hymns containing the word 'Hosanna.'

I've had some really big hits with 'Groundhog Day' and 'Michael,' 'Multiplicity,' 'Four Weddings and a Funeral.'

Confidence starts at home, and something my mother never did was look in the mirror and say she was ugly or fat.

We need to work together to redefine the global image of beauty and continue to push for a more inclusive world.

My young face keeps me in the running for youthful roles. If my face is going to look 22 then so should my body.

I've always wrote off the demographic of superhero films because it's just not really something I can relate to.

Brazil, I'm totally obsessed. I've been going since I was 17, and the first time I went, I fell in love with it.

My way of relaxing was always doing the opposite and playing the drums, but I need to be able to actually chill.

With Aerobic Strip Tease, you can do it at home - it makes it easier for women that don't want to go to the gym.

I like daytime dates now. By the time night comes, I'm so exhausted and I feel like I'm no fun at night anymore.

I've always enjoyed things a little more chaotic than most people would prefer. I feel that I run well in chaos.

People are still under the misguided impression that models don't eat. Not sure about the other girls, but I do!

I haven't touched a piece of meat since I read a graphic description of Chicago's slaughterhouses when I was 12.

We're the generation that says 60 is the new 30. We don't let the numbers shape us; we're reshaping the numbers.

I've met women who have way better bodies in their 40s because they've been working on them for all these years.

And of course there is nothing better than wearing the same T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair for weeks.

If I wasn't modelling, I'd probably be an intern somewhere, working for someone who interned the year before me.

All-time favorite workout is basketball. It's very hard to do basketball training, though, but it's my favorite.

I always do the same makeup because it's what works with my face. Just eyeliner and lots of mascara - very '60s.

I want to establish myself as someone who can act and doesn't have to rely on my figure or modelling background.

Fear has been my biggest friend. Fear of the unknown. Whenever I've been afraid, I've been very self-protective.

It can be difficult to get cast as something that is off-center from you, and my biggest fear is to be typecast.

I always see those jeans with the stretchy front on pregnant women, and they look like the dreamiest thing ever.

I keep going till that pain says hello to me. I don't say goodbye until that pain says hello. That's a good set.

I don't mean to be accident prone, but my excuse is if you really want to get somewhere you have to go full gas.

No Botox. I don't think I will go there. I don't want to say never, because who knows? Maybe in 10 years I will.

I'm like Robin Hood. I rob the rich to make these projects come alive... not really rob. It's done with a smile.

What I am is how I came out. No one's perfect and you just have to accept your flaws and learn to love yourself.

No life is perfect; we all have our problems and issues, and I believe that it's good to be true to who you are.

I work every day. I was flying the other day. and I was like, where am I flying? I have no idea, I work so much.

The most important thing in the world is children. St. Jude is literally saving people's lives. It's incredible.

I love modeling but also see it as a platform for the million other things I want to achieve and create in life.

I can contribute, be valuable, and grow in many ways, since my interests are so varied. That is very satisfying.

I think, a lot of times, people don't want to do what their parents do because they want to be their own person.

What I find really works for me is dry body brushing; it helps improve the circulation and exfoliates your skin.

I've always enjoyed watching makeup artists - but I'd like to go to the extreme and do monster makeup in movies.

Beauty can get a woman what she wants: love and money. But when beauty leaves you, so can the things it brought.

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