I very much adore people who are outcasts, and I've always loved to be around interesting, circus-type people.

I like feeling a bit of an outcast where I am. I've always been that way. Somehow, I fit in by not fitting in.

My mom played every sport possible. My dad is 'extremely' competitive. You can't even play Ping-Pong with him.

Every single model wants to be in 'Sports Illustrated,' and I feel extremely blessed to have that opportunity.

I feel a lot more comfortable on stage in the theatre. It just reminds me of being a kid and doing pantomimes.

I think to be a supermodel you first had to be a model, and I think people are jumping and missing that stage.

When I'm a blonde, I can say the world is purple, and they'll believe me because they weren't listening to me.

If you have to talk to more than three people about the same problem, you don't want help, you want attention.

I do a lot of yoga. There's more and more guys getting into yoga these days, and I find that helps me as well.

I will pursue my passion of cooking every day until my hands fall off and I lose all sense of smell and taste.

I've got big hips and a big body. I'm double, triple the size of other models - and I embrace that - I own it.

I'm from an island, so I've always been near the water. I don't think I could live somewhere far from the sea.

I grew up feeling from a very young age that what was right was right, no matter if God or my teacher said so.

I've been living, I've lived in New York since I was 18 years old and traveled pretty much all over the world.

I'm even flattered! It's what success is like. I'm happy I seem unreal to them, it means I'm doing a good job.

I meet and talk to women from every corner of this planet, and I can find beauty in each and every one of them.

I was so shy, I couldn't stand up in front of people and speak. Now I'm in the next big three Bollywood movies.

My job involves a lot of sitting on aeroplanes and a lot of walking in high heels! I find yoga helps with both.

If my husband cheated on me and embarrassed me like that, I will embarrass him more than he could ever imagine.

For me, wearing lingerie isn't about anyone else but me. If I dressed for others I would be a miserable person.

In 'Sugar' I'll be singing in every episode and I'll be acting and doing comedy. It's ideal for me if it works.

If it were up to me, I wouldn't have security. But Hef thinks I'm naive. He feels I'm vulnerable to kidnapping.

As a model, you really get to work everywhere in the world. You get a little bit of this, a little bit of that.

Giving my contribution to protect and respect the environment, as well as its inhabitants, makes me feel happy.

Some people explore who they think they might be. Then some people explore who they already are and empower it.

I treat the camera like a person - I gaze into it. Photos are a flat thing, and you need to put life into them.

From the time I started school, it was clear to everyone that I wasn't learning at the same pace as other kids.

The only thing that I can do is know that I have great confidence in raising children and being a great mother.

She [Hillary Clinton] exudes leadership, confidence and - importantly - empathy, compassion, and understanding.

I can't live without knowing I have my extensions and ponytail. So I can run out the door at the drop of a hat.

Wasn't Winston Churchill the first black president of America? There's a statue of him near me... that's black.

I actually can't think of anything worse than being famous... Fame really distorts your perception of yourself.

The people who really know me understand that I have a tough exterior, but I'm actually just a hippie at heart.

If you can mentally see the end of the journey, then your body will physically find a way to achieve that goal.

It's very hard as a tall woman to remove your deliberately pronounced feminine aspects and look more masculine.

I'm really happy to have set the world record for the fastest disabled woman, but I think I can go much faster.

One thing Della Valle taught me is the power to say no if something isn't right. That mattered even over sales.

Of course I want to have a family, but there's a right time for everything. When my time comes, it will happen.

People who read on holiday always have a better time because it's total escapism, both physically and mentally.

Before I go to bed at night, I ice my face, because it closes your pores and makes a difference in the morning.

I didn't want to sit around and wait for someone to discover me, so I created my own self through the Internet.

Since I got a divorce, I have been dating younger guys. But it's just because they're the ones that ask me out.

I love the efficiency of the Internet. If I come across something that I want to share right away, I can do it.

As for restaurants, I'd say I'm always down for Wendy's. A little fry dipping in a Frosty - that's a good deal.

To have produced a product where I had total creative control and see it flourish is like watching a baby grow.

Anywhere in life, for girls there's pressure to keep your weight and to keep yourself feeling and looking good.

We all have abilities. I don't want to be recognized for my disability; I want to be recognized for my ability.

We want to return to an era when we think music was better basically but still infuse it with something modern.

Live honestly to a higher note. Life is too short. So, do the best you can and live your life to a higher note.

I don't believe that fashion should exclude people - I have always been about making it accessible to everyone.

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