I get to go back and ride my horses with all the people that I grew up with because that's really fun for me.

Bella [Hadid] is also very naturally gifted in beauty so she can also go whenever she wants to go to the gym.

I started a trial period a couple of weeks ago as a correspondent for 'Extra,' and now it's become full time.

I have never been a material girl. My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love you back.

To be half-naked for a Greek mythology movie, it's a piece of art. You know, there's nothing vulgar in there.

If you've got five cameras, you're making sure that you're in the right position for each one of the cameras.

I have always loved clothes, and the opportunity to design my own line could not be missed. It's a dream job.

Even if I'm in a movie theatre, I'll touch up an hour into the film because I know I could be a little shiny.

Pageant makeup is so different from your day-to-day look. When you're on stage you really have to pack it on.

Whenever I've speculated in the past relationships, they have never turned out the way I've expected them to.

My New Year's style resolution is to buy and wear more clothing that is handmade by artisans or eco-friendly.

I've always gone after fears and tried to stifle them by doing them. It is daunting, but it's more rewarding.

Striped shirts and printed shorts, jeans, and trousers are all items I buy and wear a lot in my private life.

We should work to guarantee that there is a midwife or health worker by every woman's side during childbirth.

I felt that if others can overcome incredible challenges to be in shape, why would my story be any different?

Well, beauty's in the eye of the beholder... It's all subjective. I'm kind of shy about it, but I'll take it.

If I was as relaxed as what I perceived myself to be, I would not be able to multi-task the way I multi-task.

My goal involves a hammock, a vegetable patch, and a solar-powered house. And I hope to eventually get there.

I like pieces that are cool and simple. I try to wear really cute things, but they just don't suit me at all.

Sometimes I think I am still that 5-year-old girl playing with her dogs in the yard. That's how I see myself.

My mother is Lithuanian Australian, and my father was born in Singapore, but he is Pakistani / Saudi Arabian.

If there was one thing I’d like to teach young women, it would be that you can eat and still be fit and lean.

If there was one thing I'd like to teach young women, it would be that you can eat and still be fit and lean.

I'd rather play an ass-kicking destroyer or a super strong spy or agent than some meek, vulnerable character.

It's hard to see how anyone can fail to care about innocent children and animals being blown up by landmines.

M&S clothes just get better and better, year after year. I'm always begging for stuff from every shoot we do.

Underwear is everything because we all know that if we have on the wrong pair of underwear it ruins your day.

Give love and share happiness with the people around you, and never give up fighting for what you believe in.

I love the truth. Tell the truth and live the truth, because we've seen enough lies and look what it's doing.

I was a young rebel and really just wanted to be tatted with a shaved head. When I did it, I cried for a week.

I feel like I've had so many successes on so many levels, even if it is just my relationships with my friends.

I am called a gold digger all the time. I don't care. There is nothing you can do about what other people say.

I like to keep Valentine's dinner light so you don't crash after and can keep the fun going through the night!

Like anyone else, there are days I feel beautiful and days I don't, and when I don't, I do something about it.

I regret things all the time. I've never regretted not saying something. I've only regretted saying something.

For me, football always meant that we came together as a family and, in the summer we played football outside.

The thing to know is love yourself and find the bathing suits that make you feel comfortable and just rock it.

I'm honored and thrilled to represent such an iconic brand and to be a part of the Maybelline New York family.

This is a profession in which how you look dictates whether or not you get work, so a model has to be healthy.

A camel is a very awkward animal to ride, and it's very hard to get used to because they're not very graceful.

I swear, there is no chemical drug out there that can reproduce the feelings you have of achieving your goals.

I don't flirt. It's disrespectful to your husband. I would never do that. I'm very devoted, and he's the same.

I have a different way of thinking. I think synergistically. I'm not linear in thinking, I'm not very logical.

No choice is the wrong choice as long as you make a choice. The only wrong choice is choosing not to make one.

My first job was for a blue jean company as a sitting model. I posed for 15 minutes and made $50. It was 1976.

We grew up in a very strange world, because my mother was up against it all when she had three black children.

I'd definitely pose nude again. No qualms. I actually had my breasts done again. Just updated, like new tires.

In my business, if you look good, no one is going to be checking up on whether you work out. So it's up to me.

My family has been amazing, and they understand how blessed I am. They've been able to keep my sense of humor.

I don't have feeling in my feet to my fingertips; I also have active lesions in my bone marrow and in my eyes.

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