I always work on my abs, every single day. As Miss Universe, exercising your abdominal muscles is mandatory!

Material Girl is about having your own personal style, and my personal style reflects the brand's aesthetic.

My thighs were huge; they were like rock! Growing up, I was really athletic, and I had a very athletic body.

For the longest time, you just sound like a broken record, but you have to be consistent when teaching kids.

The only rich person is a person who is rich in spirit. I have no money deposit. I have only beauty deposit.

I have no weakness for shoes. I wear very simple shoes which are pump shoes. It is not one of my weaknesses.

My mom, she's a great cook. You know, pirogue, borscht. I love borscht, and I love Pilemeni, meat dumplings.

If you don't wear lipstick, I can't talk to you. You need to have lips - they are important for getting men.

Aside from my modelling, by the early Nineties I was also starting to work as a photographer, which I loved.

It's appalling how much money raised at some charity events gets wasted on paying personnel and admin staff.

I'm in a unique position, reviewing products for a living, as well as having a successful cosmetics company.

The worst person to be in the celebrity Big Brother house with would be Peter Andre - cos I hate his Missus.

Reality TV - I'm not trying to dog it, everybody has their own thing, you know - but I didn't see it for me.

I'm not going to starve just to be thin... I want to enjoy life and I can't if I'm not eating and miserable.

Every single model wants to be in Sports Illustrated, and I feel extremely blessed to have that opportunity.

I think every man should have a pair of boots. They're really sexy. Leather boots, cowboy boots, it depends.

I would never say out loud that I am raising my children alone, but a lot of the time it has felt like that.

I have five siblings, so my mom was always pregnant, and she would wear these dungarees that looked so cool.

I was having a really-early-onset midlife crisis, and then something clicked in an improv class, and I knew.

Think. Learn. Act. The more you know, the better and more educated choices you have the opportunity to make.

Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no', then I find another way to get my 'yes.'

Writing down goals makes you think of what is achievable. It really makes you reflect on what you are today.

Rod's not very good at confrontations; he would rather walk away and avoid something rather than go into it.

I love make-up so much, but I'm a bit rubbish at skincare; I'm really disloyal and never stick to one thing.

MRP offer a fun retail experience, and that's the way the Aussies are. They are so fashionable and on-trend.

I think I regret the impact on everybody. But I think I just maybe could have gone about it in a kinder way.

My hair is like flat baby hair after I wash it, so it needs something in it to get that 'day after' texture.

One of the things that fascinated me about modeling was that you had the freedom to look any way you wanted.

I love going to work out now. It gets out aggression and my trainer really shakes it up so I don't get bored.

I have been lucky enough to work with the world's best designers and top stylists - who have been my mentors.

Sex outdoors is great. I'm not an exhibitionist, but I love the possibility that people might be able to see.

Like most girls, I suffered from pimples, too. I tried dozens of treatments but was never satisfied with any.

The truth is that humans have the potential to be horrific. And I think being conscious of that is important.

I'm a confident woman with thick skin, and as a model in the public eye, I'm conditioned to accept criticism.

I'd like to be known as something more than a girl who goes to lunch with her girl friends and goes shopping.

I treat the camera like a person—I gaze into it. Photos are a flat thing, and you need to put life into them.

I wish my school days could have dragged on a little longer, or that I could go back and do it later in life.

I've started doing yoga and meditation, but I'm not very good at that kind of thing and turning my brain off.

I love curves; I'm all about curves. I don't have many, which is really sad, but I think the more the better.

I got a tattoo saying 'Made in England' above my foot to represent that, that I felt like a doll for so long.

I think it's sexy when someone makes a statement that says, 'This is who I am. This is what I think is sexy.'

You have to find a balance with food in your life - you can't take out food. It can be absolutely terrifying.

I will buy six pieces or so a day and just snack on them. Sometimes I wrap them up in my mini seaweed sheets.

I have an organic garden and love being able to say, 'I'm going to see what I can pick to throw in my salad.'

Everything has to be perfect in my business. Because when there is a mistake I am the one who is responsible.

In this society these days, women are widely accepted in all kinds of cross-gender areas. So yeah, it's time!

I have a hard time finding something that I really enjoy reading, but I read 'The Great Gatsby' every summer.

I think Stella Tennant is amazing. And then I really loved all those '60s society models, like Edie Sedgwick.

I have previously been a very enthusiastic consumer, and I didn't think about the origins of garments enough.

I want to create a lifestyle niche for that cool girl who's really into fashion but not too obsessed with it.

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